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Everything posted by casketchris

  1. i made a new neck scarff 36x36 but im not shure how to tie it, i thought i read a square knot, and if yes how do i tie a square knot...
  2. looks very good sir do you have any better pics of the shoes, thats going to be my project this weekend
  3. ya that was a big oops i remember the call "dude i think i just f**k up my coat"
  4. ya kenny that sound about right
  5. sorry jim im a fast one when its comes to nakedness
  6. or just take them from a local museum
  7. well with my hand sewing i cant help it
  8. my hollywood pirate gear is very aged i used a mix of spray paints coffee sand paper and my greasy mechanic gloves at work kenneth did some powder burns on his jacket right after making it and the damn thing caught on fire as for my new "historica' er looking gear im waiting till its all done that way i only have to get dirty once...
  9. and look jim a naked lady in the pic behind him
  10. that is here in Bakersfield...
  11. no kenny... you cant get one your wife would kill you i think id take my chances with my pistol
  12. are you in your boxers in the first one
  13. ok this is with my new shirt and a neck scarf
  14. co i guess i get to help you cock your hat
  15. looks damn good son
  16. im not a costume nazi so i think it looks damn good
  17. there is no such thing as a $50 barrel
  18. um both?
  19. and steam engines
  20. ok so we have -hand sewn slops -hand sewn shirt -belt and sword hanger -modified naval cutlass -large dagger (not in pic) -haversack -cocked hat -neck scarf -q a pistol
  21. im thinking chili beans and sweet corn bread
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