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Everything posted by casketchris

  1. no offence at all i was just saying that swords can break and make a "bang" noise thats it , there was no deep thought in my comment...
  2. why thank you now that its done its worth it just like the slops
  3. beer now i just got home
  4. Aye me an me Capt were luck enough to meet this fine man and attend a wedding with him (long story)
  5. well they will if their cheap enough sorry i guess i wasnt that funny
  6. Zephaniah i know its not super period but a good cheap fabric that i use is a canvas painters drop cloth for a 9x8 is only like $10 at a lowes or home depot, and they come in much bigger sizes if needed, thats what my guild uses for our captains quarters. not the best pic but you get the point
  7. i dont care what people say about this movie i like it , and it better than alot of "pirate" movies out there (cough Pirates of the Plain cough)
  8. 1. cookies 2. 16million gallons of human waste (im at work today) 3. my wife 4. justin
  9. that damn flag was hard to make... sewing the same pattern on both sides and trying to get them to line up was hell
  10. H2O... at work the city of Bakersfield has a problem with me operating a 25 million gallon a day waste water treatment plant three sheets to the wind
  11. Zephaniah thanks for the comments... mine or yours the only thing that matters is we had the nerve to do it on our own... the one thing that you did that im still trying to decide on is the lace up in the back
  12. Queen Anne will see me through it and if not then the cutlass...
  13. Bakersfield CA
  14. ya... kenny... thanks for... all the... help? all you did was callme bad names for "setting the bar so high"
  15. thanks gof that was the third pair its not that easy altering another patern if you have never done it befor. i have never been more proud of a pair of "pants" in my life next a sailors coat.... i hope...
  16. my first attempt at hand sewing they are based off of patrick hands, they are 100% hand sewn. it took me about 25 hours, i used a alterd crapy not to be named jack sparrow drop front breecher patter. the belt with hanger is also a patrick hand patter based item.
  17. welcome, welcome have a sit and buy a round
  18. For me it would have to be Queen Anne's Revenge
  19. he is the one who told me to tell ya salad
  20. thanks for all the information jill, my wife will be glad to know we can take our "daughter" aka our jack russell kelly
  21. hey jill do you know there policy on dogs?
  22. no you get a salad
  23. The End...
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