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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. I feel Wonderful! We just got back from our first day of land grab at Pennsic. YEAH!! There are no words that can truly describe the atmosphere of being there. It is Magical, Exciting and also Peaceful.
  2. John Boy (from the Walton's)
  3. mmm, Jack Daniels BBQ Sauce.... Grilled Chicken
  4. My Husband's laughter.....he just made my day....
  5. Enjoying my Husband's company. It is Great to hear him lauging so much.
  6. Just cleaned up and put away what was left of dinner. And now I am gonna get me little wee lad ready for his bath.
  7. Pink Squirrels (my Grandmother makes the best)
  8. Lily, dear, I am glad I was able to make you laugh. Oh, and by the way....we are getting more green paint to finish up the other canvas drop cloth....I guess I will be needin' me Lucky Charms...
  9. Aye, Jacky, dear, I am truly only 5' 3" in height although most people do think I appear taller than I really am. And I have red hair wih blue-green eyes. I come a family were on both sides the women range from 5'6" to 6' and the men range from 5'11" to 7'2". There are only three of us in the family that got the short gene.....me mom, me and me cousin, Megan. As to lookin' like an elf....all I can say is that was one of me nicknames in high school. So I will take what you say as a compliment.
  10. You are slap happy Matusalem
  11. As always you have given me a laugh. Add some Kalhua to the Hot Chocolate and you won't even feel your finger become a pin cushion.. I have already had two tummbler's me self of it plus a tummbler of Disaronno. Needless to say, I am very relaxed at the moment.
  12. Petard - n. an ancient cannon or bomb attached to a gate or wall, to blow a hole in it. One of my favorite lines in Hamlet Act III scene iv: Hoist with his own petard A wonderful metaphor for being caught in a trap of one's own making. However in further reading the word petard comes from the french pe'ter, "meaning to fart" and ultimately the Latin pedere which also has the same low meaning.
  13. 1) One thing you ate today vanilla yogurt with fresh blueberries 2) One thing you saw today (big or small) green paint 3) Name of a person you spoke to Dorian 4) Name of a person you thought of but didn't see my grandfather....miss him dearly, I do.
  14. Well at the moment I feel and look like a leprechaun. This afternoon I was painting a 9 x 12 canvas drop cloth green. And since I am petite to begin with being only 5' 3" and a tiny built frame, well from my knees down to my feet I was green. Plus my arms were too. I still am a bit even after a good scrubbing in the shower. I guess my friends in High School were right after all...they always did say I was built and looked like an Elf.
  15. Aye, William, you are definitely a gracious host. And thank you for the scrumptuous meal and glass of wine.
  16. LoL I love that movie..... The Pink Ladies
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