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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Sad at the passing of a great, legendary comedian, George Carlin 1937-2008. As the curtain closes upon this earthly stage, for us there is now only silence. May all the laughter and joy he gave to others give him wings to fly upon the other side. My Deepest Blessings George Carlin, and May the Light of Heaven surround you.
  2. Beyond exhausted. Work has been very busy...which is a wonderfully good thing, but is very tiring. And the wee lad has been sick so I have not slept well for the last 6 days. Ahhh, to sleep, perchance to dream......Zzzzzzz
  3. Thank you William for the link. It was a very interesting read and full of a lot of information too.
  4. Thanks for the site...very cool.
  5. WOW!!! What an absolutely magnificent find. I hope the History channel will do a documentary on this.
  6. That is very interesting Mission. If you have time it would be very thoughtful of you when ever you can to find the quote you spoke of. I really do need to get to the library soon. My fingers are itchin' to get a hold of some books to research through.
  7. okay, i must say WOW! Your accounts that you have written Mission are greatly appreciated. I now have a much clearer understanding on the dilemmas of surgery and medicine at sea. I am now more than ever looking forward to your book that you are writing. You have truly captured my interest. Have you found an estimation on how often those who went through such horrific surgeries actually survived? Just wondering.
  8. Thank you Mission. I will let you know if I am able to get this book through the library. I have been wanting to go to the library for quite some time. But I know it will be an all day event when I go cause once I step in to any where that has a plethora of books I find that all time no longer exists and I am lost in my own little world. Thank you Captain Satan too for your help as well. I will definitely see about finding the book you have suggested. As for your side not on NY, well, hmmm.... The book I am most recently reading on the Black Death by Sean Martin is exceedingly good which is surprising since some books can be very dry in their accounts. I find that the epidemics and pandemics through out history very interesting in how they changed the course in history. And how much the trade sea faring routes in many cases were the carriers of diseases from one port to the next. It is surprising therefore, that as you mentioned, Mission, that there is not a lot of information on the medicine and surgery at sea. Thanks again. I am looking forward to hunting down all the books every one has suggested.
  9. The sweet melodious sound of the birds singing, with the warm rich sound of church bells in the background tolling the hour.
  10. A nice cup of rich, smooth Jamaican coffee.
  11. Thanks Red Maria for the list of books. I have been wanting to go to the library. I will be sure to write these down on my list to look up books. Hurricane, thanks too. What an awesome site. It will keep me busy for awhile.
  12. I have recently begun to study lighthouses and their use through out history. I have been trying to research specifically their time of use during the GAOP era. The only thing I have found so far is "The first lighthouse in America was Boston Light on Little Brewster Island (1716)", which is not quite correct. I was hoping to find specific lighthouses that were famous for the time of the GAOP. Does any one have any information concerning this quest? I realize lighthouses have a wide range of history dating back to ancient times so I hope this does not interfere with my specific quest in researching the GAOP era.
  13. Right now I am reading a book on the Black Death by Sean Martin. So far it is a very good read not dry like some books. I have another book I am hoping to tackle called "Disease, The Extraordinary Stories Behind History's Deadliest Killers" by Mary Dobson Thank you Mission for your excerpt that you posted. I enjoyed reading it and hope that I can maybe find the book you referred to. Coastie, the Spanish Influenza of 1918 is another pandemic that I have been wanting to read up on. I find it very interesting how quickly it decimated the population in such a short time span. Here is a brief excerpt that I found on one of the websites: " The influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 killed more people than the Great War, known today as World War I (WWI), at somewhere between 20 and 40 million people. It has been cited as the most devastating epidemic in recorded world history. More people died of influenza in a single year than in four-years of the Black Death Bubonic Plague from 1347 to 1351. Known as "Spanish Flu" or "La Grippe" the influenza of 1918-1919 was a global disaster."
  14. The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. Anne Frank
  15. Wishin' that the water I was drinkin' was a Pina Colada
  16. BriarRose turned away from the two women and continued to unpack their belongings. She was a bit upset by the loss of Mandrake, but realized it was for the best. She had more important things to concentrate on at the moment. As she was unpacking a trunk of books, she felt Maeve’s hand upon her shoulder. “I am sorry Briar for needing to let Mandrake go.” Briar turned to her friend and spoke, “It tis alright Meaeve. Perhaps once we reach our new destination I can find me another pet.” Smiling now with a mischievous glint in her blue eyes she continued, “You never know, mayhaps next time it will be a monkey.” Maeve laughed at her friend knowing full well Briar’s dislike for such filthy creatures. With that, BriarRose laughed also as she turned to stack the books neatly upon a wooden shelf
  17. You can chase a butterfly all over the field and never catch it. But if you sit quietly in the grass it will come and sit on your shoulder. Author Unknown
  18. Waiting for me first patient of the day. Gonna be a busy one. I am booked back to back today.
  19. The sweet melodious sound of a waterfall.
  20. BriarRose arrived at the docks with a few more belongings in tow. Miss Smith had been waiting for her arrival and quickly escorted her through the crowd of people upon the docks. BriarRose had very little time to look about her as she was taken aboard and further escorted to the surgeon’s quarters. Thanking Miss Smith, BriarRose entered through the surgeon’s door to see Maeve bandaging Miss Tribbiani’s hand. Placing the packages down she greeted Maeve and her patient. “Hello, Maeve, Miss Tribbiani.” She continued, “Is there any thing you need me to do for you Maeve?”
  21. Looks like rain again today....
  22. Looking forward to the weekend....glad it is over the hump day.
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