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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Interesting, never had lemon flavored beer before. I like a good strawberry beer every once in awhile.
  2. Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. " 'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door; Only this, and nothing more." Edgar Allen Poe, 1st Stanza of The Raven (and to think he was gonna use a parrot instead )
  3. I was thinking on my mother today and our Native American Heritage so I thought I would post a couple of Native American quotes. "When it comes time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song, and die like a hero going home." - Chief Aupumut (1725), Mohican. "I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself." - Lone Man (Isna-la-wica), Teton Sioux Never criticize a man until you've walked a mile in his moccasins ~Unknown Wisdom comes only when you stop looking for it and start living the life the Creator intended for you. ~Hopi
  4. To walk in a garden of flowers is truly Heaven on Earth.
  5. 1) One thing you ate today a small bowl of frosted mini wheats 2) One thing you saw today (big or small) baby spiders 3) Name of a person you spoke to my wee lad 4) Name of a person you thought of but didn't see Mia
  6. Cleaning with the wee lad's help of course.
  7. Extra strong Cinnamon-Hazelnut Coffee.....absolutley Wonderful.
  8. Just got back from the day at the park with the wee lad. He had a wonderful time as did I. And it was such a beautiful day to be outside. Sliding down the slides was absolutely FUN. It was like being a kid today all over again. So now I am relaxing.......taking a moment to breath from the day of fun.
  9. The sound of my son's Curious George Choo Choo Train.....
  10. Kitty Cats....what would we do with out them...it would be very sad indeed.
  11. Ah, Hugs to Every One. If only I could set up me table some where I would give ye all a good massage to make ya feel better. I will send Every One Happy Thoughts, Love and Light. Blessings.
  12. Thank you so much Cheeky for your thoughtful words. Right now at the moment I am at peace.
  13. “Dreams are like the paints of a great artist. Your dreams are your paints, the world is your canvas. Believing, is the brush that converts your dreams into a masterpiece of reality.” author unknown “To love means loving the unlovable. To forgive means pardoning the unpardonable. Faith means believing the unbelievable. Hope means hoping when everything seems hopeless.” G. K. Chesterton
  14. Wrong...just so Wrong..... But very funny. Thanks for the laugh Dorian, dear....
  15. Thanks Lily. I am glad you liked the pics. And I will be keeping my babies, they are wonderful and each one is unique in his or her personality. So Keith won't have to worry about you taking them.
  16. Okay as I had promised Haunting Lily some time ago...here are some pictures of all of our furry faces...... This is Kismet aka Babydoll. She is the Queen Bee of the group. This is Marshmellow aka Angel. She is the Mama Kitty of all. This is Pandora aka Puddin' Pie. She is our mischevious kitty. This is Kokopeli aka the Pooka. He is our clown kitty. This is Romeo aka TeddyBear. He is our lover boy. (He would hold a flashlight for a burgler just as long as he was being petted) This is Willow aka Samhain. He is my baby boy and is a one person cat. Dorian thinks he is a freak. And this is Lucy aka Lucia. This is our outside kitty that adopted us last December. Unfortunately I have not been able yet capture our Ghost Cat aka Jasper on film. He is playful and can often be seen or heard. He is loveable cat that often sleeps with us. For a description he has black short hair and gold eyes. Well Lily I hope you enjoy the pictures of all of our furry faces.
  17. "Death--- the last sleep? No the final awakening." Walter Scott "Today is a good day to die." quote from Little Big Man "Did I play my role well? If so, then applause, because the comedy is finished!" Roman Emperor Augustus "Let us pass over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees." Stonewall Jackson
  18. BriarRose had slept later than usual. After checking in on Preston and getting him something to eat as well as another dose of medicine, she began to clean the rooms through out the chirgeon's house. As she swept, dusted and polished every thing she could, BriarRose hummed and sang to while away the time as she cleaned. Her voice was very soft and melodious as she carried on from one song to the next. Mandrake followed his new mistress from room to room watching her movements and every once in awhile jumping in to play with the rag she was using. BriarRose laughed at his antics as she continued to clean. From a distance she could hear the church bells tolling the hour. Standing up and stretching, BriarRose looked about the room. She was very pleased with her work. The house smelled of lemon and beeswax. And everything seems to sparkle and shine. "Well, I think we deserve a spot of tea. Don't you agree?" she asked Mandrake. His big gold-green eyes blinked back at her as he answered her with a tiny "Meow" Laughing she scooped him up in to her arms and went in to the kitchen to prepare tea and biscuits for her and Preston. Setting out a small saucer of milk for the kitten she stoked up the fire and put a kettle of water on to boil. As she prepared the tea and biscuits she also began to prepare the evenings dinner. She was anxious for Maeve to return. BriarRose hoped that Maeve had found her passage on a ship. She wished now that she had not forgotten to ask Captain Lasseter when he had stayed for dinner. But she had been so caught up with his stories and the warm tone of his voice that she had forgotten. A knock at the front door interrupted her thoughts.
  19. We watched Curse of the Golden Flower last night. I had been wanting to see it due to the martial arts that were raved about in the movie. I must honestly say, I was very disappointed. The movie had a lot of wholes in it that you had to kind of figure out for yourself. And it was very slow and drawn out as well. I was disappointed too in the lack of martial arts that was not used with in the movie. The costuming, decor and setting though were absolutely wonderful. I can only describe the movie as a true Shakespearian Tragedy Asian Style. And I must admit that I like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon much better than The Curse of the Golden Flower.
  20. Well our wee lad just saw the kitten's picture and he is absolutely enraptured over the wee bit of fluff.
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