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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Dance, DAnce....DANCING
  2. From The Rime of the Acient Mariner The moving Moon went up the sky. And nowhere did abide; Softly she was going up, And a star or two beside- By Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) I saw the new moon late yestreen, Wi' the auld moon in her arm: And if ye gang to sea, maister, I fear we'll suffer harm. From the anonymous Scottish ballad Sir Patrick Spens
  3. Dark Side of the Moon
  4. I used the last of me Ciinamon Hazelnut Coffee today....sad, very sad indeed. Gonna have to go gets me some more. It is my latest addiction. Right now I am drinking some homemade sweet ice tea. And later I am gonna have a cup of hot cacao.
  5. Strawberry Twizzlers (me Hubby surprised me last night and got me a pack...Yummy)
  6. There are no words I can give to comfort you dear Lady. All I can give you is a Hug. Hugs to you and may you feel better. Here is some icecream and a Teddy Bear to make you smile.
  7. OOhh, that sounds soooo good. I am still trying to decide what ta eat.....can't make up me mind what me tummy wants.
  8. Okay...I am gonna list the movies I can think of right now off the top of me head. I am sure I will be adding to the list. Jaws Jurassic Park Ghost in the Darkness Lost Boys (campy but fun) Dracula Heavy Metal Escape to Witch Mountain Sleepy Hollow From Hell Practical Magic Notting Hill Sense and Sensability American Graffeti All of the Pyrate movies of course Indian Jones Movies Cary Grant Movies especially Arsenic and Old Lace The Bishop's Wife Heidi The Little Princess The Wizard of Oz All of the John Wayne Cowboy Movies especially Big Jake McClintock True Grit The Angel and the Bad Man The Sons of Katie Elder The Quiet Man Gettysburg Count of Monte Cristo James Bond Movies Tombstone The Quick and the Dead Musicals: On a Clear Day My Fair Lady The Sound of Music The King and I Grease Brigadoon The South Pacific Well I know there are more...but I gots to think a bit more before I can add them to me list.
  9. The Love of me wee lad. I can never get enough of his kisses.
  10. Thinking about the day ahead. Hmmm, and what to write next with the piece I am working on. More research.....yep, need to do some more research.
  11. It's another beautiful autumn day. Looking forward to enjoying the sunshine and cool crisp air. I love this time of year with all of its beauty and majesty. Happy, Content, Frisky.
  12. A Pyrate that enjoys having fun and playing.
  13. Snuggling on the couch with me wee lad having a nice hot cup of Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee.....yum...
  14. HAPPY! Snuggling with my wee lad on the couch watching Sleepy Hollow (the cartoon version).
  15. Enjoying life, having fun especially with those you care about.
  16. Warm eyes that get stormy with passion and sparkle with mischief
  17. Ooh, there are lots of things I like in a Pyrate......
  18. Still thinkin'
  19. "We Are Family"......to my friends who are truly family to me.
  20. It is amazing when you take a break form doing something and when you go back to it you truly realize how much you have missed it and how good you truly are at it.
  21. chips and salsa...yum! Lucky and Scratchy Renea, Francis, Kerri and Mary some one special
  22. Hmm, I'm thinkin' of a snack....now what do I want? Somethin' to nibble on perhaps?
  23. Ah, but Patrick, bein' good can be half the fun.
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