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BriarRose Kildare

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Everything posted by BriarRose Kildare

  1. Just finished making me wee lad's costume for tomorrow. I can't wait to see him in it. And now I am taking a moment to relax. Hmm, perhaps I'll get a cup of tea.
  2. Hmm, a Pyrate that knows what he wants and takes you.....mmm, well...I won't say any more than that.
  3. Those two are absolutely beyond adorable. How cute!!! Emmett looks like a sweetie pie. Hmmmm, that is the one color I don't have in our collection of cats....Hmmm..... Congratulations on both of your new additions to the family.
  4. Aye be careful on dancing on the grave....although I did see a movie a long time ago where the family members all took turns pissing on the person's grave. However, perhaps you should just have a drink over her grave as good ridance. ?? (If you are wondering about grave dancing...it is very taboo, and the person supposedly comes back to haunt ya. Oh and if you find that she is just too ornery to move on well I can help you with that so don't hesitate to ask.) You did make me laugh cause there is one person left in the family that a lot of the relations would throw a party at her death...not a wake, but a party in celebration for the person finally taking the voyage to the other side. Now me father's family...well they know how to have an honest Irish wake. LOL
  5. Ooh on such a beautiful crisp autumn day I am enjoying a nice hot cup of black coffee that I brewed with cinnamon and ginger.
  6. Oh I love to be in a good fencing match. And depending who be fencing, watching a good match as well.
  7. I hope you are feeling better Christine. Have you tried some zicam...it does really work.
  8. Hmm, Graydog, I be agreein' with ya....or perhaps it is from Gettysburgh??
  9. BriarRose had tried her best to put the young lass at ease. She could tell that the young woman was in a hurry to leave. Working diligently she had Murin soak her ankle and foot. Instead of pasting on the poultice she found a jar and placed the contents in to it. Taking another bottle she measured out some vinegar. Turning she looked at the young lass nervously sipping her tea and quietly munching on a biscuit. Smiling BriarRose said, "Ah, I can see that you are in a hurry. So I will not prolong your agony any longer only if you promise to follow my instructions later today." Murin nodded and said, "Aye, Miss." "Tonight before you go to bed I want you to mix this vinegar with the poultice I have prepared for you. Spread it evenly over your foot and ankle and then take a stocking or bit of cloth and wrap it up for the night. Now remember you must stay off of your feet while the poultice is working. In the morning, gently remove the material and rinse in cool water. After drying off your foot and ankle for the next several days in the morning and in the evening place this ointment on it. Also, I can see your hand is in need of a bit of healing too. So you can use some of the poultice and do the same with your hand as I have instructed with your foot and ankle. You may also use the ointment on your hand as well. If you follow my instructions your foot, ankle and hand will be well with in three days." Blinking Murin looked at her as BriarRose continued, "Next I have prepared a mixture to be put in with some weak tea. It will help the discomfort as well as help you sleep. Now I must insist that you do take it because it will also help aid in your healing." Bending down, BriarRose took Murin's foot out of the soak and dried it off. "Good a lot of the swelling has already gone down. How does it feel?" Murin looked down at her foot and ankle and said, "Aye, Miss, it feels much bet'er it does. Ow' much do I owe ye?" BriarRose could tell the young woman was proud and would not accept no charge as an answer so she replied, "Well, how about we say what ever you see it worth your cost?" "Thank ye Miss." Murin said as she finished up the last of her tea. She quickly donned her stocking and shoe back on to her person. Pulling out a pouch of coins she placed a fair sum upon the table. "Be well and have a good day." BriarRose said as she held out her hand. Murin took her hand and shook it soundly as she said,"Thank ye a gain'." Picking up the contents BriarRose had wrapped up for her she turned and went out to the main entrance and left the shop.
  10. Finding Nemo Clown Fish
  11. Just finally ate...had leftovers from last night's dinner....Beef Tips marinated in Italian dressing stir fried with chives, garlic, red, yellow and green peppers. Mashed Potatoes and Spinach Noodles on the side. Lucky Renea sigh** Mussie again.
  12. A continuation for all ye Halloween Lover's "Bad Moon Rising" "Ghost Riders In The Sky" "Ghostbusters" "Witchy Woman" "Mary Jane's Last Dance"
  13. Still feelin' Frisky like a Kitten......
  14. Hmmm, a Chocolate covered Pyrate. Now that sounds interesting. It let's one's imagination run absolutely Wild. Well, you know you have Pyrate's on the brain when you go in to a video store and all the movies you look at are about Pyrates.
  15. Mmm, Silkie you have the right idea...a nice cup of coffee with either a splash of Irish Cream or Kahlua.. That sounds oh sooo delicious.
  16. The instinctive act of humankind was to stand and listen, and learn how the trees on the right and the trees on the left wailed or chaunted to each other in the regular antiphonies of a cathedral choir; how hedges and other shapes to leeward then caught the note, lowering it to the tenderest sob; and how the hurrying gust then plunged into the south, to be heard no more. Thomas Hardy God is in my head, but the devil is in my pants. Jonathan Winters Evil comes to all us men of imagination wearing as its mask all the virtues. William Butler Yeats Do not remove a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet. Chinese Proverb
  17. Leftovers from last night's dinner. Beef Tips marinated in Italian dressing, stirred fried with chives, garlic, red, green and yellow peppers. With a side of Mashed Potatoes and Spinach Noodles. With Home made Sweet Tea to drink.
  18. Hmmm, not me....I enjoy havin' "FUN"
  19. "There are mysteries which men can only guess at, which age by age they may solve only in part." Bram Stoker Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds, which I should first break through, and pour a torrent of light into our dark world. Mary Shelley There was something awesome in the thought of the solitary mortal standing by the open window and summoning in from the gloom outside the spirits of the nether world. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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