Arrrg. Well I don't know how ta link to a Photobucket album so heres another site ta try-
Site where me photos be at.
When the page comes up, click on members, an follow me name till ya gets to my page. The photos will come up as a slide show on the left side.
This be an example of wot a local handydude could be makin' in his backyard wi' a minimun 'o supplies, manpower an time. Reguardless if ye go wi' "stitch an glue ply" or "steamed white oak planks" a model will be helping ye understand the shapes involved. I gots this idea after lookin' at the "Beer Bards Brigantine Sabot". Search 'em up, they gots a very detailed site on building their craft. Decided that their alteration of an existing 8 foot plan was a wee bit too small, an that any thing over 12-14 feet would be too much fer one man ta muscle around on a trailer. Renn faire accurate only