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Cpt. Alva

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Everything posted by Cpt. Alva

  1. my mistake, the Darkhawk is only 8 cargo.....but still..... and I'll look into which crewe does that.....I can't remember offhand.....
  2. I don't wanna be cliche, but it IS a decent design.... Savvy? Oh, and Phillip Black: I've got an ENORMOUS Book Collection......that's a small stack that wouldn't fit on the shelves behind me..... gimme a couple days, and I'll take some pictures......
  3. Capt. Sterling, as much as I would LOVE to get in on a Justaucorps project, priorities take precedence, and I'm in bad need of breeches or slops..... pants before coats.....I need something to keep me legs covered.....especially with scurvy setting in, I don't want people to be seein' me legs bowing.....
  4. could said bundles be sails, or sailcloth?
  5. Yeah, I remember those auctions......horrible frenzy.......I've researched it, and it isn't too hard to put Jack's costume together, there's nothing on there that's impossible to find.......and with Convention costumers trying their hardest to turn a buck, many elements are getting easier......though, some still want outrageous amounts...... I'm glad they haven't affected the Antique Liquor Bottle and Trade Bead market much though.....I collect 'em, and wouldn't want to have to pay more than I already am, for some of the more desirable styles......I think that's more to do with the fact that the PRIMARY POTC fan is 14 year old girls, who lack disposable income that someone with a College Education, and a career in their field pulls in......though, there are fans of every description, and I don't knock 'em..... Can't wait to see your pics......I've always wanted a full costume from a film....either an accurate reproduction, or the real thing.......and I have a VERY big place in my heart for Smee......I've loved the story since I was a kid, and he is without a doubt one of my favorite fictional pirates....... I love films, but I also love re-enacting, and I TRY to keep them separate......while I can find pieces for any film costume I might need, at a Living History Event, when I get home, I keep things separate......I'm making a Jack costume......I will never wear it at an event though, it's for my pirate bar......and won't even fit me anyway, because I'm a lot more rotund than Johnny Depp.........I put on weight when I quit smoking, and I love to drink.......so, things probably won't change anytime soon....though I do want to lose the weight I put on when I quit......
  6. We had to learn about her when I was in grade school, and ever since then, I was scared to go around Witchduck, because I was afraid of her ghost..........nice to learn she was exonerated......... I'm glad that religious leaders on the area didn't attempt to stop it.........
  7. I may do shoes eventually, but I have too much money tied up in my boots to just toss 'em out because they're not accurate to seafarers.....
  8. I absolutely love how so many people claim Blackbeard as their own..... Bristol claims him because he was born there North Carolina claims him because he died there Virginia Claims him because he lived there he truly is a worldly pirate!
  9. Cordingly wrote in "Under the Black Flag" that a man would be forced to place a finger into a hole in a heavy block of wood.......then wedges would be driven into the hole (And the finger) until it swelled up and he'd be forced to carry the block for several hours..........one could easily lose a finger or hand in such a way......... you don't miss 'em until they're gone.......I sliced one of my thumbs off once......thank goodness for modern surgery........or I might be "Nine Fingers" Alva, instead of "Eats People" Alva........ As far as the wet rope thing goes, it works....but there's a similar torture, that can be done with strips of wet rawhide......not so much a pirate torture as a Native American one, but inventive nonetheless...... they'd wrap a person, mummy-style in strips of wet rawhide, then stake him out in the sun.......as the hide dried, it would TIGHTEN around the person, squeezing them from all sides......victims often suffocated.....
  10. I spent me childhood in Virginia Beach, and am looking to make my way out to the coast again eventually...... If'n I make it out there in the coming years, I plan to join up.........anything I should know beforehand?
  11. indeed!, it's quite good warm..... its' best to just drain you can of coca cola into a coffee pot, and heat that, then pour it over the rum.......I never recommend putting rum near a fire...... the first time I ever had it, it was Labor Day Weekend, and I was sitting in the cold.....one of the other campers (it was at an event) came by, and as is custom, passed around his jug......I wasn't in the mood for drink at the time, but he insisted, that it would 'warm me up'....I took a swig, and refused to give it back, until I had the recipe!
  12. It's quite simple, m'dear........it is gone either because the crew drank it all, or because it evaporated......either way, there's hell to pay! apparently it's also flammable, but I'd shoot any woman who burned my rum....fair warning...... there's a rumor that I'm a cannibal........that's usually enough to keep 'em away from me rum! of course, that's just a *urrrrp* rumor.........
  13. oh, it is, it is..... I have a crewmember who allows me to fill a ship with crew, for no cost.....just so long as the total value of the crew doesn't exceed the capacity of the ship, or the cost of said ship....... put him on the Darkhawk II, and you can totally load it down with 'free' pirates!, then transfer 'em to other ships after the game starts! Darkhawk II has an ENORMOUS cargo hold (10!), fantastic ship...... though, I MUST have a Guichuan!
  14. so, hurricane, any chance you'll post pics of Smee's stuff? and if you don't mind, how'd ya come across it? (I'm guessing you worked on the film?) I'd also like to see Hook's garb, ESPECIALLY the black "Travelling Coat" and hat.......
  15. Okay, everybody's got a favorite do-rag, bandana, etc., the one they love above all others....for some, it might be a simple piece of cloth, to keep sweat out of your eyes, while tying off a line, for others, though, it might just be something more........ mine has a story......my dad bought it......it's silk, and pretty light.....it absorbs sweat pretty well, and the print is very nice....... how I came to posess it, however, is that, I basically ruined it........ I made the mistake of washing it, and the colors weren't colorfast......and they ran.........I also have a rather large head, so I stretched it out........ but I love it anyway, and continue to wear it......... here's a picture: Yes, that is the Great Illustrated Classics version of Treasure Island on the floor, it's only there because I don't believe in throwing away books (even bad ones), my LEATHERBOUND copy of the full text is on the shelf behind where this picture was taken........
  16. Can't afford anything at the moment, but it's all nice stuff..... I saved all the pictures for future reference, though..... nice that they're complete costumes
  17. Sending pictures is easy: create an account at photobucket.com, upload your pictures, and then cut and paste the code that starts with
  18. Don't get me wrong, I see no disrespect, By all means, buy what you like......if you wanna kit yourself out in patterns, and weapons from a specific, rigid dateline, by all means...... but by that same token, not all of us can afford to do that......most of us use what we get........I have a decent set of leather boots, they're not specific to any period, and I enjoy them...... I can understand that this is a period that causes much confusion, as it IS a transitional period in fashion.......not to mention, the aforementioned "Costume Pirates", and those who want to be Jack Sparrow, instead of inventing their own Living History Persona........ But, a tomahawk is a good boarding axe, I don't need something that was specifically CALLED A Boarding axe, I just need a good throwing hatchet, which mine serves........it's a small, round-eyed hatchet, that weighs next to nothing.......and serves well.........the handles are quite hard to find, but that's my only complaint.......though, few others would be able to throw it, if I gave it to them, because it IS so light....... If I came off as one who was trying to be disparaging to others, then I apologize, never was that my intent........ as for the Loyalist Boarding Axes, I'm not a Loyalist to Loyalist arms, as such, I have no real opinion, an axe is an axe.........if it cuts, and throws well, that's all the use I have for it........I don't get hung up on styles...... if anybody's interested, my Tomahawk is was made by a smith in Pennsylvania called "Fedderman", it has a "F" Stamp on the back, and apparently they're rare and somewhat collectible......the man who sold it to me told me I was getting a great deal on it......I bought it around the age of 14, for about $20
  19. South Australia is one of my all-time favorites...... my brother recently moved to NSW, from Ohio, and any time I hear the old sea dogs at camp sing it, it just makes me so happy!
  20. If ye've never heard of 'em, I suggest ye give a listen to their version of "Drunken Sailor", as well as "Captain Kidd" ye'll be tappin' yer toes in no time!, those of ye that still have toes, that is........you can also bang yer peg on the deck, if ye be afflicted by that particular infirmity.........
  21. I've never even SEEN a pack of South China Seas.......pity......looked like a good set.....they just never showed up in my area....... though, my brother got the Guichuan (10-Masted Ghost Ship) in the mail the other day....... now I want one, but it's only one per household........boo......
  22. I have a tomahawk, it has never failed to find its mark, and until the head flies off during a braining, it suits me just fine....... I see no real reason to buy a 'boarding axe' which is just slightly bigger, when I have a perfectly servicable tomahawk (that it would seem, only I can throw, due to the weight).... though, I do go through quite a few handles...... also, if you get hung up on dates, then its my opinion, you're taking things WAY too seriously....some of us can't afford to kit ourselves out in matching dates right from the start.....I only JUST started the pirate thing......as you can see by the fact that I don't even have a decent set of breeches yet....... I see a 1742 sword, I don't think "Oh, how inaccurate", I think "Wow, Nice Sword" at least its better than some of these cheesy wallhanger fantasy swords I see people carrying.........
  23. Okay, so it's not historically accurate, but it's so good, I'm sure anybody who tries it will forgive me of that slight...... Mix Equal Parts Coca Cola and Dark Rum (Or adjust to taste.......I usually do more cola than rum, just because I like the sweet side of things), then add cinnamon to taste....... if mixed right, your tastebuds will be fooled......it will taste like apple pie! it's REALLY good.........
  24. I'm interested...... I need a Rackham style flag, my custom Roger, and the East India Company Flag........all in cotton, or another appropriate material (I do NOT want nylon, or any 'artificial' fiber) name yer terms
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