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Cpt. Alva

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Everything posted by Cpt. Alva

  1. got a bosun's whistle yesterday and am eager to learn how to blow orders on it....... anybody got one?, and can give me some pointers about hand positions, and tuning it for the right pitch? and yes, I'm aware that most of what I just posted could easily be construed as a massive double-entendre, but I assure you there's no double meaning.....
  2. Disney World still has the Swiss Family Tree House, so why'd they have to change ours? I'll be curious to see what happens many years down the road when the Pirates movies become old news. They'll be having to change things again. Well, I don't know why the one at WDW is still the Swiss Family tree, I don't make the creative decisions, I'm just going with what I've heard...... and yeah, they may have to change it to something else later down the road, but that's the nature of the beast.......continuously evolving...... as far as reading?, I'm 26, hardly a 'kid' nowadays, but I taught myself to read at 4, and read at a 9th grade level in the 4th grade, and still read a lot........I'm well-versed in the classics, and just got done reading a marathon load of books by the likes of RL Stevenson, ER Burroughs, and JM Barrie.......
  3. I can see both sides of this, and while I sympathise with those who love the classic rides, the simple fact of the matter is this: The Swiss Family Robinson isn't relevant, because the movie/show hasn't been seen in ages.........Tarzan is still new, and relevant (as a disney property), and so, familiarity dictates the name change.... Swiss Family Robinson doesn't rake in the dough, Tarzan does......so, out with the SWR, in with Tarzan...... as for Pirates of the Caribbean, we should've seen this coming.....but it doesn't bother me as much as it seems to bother others.....though, the Tom Sawyer Island thing?, we don't need more POTC...... now, as for "Why not build new"?, there's no room at Disneyland, which, is quite small compared to WDW.........and why have two, or three POTC rides?, that doesn't make sense...... people who saw the movie, want to see the characters from the movie.......going through a ride called "pirates of the caribbean" and not seeing any familiar characters just ain't gonna keep people coming in..... the movie's success renewed interest in the ride, but not enough to keep people coming back without incentive.....it's an evolving thing, the whole park is......Walt never wanted things to stay the same forever.....even if we did.....
  4. I found a couple today, for cheap.....should've bought 'em, they were huge...... they weren't silk (they were that synthetic that looks silk), but still nice......
  5. I'm 26, not quite over it....... and I'm sure there are reasons, even later in life, to get completely hammered..... not everybody has those reasons, but the arguement could be made that we don't need to drink at all....... and Cruzan is a good, sweet rum.....err....wench punch.......
  6. bear in mind, people here have mixed feelings about the company.......most people here are partial to "Loyalist Arms"..... I don't have any preference at the moment, but that could change once I finally have the money for the piece I've been eyeing, and have it in my hands.......
  7. I, too have that project on the burner......will probably get it done sometime this winter.......
  8. I buckle my swash just fine......It's this damn Buccan I can't fasten to my eers.....
  9. Pete, I had it dated around the Colonial era as well, but couldn't find any pictoral, or conclusive evidence.....just a lot of people calling it a "Colonial Horn Mug" in any case, Colonial era is a little late for our era, so that's that.......at least until we can date one to 1720........
  10. try to look up "Williamsburg Pewter" to find some pictures of american examples
  11. in researching Early American, and British Pewter, one thing has stood out to me..... the shape......most American Tankards, and Mugs were STRAIGHT SIDED, with very little decoration......so far, my design is right out.......fair enough..... Most British ones, were pear-shaped........probably to go along with matching teapots........
  12. Could you post a link to the website? edit: nevermind
  13. you need some iron hooks, or barbells for the end.....then it'll be a nice proper 'motivational tool'......
  14. good stuff, my brother and I got a good laugh out of it....
  15. Real Alcohol is Bacardi 151.....or rather, that's pretty much pure alcohol.... and if it don't burn, it ain't good....... I was considering sugary alcohol, as I was eating my breakfast today.....a bowl of "Two Captains" (That would be Cap'n Crunch, and Captain Morgan's)..... it's not for me........ on a serious note, Rum doesn't burn me anymore......perhaps I am developing a tolerance.....which isn't good.....because now it will cost me more when I really wanna get wrecked.........
  16. Nah, Alva: Remember what Mary Poppins said: "Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down!" Cheers, Hester Rum is Rum, and Medicine is Medicine...... Rum is made from Sugar Molasses, were it meant to taste like sugar, it would've stayed Molasses..... it's like a butterfly........once it undergoes it's metamorphosis, you don't go tryin' to stuff it back in its cocoon....... Mary Poppins was the devil....ain't no good ever come out of some trollop galavanting through the sky with an umbrella......there's witchery afoot, I can smell it!
  17. Flowers are not treasure under any circumstances, unless said flowers are made out of gold. The only thing a pirate gives is a bludgerin, or lice......
  18. that thing is absolutely gorgeous.....less a bandana, more a work of frameable art!
  19. I actually agree......and while my formal training is in graphic design, I tried to keep it simple, but still maintain a degree of artistry...... I kept familiar sigils in the initials, and the hourglass and skull, but I wanted my own twist, in the spider, and the color scheme (red and black was used, just not as often as black and white) I tried not to keep it too 'busy', and it's a fine balance........but then, you're the flag guy..... I just want a flag so unique that when it is flown, people can point to it and say "That's Captain Alva", when I'm camping....... it could be worse, it could've had Frankenstein fighting Chewbacca on it.....
  20. I ain't got a problem with chick drinks, save for one fact: Alcohol ain't s'posed to taste good! I don't drink for the taste, I drink to get good 'n' faced......
  21. I was bitten by a spider this past summer, and it was a nasty affair....I figured if they can do that to a man, then their reputation is deserved, and they could strike fear into a man..... when I looked for one for my sigil, I noticed the abdomen and thorax made a skull shape, and so it worked perfectly (the original design had a skull in the spider's pincers) I thought about using a crab instead, as it's more nautical, but I think the spider works better...... I have a modified one with a crescent moon between the pincers.....
  22. That's not rum, that's "Wench Punch" Rum TASTES like rum........
  23. As a General rule of thumb, I refuse to read anything regarding a work, or body of works that was not written, or authorized by the original author........ therefore, to me, Treasure Island stands alone, and no other works, not written or approved by Stevenson count as 'canon', since he wrote no sequels himself, it can be assumed that if you have an unabridged copy of "Treasure Island" then you have the "Whole Story" as it were....... I have had the same debate regarding the current spate of novels attempting to expand upon the "Peter Pan" Mythos, on another piracy board........ sorry I can't be of any more help than that, but if you can't enjoy the work as it is, and thirst to delve further into a work that wasn't meant to have any deeper meaning, or explanation, then I'm the wrong man to help..... also, you misspelled "Gentlemen" in the website's URL
  24. I have the last solid-bottomed "Horn Mug" on earth, it would seem.....(Not really, but it seems that way, I rarely see my style anymore) what I mean is this...... This is my mug: This is the BOTTOM of my mug I bought it about a decade ago......it's a great mug, and I love it......but shortly after I bought it, they disappeared from the market.....but only temporarily..... the reason, was because they re-tooled the molds, because the design used too much pewter......so they hollowed it, and all new ones look like this: I love my big, heavy, solid-bottomed mug......it's nice to know that if I ever need to kill a man with a cup, I have one equal to the task!
  25. Way ahead of you Cap!, I will be buying the patterns and fabric as soon as finances allow!, I found the site when I first came here, and knew immediately that they were the patterns for me! and then, again as finances allow, I will buy a coat pattern and fabric..... Oh, also, if I join up with your crew, I know how to operate guns!
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