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Capn Bloody Sam Rackham

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Everything posted by Capn Bloody Sam Rackham

  1. 'Appy Berthday, Missy!
  2. I be flyin' colors e'ery day, mate!
  3. 'Appy Berthday, mate!
  4. Huzzah! Rally a success! See th' link below! http://www.wtvm.com/Global/story.asp?S=14765105
  5. I be another interested Georgian. Aye, pictures would help.
  6. Calling out to the Brotherhood: This Saturday, May 28th, the Civil War Museum at Port Columbus, GA is holding a support rally. This venue is not only a great educational source, but also the site for the annual Southern Pirate Festival which is dear to many of us. The city of Columbus is proposing a 70% budget cut which will, in effect, shut the museum down. Those of us in The Cursed Few, that are able to, will be going out in garb to show our support. Please consider joining us in the effort to save this Georgia jewel.. HOIST THE COLORS!!!
  7. Welcome back, Luv.
  8. Welcome aboard, mate!
  9. Gongrats, mate! A wondrous achievement, indeed! May th' wind be in yer sails, mate!
  10. Commodore, I just copied an' pasted to a word doc. Can ye use that?
  11. 'Appy Berthday, Missy!
  12. That is a sweet blade! Nice work!
  13. Welcome aboard, mate. Ye mentioned growing up on th' Gulf. I'm originally hail from Cajun Country. Whar ye be from, mate?
  14. Welcome aboard, mate!
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