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Capn Bloody Sam Rackham

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Everything posted by Capn Bloody Sam Rackham

  1. Congrats ta Oderlesseye! Ye lucky dog ye!
  2. Ye can put me name in as well, mate. Thank ye fer th' opportunity, savvy?
  3. Awesome, mate! 'Ope ta see ye soon! SPF be right around th' corner!
  4. 'Appy Berthday, Missy!
  5. To Pegleg Strick, 'Appy Berthday, mate!
  6. Welcome aboard, mate.
  7. Welcome aboard, mate!
  8. 'Appy Berthday, Missy!
  9. Welcome aboard, mate!
  10. The Southern Pirate Festival is just around the corner! Are ye ready, mates?
  11. Welcome aboard, mate!
  12. Welcome aboard, mate!
  13. Welcome aboard, mate. Might be seein' ye at th' LA Ren fest. I go on Thanksgiving weekend.
  14. Thank ye fer th' link, mate!
  15. Welcome aboard, mate!
  16. An what amount a coin it be takin ta procure said shoes?
  17. Dart board? Darts? Steel tip, or soft? Lookin' Fabulous, mate!!!
  18. We'll be havin' a kickoff bash Friday night, October 21st!
  19. Ahoy, mates! Mark yer calendars! Th' 2nd Annual Southern Pirate Festival is a comin'! Thar was such a great turnout last year, we be makin' this a TWO DAY event! Check it out!! http://www.southernpiratefestival.com/
  20. 'Appy Berthday, mate!
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