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Capn Bloody Sam Rackham

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Everything posted by Capn Bloody Sam Rackham

  1. 'Appy Berthday, Missy!
  2. 'Appy Berthday, mate.
  3. 'Appy Berthday, mate.
  4. 'Appy Berthday, mate.
  5. 'Appy Berthday, mate!
  6. 'Appy Berthday, mate!
  7. 'Appy Berthday, mate.
  8. G. I. Joe size! Interesting!
  9. 'Tis a sad day indeed. Has th' Cap'n e'er been found? We'll be wearing black armbands at th' Gathering next weekend in rememberance.
  10. It be next weekend! Registration closes October 15th. Hurry!
  11. 'Appy Berthday, Missy!
  12. What if you cut a hole in the bottom of the face layer on the spike side only to allow the spike to seat further down? I t would be out of the way of your knife, and no re-working of the entire kit. Just a thought,
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