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Capn Bloody Sam Rackham

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Everything posted by Capn Bloody Sam Rackham

  1. Imagine having an event on the grounds there. It was absolutely wonderful!
  2. 'Appy Berthday, mate!
  3. 'Appy Berthday, mate.
  4. Make a copper coil around the thinnest part of the "barrel" to fill the void. It can be the cooling device.
  5. Welcome back, mate.
  6. I might be keepin this one open...
  7. 'Appy Berthday, mate!
  8. Ye can read more about it here, mates. http://www.deadline.com/2012/05/its-official-nbc-announces-pirate-series-from-neil-cross-parkesmacdonald-and-reliance/ Methinks it might be good.
  9. I must agree with Peg. WELL DONE, Talderoy!
  10. 'Appy Belated Berthday, Missy!
  11. Welcome back, mate! Next time, bang harder so's we can be hearin' ye o'er th' ruckus, savvy?
  12. 'Appy Berthday, mate.
  13. 'Appy Berthday, mate!
  14. 'Appy Berthday, mate.
  15. Not sure yet. Looking at funding first. They are awesome!Lemme see what I can do, mate.
  16. What be th' goin' rate fer one a these 'ere maps?
  17. 'Appy Berthday, Missy!
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