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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtop...c=11977&hl=myth http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtop...ic=8323&hl=myth http://pyracy.com/forums/index.php?showtop...pic=345&hl=myth
  2. Hey I have one of these in my yard! During the age of sail, the White Pine’s high quality wood was valued for masts, many trees were marked in colonial times with the broad arrow, reserving them for the British Royal Navy. An unusual large, lone, white pine was found, in coastal South Carolina along the Black River (far from where they normally grow) and the king's mark was put upon this particular tree, giving rise to the town of Kingstree. The wood was often squared immediately after felling to fit in the holds of ships better The British soon built special barge-like vessels which could carry up to 50 pine trunks destined to be ship masts. A 100’ mast was about 3’X3’ at the butt and 2’X2’ at the top, while a 120’ mast was a giant 4’X4’ at the bottom and 30” at the top.
  3. How Cool! The commodore is gettin one for his birthday in August! Thanks Bess!
  4. Hope you guys get some rain...stay safe.. Today was in a word...beautiful ... Sunny, dry, puffy clouds, light breeze I hope tomorrow is a re run
  5. Interesting...there are one or two threads hereabouts on Sea legends, creatures and Myths
  6. But the cat came back the very next day. Yes, the cat came back. She just wouldn't stay away....... ya just never know....
  7. One pulls two spent matches and a yard of twine from his pocket.... Trapeze swing
  8. Drunk Pirates in Kilts?!!!! what?.... hmmmm
  9. Cool. This is one of my fave sites! It's geeky cool! 6 out of 12...I need to study
  10. * Aiming in Merrys direction * Think think think thiiiiink......
  11. I feel like a hot bubble bath and a glass of champagne with a raspberry in it. No phones No internet No snail mail Do not disturb.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  12. Blarney! Said the Irishman!
  13. I don't want anything with a "noodly appendage" anywhere near me * shudder *
  14. ^ Fabric < I smacked my head really bad on an open cabinet...don't do this it hurts.. V Pass the question
  15. I am a talent (and in a nod to Mission...I am a dweeb lol) You're a risk-taker - After much thought and you follow your passions. - Yup You're determined to take on the world and succeed on your own terms. (Who are these folks and how did they know that?) Whether in the arts, science, engineering, business, or politics, you fearlessly express your own vision of the world. Hell yeah You're not afraid of a fight - Bring it you're not afraid to bet your future on your own abilities. (OK now you're scaring me - what else do you know?) If you find a job boring or stifling, you're already preparing your resume. - * disagree You believe in doing what you love - as long as I can pay the bills and you're not willing to settle for an ordinary life. Amen Arrrr
  16. Jeff Bridges Indiana Jones and James bond? You have my attention..pass the popcorn
  17. Why does it rain on my days off? OK who knows a "sun" dance?
  18. Crudites * yawn * and a string cheese and some apple juice I think I need someone named Sisque to bring me a large silver tray in white gloves with cheeses, fruits, water crackers and a flower in a little crystal vase..... *wakes up..eats another raw carrot with dressing from the little cup * siiigh... ----- A man dressed completely in the color of burnt cheese ----- Luigi and "the other Luigi" ----- MSM
  19. Wow 6 out of 10. cool
  20. Ok I'm coming into this discussion late.. But I agree with BlackJohn. One has responsibilities and can't just go larking off unless one is P' Diddy or has a family compound the size of Nebraska... That said.... you KNEW there'd be a however.." I've had jobs I hated and jobs I Loved er...mostly. I have been fortunate in that. I have considered this question many times though, because there are always things I'd rather be doing than "payin the bills" I think if you have satisfaction in your life outside work, then a job you don't feature that much can be tolerable. If your particular job becomes or is the larger part of your life, then it must be something you at least enjoy an interest in, or it would be completely detrimental to your quality in life. One balances out the other hopefully. Lastly, if you have a dream..always dream it..strive to do it.. because you never know when the opportunity to kiss the mundane life goodbye can actually take place. Then lark away all you like I know I will
  21. Classic! Sigh...it's a dog's life... I keep telling my doggie that...I swear he smirks Go Phoebe go! whooo!!! Is that a Spongebob harness she be sportin?
  22. Damn it's nice ta be back...missed you lot
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