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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Here at the Kate we aim to please the Captains..sure.. and..just grab a poker from the fire for the beer
  2. Wel Ransom come in and sit right down.. Today is Friday.. so lunch will be Fish Tacos, with malt vingar naturally, a cold dark beer and sweet potato fries
  3. Red Cat glared at Roberts "Stow it ye big oaf!" she shouted. Then turned ta Jacky Tar. "Wot in blazes are ye thinkin? " She jutted a finger towards the sun glintin off the rail o th' Rakehell as she tacked East. "That be Ransom! are ye blind?! ..an ..." She paused only a moment as Jacky glared back at her "We doesnt ee'n know who be witin earshot! " Cat glanced towards th' lookout aloft "Oi!" she shouted upwards through cupped palms. The man aloft shook 'is head and turned back t' scan th horizon an th' lone retreatin ship. Jacky smiled a firece smile. She just hmphed an crossed her arms "Ye best hope theres none layin in wait along these many coves Mister Tar... an just wot ye think ol Africa been waitin fer eh? A chance t fire upon this ship." Her voice turned sweet "I lay odds he dreams o it nightly.." Now Cat wore th grin. "Are ye gonna have Roberts bring th' lads t' quarters? r' kin we end this wee drama....mayhaps on land...an look for summat t fill me pokets?" Cats grin grew wider an a little silly as she shook th corners o' her coat from which no large jingles sounded. She hoped it would break th mood Tar was in.
  4. Sunny...but still on the chilly side. Oh how I long to put away the coats and break out the sandals!!
  5. To Ransom...heh aye! To Hester..Try Collins Mixer...Sterling will agree and it has citrus..
  6. MMMMM Naan bread. Thanks Jill! And for those who's cook is hard of hearing from too much cannon fire There ye go Captain Brand!
  7. Brekkie will be surfside this morning..as it is now warm enough here.. Captain, just inside at the buffet I am sure you'll find something to fill yer gut. Enjoy! and er..don't pinch the serving wenches..well too much anyhow..
  8. Bess..have we any news? Waiting and worrying
  9. Lazing in Key West....siiiigh
  10. Joins Honour in raised eyebrow.."No artificial flotation devices here either" Blue footed boobies
  11. Sterling me goode Captain...head to yon bookstore and find a good bloodthirsty, stormy sea sailing, adventure ta read.. Sommat has one of those pictures on the cover of a ship battling stormy waves and such.. Get lost in it and a bottle of Port and take the phone off the hook!
  12. Adventure waits on e...ver...y shore! Yar har ! I be a pyrate Whee!
  13. sounds like an Old Spice ad OOh or Irish Spring Fresh and clean as a whistle
  14. Airplanes...airplaness airplaness...
  15. Just coffee... but they're makin waffles! I love when this manager works..Oh yeah we have a full kitchen at work :) 24 hr job you know..
  16. Really good Jamaicain blend..and a little cream and sugar
  17. Happy at this particular moment.. and...it's my Friday!!! Whoot!
  18. Captain...while you're laughing...how about a bloody Mary and some brekkie?
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