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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Heh I too have things still left over to send say aye! Lets have at it again!
  3. Fresh pineapple Blooming stuff Mom, Kasha and Pasquale Dad and Silkie
  4. puss in pirate boots
  5. Bo. It's cool..we're yer mates...we're here
  6. OMG Ransom! I do the same type of thing. One of my favorite things is to put the laptop in the dining room, and play MP-3's and chat while I'm cooking. The kitchen has Spanish tile and is open towards the diding room, so you can dance and slide in yer socks and cook and chat at the same time! Add a glass or two of wine or rum of course! < Really wanting to go back to Salsa class V Pass the Q
  7. Absolutement chere... * hands Syren a nice hot cappy *
  8. "I am neither giving up nor giving in" - Charleton Heston Charleton Heston crossed over yesterday at his home at the age of 83. He was an icon many of us grew up with. He also fought a corageous battle with alzheimers. Hell be missed. A nice article about him in the NY Times
  9. mm sounds nice Lady B.. Now who would like a slice of fresh key lime pie and a cappuccino with extra cinnamon? How can you say no to extra cinnamon? .
  10. ....shoes...and earrings..
  11. ^ He so got better looking as he got older. Packing up winter clothes whoot!
  12. ^ Well I go back to work tomorrow..but today I worked out, shopped, enjoyed the nice weather and got a chance to cook my fave eggplant dish! < New seat covers for the beast! and some house deco goodies yay! V Pass the Q
  13. Any life, no matter how long and complex it may be, is made up of a single moment--the moment in which a person finds out, once and for all, who he is.--Jorge Luis Borges
  14. Salty glad yer on the mend.
  15. Great job Cap'n! This year be renamin a coffee in honor.
  16. Thanks Bess! If she can wrastle with her pc, she's gotta be on the mend. Thanks again!
  17. resluts in a... que
  18. Roberts nearly knocked th Cat off her feet as he hustled below. Th gun ports slammed open one by one. Cat had just started after him givin up on Jacky but reeled drawin her pistol at th sound of fire from ano'er quarter. Th sails o' th' rakehell shook oddly as they took fire from "Gods teeth! " Cat yelled "The Spanish! " Shouts and orders flew. She turned an manned a deck gun wit two mates, stuffin th pistol in her sash. "Aye, bring it on lads..I'm jest in th mood fer this..." Cat muttered under her breath
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