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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Haven't seen his or his lady in a dogs age.. hope all is well and a Happy Birthday!
  2. Birthday wishes to you!
  3. A very happy birthday!!!
  4. Comforting my pup... he's mopey..dunno why
  5. Hey this looks good.. hmmm and pictures have no calories... ummmmmmmm raspberriessssssssssssssss Maybe just a taste...
  6. Jenny blows the dust off the heavy tome of spirits... "whoops sorry Silkie"... Silkie nods between sneezes...
  7. I watch very little tv..but my folks always watched the political news on Sunday mornings. Tim Russert was a fixture in many peoples homes. He semed a very bright, kind man, who strove to make journalism what it should be. He will be missed by many. Those are some big shoes to fill.
  8. well it wasn't a designer sword....
  9. Maeve knows..but she aint tellin heh yeah snack secrets! the sun..sort of..but its there :) chatted a bit with friends.. did? lol I still have to get up! Hester...hey gerl!
  10. Very nice Mission It does have your ears....
  11. Hmm...I'll take one portion...and the wine list if you please...
  12. aww yes sad about GC.. I am toasted from the beach...ahhhhhh
  13. Vex not thou the poet's mind With thy shallow wit Tennyson
  14. MMMmmmmmm may I have some please?
  15. Miss Ashcombe paid for her modest purchases with the coin provided by Mr. Tucker. A simple chemise, skirt and stays in hues of crimson and rose, stockings and shoes which were better than the one pair she posessed and a finely made hat with matching ribbon and small plume. She had admired the hat but set it back on it's stand as it was too costly. Jenny did not want to appear frivolous with another's money no matter how generous. The manager happened in at that moment, a plump and jovial woman who after a brief conversation decided to alter the price a bit. The proprietor happier to add an additional sale to the day's take than not. As the clerk handed her the package, a distant rumble echoed along the rooftop. The weather promised to turn soon. Jenny smiled at the woman as she accepted neatly wrapped parcels and hastened back to the men waiting at the doorway of the little shop.
  16. Le Magasin De Henri Tayleure - St Pierre, Martinique "The Shop of Henri Tayleure" As they stepped into the shop, the men spread about combing through tables laid with stockings, breeches and shirts. On the right of the shop were coats long and short resembling the one worn proudly by the tailor's form in the window. Nearby on pegs, belts and sacks covered one wall. Just beyond lay a small dressing table with a framed glass and men's wigs, plain in style, sitting upon forms. The shop smelled of wool and the wax used to bring the impressive shine to it's fixtures and planking. Miss Ashcombe settled in a chair to wait for the men, some of whom had already made their way to the dressing room. She hoped there would be enough time for her to make her own purchases. Glancing at the clock above the clerks desk every so often while they went about the business of selecting clothes suitable for the evening's visit. She resolved not to worry herself and instead let her eyes wander over all the acoutrements of a sailor and ocassionally out the shop window to the others beyond.
  17. Whoo!!! I'm in!! and I'm hungry... no brekie likely no lunch either. too busy. That Mex for dinner is sounding better all the time.
  18. Hmm you ladies sound like you need an afternoon poolside with cocktails I know could use that. and a big fun sun hat. Yeah...
  19. The mingled murmer of many conversations outside the office door. * Yawwwn *
  20. Too hot to cook. Mex take out sounds good. With a a margarita and the air conditioning. An old movie to accompany would just make things better!
  21. Congratulations on a wee buccaneer in the makin
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