Le Magasin De Henri Tayleure - St Pierre, Martinique
"The Shop of Henri Tayleure"
As they stepped into the shop, the men spread about combing through tables laid with stockings, breeches and shirts. On the right of the shop were coats long and short resembling the one worn proudly by the tailor's form in the window. Nearby on pegs, belts and sacks covered one wall.
Just beyond lay a small dressing table with a framed glass and men's wigs, plain in style, sitting upon forms.
The shop smelled of wool and the wax used to bring the impressive shine to it's fixtures and planking. Miss Ashcombe settled in a chair to wait for the men, some of whom had already made their way to the dressing room. She hoped there would be enough time for her to make her own purchases. Glancing at the clock above the clerks desk every so often while they went about the business of selecting clothes suitable for the evening's visit. She resolved not to worry herself and instead let her eyes wander over all the acoutrements of a sailor and ocassionally out the shop window to the others beyond.