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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. ^ Heey! Those girls are guys! Bears... Bearobics
  2. Aboard the Lucy Thankful to be now inside, Jenny worked alone in the ward room. As the rain drummed on the deck above, she spread the new clothing as best as she was able in her small space. Hoping it would dry before the following evening. One of the men had made a loan of his coat on the crossing which spared her in part from the weather. Miss Ashcombe went to the cabinet and poured a small drink to steady her nerves. Protocol be damned..She'd slipped and lost her footing causing Mr. Pew to have to grab her by both arms as she tried to step over the rail into the waist. Skirts and peticoats made the transition difficult, especially as the hem was soaked in sea water and caught around her foot. She'd also taken too large a step aboard in an attempt to compensate for the lurching of the ship. But Mr. Pew did not tease her this time. He was all business and bluster seeing to the securing of ship and crew entrusted to him until the Captain returned. Jenny wiped clean the glass, replaced it and sat in the chair behind the canvas where privacy would allow her to take her hair down and dry it as best as she could manage. The liquor warmed her and the ward room was a dry refuge which muffled the storm outside to a more pleasant sound and Jenny considered what her plight might be, running from town to town had the Captains not granted her refuge. She felt she must thank them again when it was appropriate.
  3. Does Staples carry this?
  4. Red Cat stands covered in freshly wafted dust from the sneeze and looks annoyed... then laughs, shakes her head and plops down on th floor tossing up even more dust.. "Sure!" she says heartily.. "Where did all this dust come from?..."
  5. Raspberry chocolate souffle not sweetened but for a dusting of sugar and for the sweetness... a Patron..
  6. Hey...some men can look hot in a sarong.. Island fever
  7. What? Saturday night, fireflies..a warm breeze and no takers?
  8. heh...well it's a bit early to be posting..but Ill be back up at 3:30 for work... that qualifies.. Red cat blows away the dust Pooopfh!!!! and preceeds to sneeze * daintily* several times. hmmm..she peers inta the darkness.... "halloooo?"
  9. This is quite cool...speaking of planets and such. Read the description
  10. way cool.... You need a pair of converse to match that
  11. beefcake.. ohhlala * snicker *
  12. Me too me too That made me laugh! Thanks Harbormaster....
  13. The trip back across to the ship proved difficult at best. The boat surrounded by so many dark waves and the rain adding wet to wet, was met by quiet aside from grunts of effort as the men set their back into the sweeps and their concentration into returning before the storm worsened. The normally placid blues and greens of Martinique's coast were replaced by angry browns and greys. Water churned about their feet as they cut through choppy swells and the ship in the distance appeared more threatening than a welcome refuge, as flashes of light lit the skeleton of its bare masts. After some effort the boat bumped against the Lucy's hull and was secured to the main chains.
  14. Miss Ashcombe peered out into the rain as she huddled amongst the others under yet another shop canopy. They had changed into their purchased clothing and were en route to the Admiralty house when the sky opened up, forcing all to seek shelter lest they arrive looking worse than when they left the Lucy. From the direction of the voice, the taller figueres of the Captain and Mr. Flint could me made out amongst the French officers. Jenny was relieved in part when they were advised that the dinner would be cancelled until the night following. It would give her time to put the brush and comb to use and dress less hastily than she had with the men waiting. This was certainly to be a new kind of life for her and though it was perhaps with a bit less comfort, the excitment of certain moments over the past few days fed her adventurous imagination causing her to hide a smile as she ducked her head falling in between Msrs. Wenge and Tucker.
  15. Lately...islandwear
  16. Heh tough guy stuff.... Kewl...
  17. Sleepy...where is my lil brown teddy bear? time for a nap before work.
  18. I'll be on the aft porch... with the Jameson's...
  19. Oh Ill be presiding over the club tonight... I'm on the midnight shift haloo? anyone up?
  20. Green iced tea my doggie after a haircut "awwwwww heehe" Mom Msm, bn, rc
  21. Aye, Another from the "Where are they now"? group A Happy Birthday is wished all the same to him an his green parrot
  22. Someone needs to write a shanty Sing a song of sailing Silkie!!! Congratulations
  23. Nothing a rhum can't solve aye? Here's to a happy Birthday! Hope it was grande!
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