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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Ye be welcome, tho we may tease ye now and then, and it's what YOU like in a pirate..so there is no wrong answer! Two eyes...lol good one - long as theyre lookin at you or ..at least in the same direction..most of the time...well..you know...
  2. The soul attracts that which it secretly harbors; that which it loves, and also that which it fears. It reaches the height of its cherished aspirations. It falls to the level of its unchastened desires - and circumstances are the means by which the soul receives its own.” ~ James Allen
  3. Since we've gone from 70^ to 30^ in a matter of days, todays luncheon fare is a hot hearty vegetable beef barley soup Hot crusty rolls and assorted cheddars and fruit
  4. How Pinky really felt about the carpet..
  5. It was a while since I'd been aboard the Rakehell, I sat in the elegant ward room waiting to see if the rumors were true.. When Ransom got back she'd be happy t see me.. I wondered what tale she'd have. When I asked the Mate wot brought me onboard and settled me to wait fer his Captain, he only avoided my eyes AND my question. Hmmm I smiled the smile of one who pictures many things that COULD have happened and waited for Ransom to set the record straight..or not, she wasn't always one ta be loose lipped.. I sipped the good Brandy she kept on board and waited.
  6. "mmm...thanks ::dunk dunk"" mmm"
  7. "Hmmmph, ........ CAT..... Ms. Bright........it's scurvy CAT.." Well I did invade yer post... No hard feelings luv, ...Pirate ye know..
  8. empty rum barrels to
  9. Awww he's only dangerous to his immediate friends..take a quote from Spongebob You know, if I were to die right now, in some sort of fiery explosion due to the carelessness of a friend...well, that would just be ok." LOL
  10. Heathens Aye? I'll be guilty of a little hedonism if yer in the kitchen good Sir! And if Maeve be makin pies so much the better! ::EDIT::(Gosh I mean as far as food only!) lol Dutch Butter Mint? (Compliments of the Maastricht)
  11. Ah William, Even well researched in dieting.. I shall throw my self into the mix as far as the exercise goes, ok an maye 5 - 7 lbs. Summer IS coming.. :) But I should be strength training for sailing so this will be a good kick in th pants ta get going. Thanks BlackJohn and good luck to all!
  12. Welcome back kidd we be here fer ya!
  13. As drinkin, dicin and discussin are goin on about th pub.. no one notices a stocky pirate enter. He's not fat but brawny, with a cheerful face and a sealegged step. He wears a slightly ragged version of a regular sailors clothes with a fancy coat thrown over the top..it's a bit big, and obviously had a previous owner. From the looks of it some unfortunate officer perhaps. A scarf holds back thick and wavy dark hair from his tanned and windburned face. Eyes dart about from above a beard, moustache and a firmly set mouth. Which pulls into a slightly lopsided smile as he spots his boss deep in discussion with the man they call Jacky Tar. He's heard o Jacky respected, feared and a good Captain. Least thats how she spoke of im. He approaches the table behind Red Cat and clears his throat as not t' startle her.. but she already knowed he was there.. The Cat don't miss much. A broad smile hits her face an she stand suddenly.. Mr. Roberts is wise enough t step back..aye he knows her well an wasn't too sure she knew it was he what stood so close wi' out announcin imself. Jacky appears calm but has his flintlock pointed at the man from unner th table and eyes th big man wi suspicion. "Roberts! RedCat whirls about an give the man a hug which makes him look uncomfortable for a moment. I thought ye might be along about now.." Johnathan Roberts, glancin over her shoulder at Jackys resolutely calm face says "ere now ye might introduce me t' the fellow who's got yer back" Smart man Roberts was, or just used to folk bein either protective or nervous when the Cat be about. She grabs him by the arm and pulls him a bit closer t th table his eyes Still on Jacky's unseen hand. "Oi Jacky, ye can relax mate," she says with a chuckle at Roberts eyes bein a bit wide "John he won't hurt ye".. "Jacky luv, this be me goode friend and one time first mate Johnathan Roberts. "Johnathan, Mr...er Captain Tar." The two exchange a handshake and RedCat excuses herself a moment t' speak wi her colleague in hushed tones a few feet away.. walkin together, they make a pair ..lookin two battle worn shipmates wearing a slight swagger an the glow of adventures past.. Mid conversation he hands her a rolled piece o parchment sealed in wax and tied with a gold braid. They have what appears to be a brief yet animated ....disagreement... followed by him laughin heartily at summat she said. The two walk to the bar, knock back a drink and he throws an arm about her shoulder lookin back at Jacky over his own before he gives her a brief squeeze an leaves the pub again. She stands at the bar for a moment one boot on the rail... while she chews thoughtfully on a parrot drink stirrer.. slammin some coin on the dark shiny wood, thankin Ray, she walks briskly t' Jackys table. "Thar's been a....developement.. I must away but u'll be back this afternoon.. r at least by nightfall" "If I'm not..." she fixes his eyes with an intensely serious stare.. "Open this.. but only then" She hands him a second rolled parchment, smaller that the first, pulled from deep in her coat. "Slan!" She turns briskly her coat playing out behind her, yanks her hat down a bit in the front and storms from the pub one hand on the hilt of her hanger.
  14. Holds out her plate for the yummy dessert! mmmm thanks!
  15. Thank ye Sah, But I mut save room for dessert.. There ....is dessert.... is there not?
  16. William, Excellent choice! I love stuffed vegetable dishes! I've brought some wine which is excellent with lamb.. Smoking Loon Cabernet, and Black Opal Cabernet-Merlot blend, dry and delicious! Two of my favorites! May I have seconds?
  17. scurvy pirates!
  18. Interesting thank I will check it out. I salute thoe whi have made this trip, but I still wouldn't do it in a small boat.
  19. uh oh... I feel a song coming on hmm listening to the heat come up..no more 70^ weather
  20. Red Cat been makin little shapes and scenes on the table wi dice, matchsticks an the like speakin softly t' her self and plannin... She looks up as Ransom gits up t' go summere "Eh?" Jacky heaves a familiar sigh an she rolls her eyes "Aw Jacky.. what'd ye say to er now? Ye know how she gets about er ship" Poor Jacky looks a bit crestfallen. Cat shoots a look towards th bar where Ray be payin the lass attention ta make her smile as he fills her cup. "Don't worry mate, she'll be back ...now...about those Galleons..."
  21. The Cat's eyes have already begun ta glaze over, an not jus due t' the rum.. she be makin plans, playin out scenarios in her head.. Galleons.. Silver Cobs, Spanish Gold............ Legartos. "Damn whars Mr. Montoya when ye needs im? He be a Spaniard no? He would be a benefit on such a journey 'r mayhap he kin shed sum light on yer story Mr. Tar... In tha meanwhile what ye be thinkin as far as a plan... aye?"
  22. Gotta love bastardizing technology! The McGuyver award to ye lad! How goes the hunt for a permanent home?
  23. ^ See things from an entirely different point of view. Travel intelligently < Why didn't I buy conditioner yesterday? I hate going to CVS all messy. \/Have you ever saved a life or aided in an accident/storm etc?
  24. Aye, I've not kissed scores, but had my share an I know what ye mean as well. Tis a fyne thing if y e can make it so!
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