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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. "Toad in th hole aye?" I wipe the butter off on my slops "does he know it's not really a toad?" Ransom starts to giggle and I notice she has wisely slowed her tippling. "ok well I know you have sailed about Bermuda and you have a much more detailed chart of the coves an hiding spots there than any I have in my posession" she looks surprised and a bit wary of my knowledge " I am going to find someone who has summat belong ta me" "Now...." I fix her with a squinty stare "come clean yerself lass.." afore Jacky comes pokin about. I know his lookout spotted me from th crows nest when I came aboard and I'm sure he's wonderin what wer're up ta" I lean back in the chair feelin satisfied wi my answer t her and cross my arms waitin for the lass ta start dishin..
  2. of a giant scaly
  3. Diet DR. Pepper...how boring
  4. Nay, thamkfully..more of an observation of those odd times in a supermarket, or somewhere where it's wildly inapropriate to laugh..
  5. That looks delicious! I think I have to try that tomorrow. I spent 8 hours talking today, I could really use something soothing.
  6. OK 20 mins... that wasn't so bad.. Aye BlackJohn, I be owin ye when me backside is likened to a peach
  7. William...I bet he loved every minute of it! LOL My doggie? nahhh he's not psycho - I mean so he likes to stick his whole head in a snow drift and root around?
  8. and you're not going to tell us what it was about?
  9. The hour was very late, and the fog had mostly cleared hanging about the ground casting an eerie look to the darkened town. Satisfied that none other than the usual miscreants now occupied the alley, Red Cat slipped from the doorway, behind an apple cart an into th back door o the infamous " fancy Parrot" brothel. As she passed thru the doorway her favorite sash (the dark blue velvet one with the lil gold fleur de lis) caught on a nail. "Bugger!" she said under er breath an stopped t free herself. A shadow passed too near an she yanked the cloth free leavin a scrap hangin from the door frame as she took the stairs in twos..
  10. Brekkie in the galley is Waffles Tea/ coffee annnnnddd Hickory smoked Peppercorn bacon
  11. gasp... sigh... pardon the drool Got a spare $72,000?
  12. Well he IS the Captain BTW that hat is an original
  13. ooohhhhhhh at first I thought you meant ..US
  14. She drives a hard bargain this Captain..but she looked like she really needed ta spill her story to someone an I was flattered it would be me. I held my glass out for a refill and considered since she be drinkin more than I kew her to be used to, this would be an interesting conversation. I selected a hot croissant from the tray and sat back chewing for a moment. "mmm Ransom! these be tasty! a damn sight better'n that sorry excuse fer grub ye used t' have onboard..my compliments to er..whoever be teachin Goose" I took another bite an gestured toward her with the golden pastry.." ok one..I need a chart of Bermuda..yer turn" ~smirk
  15. "Does a friend need a reason ta stop by?" I said, knowing fully well she'd never buy that..the look she shot me confirmed it and I just shrugged. Pouring her a bit more I said "Well, one reason..no.. actually ..two." "But then. it might actual be three since I came aboard. Seems you've a story t' tell lass.." I smile at her an refill my own glass (what the hell it's not MY 100 year old Brandy) sit down drawing my legs up under me and wait for her to start talkin.. But before she can say anything Goose appears with something on a silver tray that..actually smelled good! I looked from him to her, to the tray and back at her "My gosh woman! he can cook?!"
  16. Footsteps and scabbards clattered past one of many doorways, in one of many obscure alleyways down around the docks. Red Cat held her breath listening to the four Navymen's polished boots crunch on the wet gravel until they grew distant in the darkness. She crouched forward resting her hands on her knees, finally letting her breath out in steamy gasps that mixed with the fog ..and wondered what time it was. The air was too thick to see moon nor star. ::Lucky for the fog tho..::she thought to herself with a wry grin..
  17. I though you were Will... oooooh Ayyyee - Hat's off to ye then Sah!
  18. spicy wenches, cold rum
  19. Nothing! I'm starving! ::Heads off to the Tsunami Kate to see what's on the table::
  20. Baking languidly in the sun..not necesarily marooned tho
  21. yeshhhh...
  22. Well ya know lokin at it now it does have a kind of undersea effect. Granted not every room in the house..no no no. but with the right accents in yer office t'would be nice. Now as fer th algae colored stairs? if ye attached some coral t' the bannisters an glued some barnacles, shells an crabs about the steps ye'd hava nice coral reefy thing, but I don't think that would be too practical. good luck. PS Pinky' says she's keepin the garb!
  23. "Yes thank you.." your crew is well mannered as usual " Ransom had whisked into the room shutting the door quietly behind her. She opened it briefly again and called out something to one of her crew down the small corridor. I looked at her for a clue of recent events, but aside from some dark circles above cheeks a bit more rosy than usual I just wasn't sure... So to test the waters, I took a sip and spoke over the edge of my glass "..and uh..nice sash.. is it new?
  24. ooohh sounds wonderful!!! you seem to be well organized in being ready for the fun! Please post pics after~ have a great time!
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