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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. A pirate ... of the male persuasion
  2. Well wait no more... in keeping with the warm and tropical theme... welcome to the Luau feast! Eat hearty there's the limbo pole ta work it off on..or more correctly, under later!
  3. How about a thermal thong? ok, ok I'll stop now..
  4. eggstracuricular activity? eggstraterestrial?
  5. Hmm I see a lil stowaway in thar.. bet hes got yer gold!
  6. Welcome! Aye this be the place for yer piratical education! Jump in the deep end! Welcome t' the pub!
  7. Red Cat didn't remember much that happened after Roberts, Jacky n Ransom had come. She'd been luckly that the men were attempting to only subdue her, and that they were merely drunken thugs, none too good with a sword. She'd escaped with a gash to her left arm and her right leg which weren't too serious, some bumps and bruises as well. But her side had been caught, the injury none too larger that the end of the blade which caused it, but it was in need of bandaging.
  8. Red Cat wasn't quite sure where she be, nor if she still be among the livin. Her head hurt, her lip felt strange, it was swollen from its meeting with an elbow. She managed to open an eye..even that hurt. She was never more grateful to see Jacky Tar's face. Even if it was a bit blurry. "My coat..." she started.. Fearing unseen injury, Jacky gently opened the right side of her coat relieved to see no immediate damage "the walle...wallet. is it there?" She could hear her words echoing in her head. Ransom spied the leather fold tied with a string and gingerly pulled it from her coat. "Aye Cat it's here"she said softly, looking up at Jacky in confusion. It seemed an odd conversation to be having but at least they had her talking. "goooooode.." was the only response and Red Cat slumped a bit.
  9. Red Cat knew being small and agile she would have some advantage over them on the rough terrain, making up for anywhere she lacked in swordplay. The tables turned once, thrice and again. Up and down the sand and grass. Crimson began to stain her sleeve where one of the bastards had gotten in a lucky jab. Spurring her ire she turned on him and he paid dearly for it. Their swords were heavy and they were taller, forcing her to work harder to meet each thrust and attack in turn. With that and the climbing and maneuvering she bagan to tire. Her arm ached. Still she wielded both cutlass and dagger. Cat began to wonder if this would be the end of it..of pancakes and crazy spaniards and rummy pirates.. a commotion from the far side of the dune shook her back to the fight. She only noticed Silas turning quickly and dissapearing into the night. His cackling laughter like the sound of timbers splintering in a storm. A blow nearly made her from the left and they were off again. "Bring it on ya scum!" She shouted "It'll be yer last!" and the fray continued. Cat hoped Jacky, Ransom, Chloe or Roberts would somehow have come after her... In the near distance hoofbeats sounded. "Well if that ain't friend, this be it fer the Ol Red Cat" she thought. She shouted and charged the men with all the force she could muster intending to take as many of em wit her as she could..
  10. Crouched among the tall grass she watched with her heart pounding as they crested the dune. Counting the silhouettes in the moonlight. One, two, three... then a sight which made her blood run cold. The stilted gait, the plumed hat.. The fourth stopped at the top and stood. Her eyes wide she breathed "Sila..." but never finished speaking the name of the man she feared more n most. Her attackers were upon her and she took to the craggy dune seeking to even the contest.
  11. Ole Mr. Squeekysails ?. Aye, he always gets the ladies attention
  12. zzzzzzzz * "hmm? tired...*yawn.. very tired..zzzzzzzzzz
  13. Well it wasn't a raccoon an swiss on rye! :angry:
  14. There can be many reasons unspoken, for as many things. Just a thought.
  15. I was gonna say I can't believe this thread is still going... but I'm still laughing at "oinkstrips" I think we need to call Websters update department.
  16. But does it look good in a thong......
  17. :angry: *bluush*
  18. Red Cat stopped in her tracks and listened to the night.. sure she heard summin more n a gull or rabbit. A twig snapped nearby and she fell into a crouch unsheathing her cutlass. Her left hand went for the larger of the two daggers she carried, this one tucked in her baldric. Her hand was nearly wrenched free before she could grasp it, as she was grabbed by the shoulder from behind. She brought the blade out and down behind her. Meeting it's mark in her attackers thigh, she was rewarded with a scream and thrown to the ground. She rolled free and tore into a dead run up the road looking for a break in the brush as he gave chase. At the sandy curb, pulled free in the struggle, lay a little silver bell on a chain. As she ran she counted the footfalls of her assailants..one..two... or three? The Cat found her break and scrambled up the rough dune and over towards the beach. She knew they wouldn't be far behind.
  19. Jumps up and down gleefully shouting "thong, Thong, Thong bikini!!!!" Sees the sharp stick and breaks into a run giggling.. :angry:
  20. Speaking more quietly as the din above subsided much to Ransomes obvious relief. "Mayhap I didn't make meself clear enough.. you could try to be a bit aloof about the man. Aye, he be polite.... and bein such, none too forward" She stops to consider this for a moment. Confused because a pirate warn't polite....Jacky certainly warn't when it came ta fightin r sailin.. but then this was neither..quandry resolved she started again. "So now that 'e knows wot yer feelin, be aloof an see what his reaction may be.. long as yer not too distant so as t' confuse im, ye know how quickly men can git jealous r at least assume things..so draw him in a bit aye?" Red Cat tired o waitin, stood an crossed th cabin which seemed to sway oddly, an helped herself to another bottle from Ransomes cabinet. " I won't be sailin t' Bermuda for about a month, me ship is bein careened and re fitted as we speak. Want er nice an fit fer the trip....Eh, lass.. what else can yer galley turn out? I'm needin summin ta soak up all this brandy. " She flopped back int into the chair. "Or should we send out to the Tsunami Kate?"
  21. Or at the beach in a bikini (shudder)
  22. ^ Eat ice cream for lunch. mmmm < Fog....the fog here is thiiiiick V favorite pair of shoes?
  23. "Aye" she says, her head filling with thoughts of lazy palms swaying over turquoise coves. and... pineapples mmmm.
  24. Silas Farnborough the pirate hunter walked in his slightly hunched over manner. His long weathered face was as pinched as his black heart. He wore a permanent scowl interrupted by a deep scar, which ran in a jagged line from his left temple to just below his jaw. He walked with deliberate steps, his boots falling along the sandy path in their own peculiar cadence. Silas'd never quite lost his sea legs plus, he'd been shot in the knee once. He didn't need to hurry, tho his men were ahead. They were sure to have her in short time and usually made quick work of it. He pulled his tattered coat about him against the cold fog of the waterfront. "Aye Red Cat..he hissed in a husky whisper..ye may have slipped me in th past, but I've got ye this time.." he broke into a rotten toothed grin and cackled as he walked.
  25. The leather wallet tucked safely away, Red Cat headed along the edge of a back alley scanning the hillside which bordered it. She hummed an old shanty quietly to herself as she travelled back toward the smithy and the road to the pub. It was a half forgotten tune about lost love and a sailor. Her step was a bit lighter and in her reverie she didn't notice the three pair of footsteps that followed... nor the slower but deliberate ones that trailed those.
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