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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. ^ Aye.... Zeppelin... Right now? KLM/ SWISS, Travelspan, Virgin Atlantic, Lot Polish, Royal Jordanian, Czech, Aer Lingus, Air India, Emirates, Delta.... aggghhhh help!
  2. Oh .... remind me to thank you Doc...no...reeeally, remind me sometime when you're close enough....
  3. ^ Cutlas ye only get 1 shot wi a pistol..althooough ye have ta be closer wi a cutlass..hmmmmm < Selfishly answering an earlier post - Mayhaps,.....A good Cappucino reqires more Cinnamon V White, Whole Wheat or Rye?
  4. Yersinia you should say Hi to Harbormaster,
  5. Jack, I think ye has all th ladies attention.....
  6. The Inn keeper at the Fat Weasel helped trundle Red Cat onto a litter of sorts and the three bumped down the stairs. As they reached the wagon Red Cat began t' protest loudly, not wanting to be drug inta th pub like a sack of apples. She only stopped when Jacky agreed they'd stop short o the pub n carry the grumbling pirate in. He was laughing... and thought she looked cute all wrapped up in the back of a cart like a child on a wooden sled. "Hmph" she glared at him...at both of them fer a second. But then she laughed supposing it could be worse. How, she didn't know. The Inn keeper was a stout little man with a ruddy complexion and a moustache, which was turned up at the ends She thought he looked rather like something called a Walrus she'd seen in a book somewhere. His wife appeared, herself a plump little thing with a pale face and pink cheeks peeking out from beneath her bonnet. She clucked as she looked at the Cat and fussed about with blankets. Red Cat shot Jacky a look that said "laugh one more time...." He jest smiled an winked at 'er , dropping some coin in the walrus's hand.
  7. Red Cat scoops up her precious documents and stares at Jacky bemused as he looks out the window. She's relieved he warn't mad at her little trick and truth be told even tho she lost, she'd enjoyed their little contest quite a lot. "Knowin Roberts, he's stolen them off somewhere nearby. Probably paradin about wi one on each arm like he's attendin court." She laughs at a memory of Roberts in red heeled shoes. "They'll be along" Jacky comes back over an helps her t' get her coat on. She touches his arm a moment and says "Jacky, wot I told ye... it be th truth." she hesitated a moment "and thank ye f' everything" Red Cat kissed him softly on the cheek and looked him in the eyes. "Now get me t' the pub, I need a drink, mayhap after a few such, I'll tell yethe rest of the story.."
  8. She mumbles incoherently almost inaudibly, Jacky leans very near t' hear what she be sayin..his face the picture of concern. Red Cat speaks again murmering even more softly... her eyes squeezed shut causing Jacky to lean over her. an arm on each side carefully, and place his ear near her face... Suddenly hands are groping in his coat... the pockets are empty!! but he be nice an warm.... But his pockets are empty!! She opens both eyes in surprise. Red Cat gives him a tickle and he starts and laughs unintentionally from her fingers. She grabs him by the coat "Aw Jacky give me back me papers. ye win hmph!!!!" she starts to laugh feeling a little guilty, and then confused because there are at least four emotions playing across his face. Hmmm
  9. Red Cat was getting perturbed.. and anxious. she felt a little odd. "Silas won't be back Jacky, he's a bounty hunter of sorts I've had run ins wi in the past." She looked down at the floor "He's a dangerous man mark me words, but it' me he's after ..ye've naught t' fear f' yerself 'r yer crew. Specially if we set sail for yer treasure, he works local mostly" Speaking the name made her feel cold. "He failed an will be off in hidin fer a time. Aye he answers to another an so I say agin ye've naught 't fear" She feared him. Suddenly she felt very alone. She felt dizzy and fell to the cot.
  10. The Cat eyed him for a moment weighing the importance of winning this round or getting her scroll back. She bit her swollen lip.. she flicked some imaginary sand off her breeches.. inspected a nail.. Let 'im wait a minute...she thought. Red Cat wasn't one ta give in easily if she had ta. Jacky cleared his throat and stepped a wee closer. Sighing she looked up at him. The truth would be forthcoming as they were in private. "Ye know Mr. Tar, yer lucky I'm stuck over here n these stitches are fresh" but there was the hint of a smile in her voice. "The paper you hold is not a paper at all...." She wondered how much longer his patience would hold out "It's a key, n Silas be no ordinary man" He began to step back. "Nay! 'tis! " she said emphatically. "The letter inside holds a code to somethin which I protect, for it may someday mean life r death f' me" She spoke in earnest now "Ye were th only one I could trust wi such a document , which normally is under lock n key in me cabin. It woulde be necessary if Ol Silas had caught up wi me.
  11. ^ Lager < A good pirate must have a little bad in him... V how do you like your eggs an coffee?
  12. "GAhh! ok, ok! wait!" Red Cat gasped.. Jacky had the upper hand for the moment... Pirate...she thought. Jest wait till I kin get up on me feet.. "Luv those two items ye hold.." she thought a moment... He stopped, his interest piqued and held both items still, but the trace of the smile remained.. "They be the most important things t' me, a most valuable treasure" She was unsure of how much she should say or not.. she trusted the man implicitly despite this new delicious game.. but one did not lay all of ones cards on the table ..at least not unless there were weapons present. She mustered her best pout which were easy with a still slightly swollen lip.. sighing she said "ye win, come, set here aside me n I'll tell ye what ye want t' know. " Red Cat patted the edge of the cot and looked resigned.
  13. William dreams...
  14. Still laughing about ..boobage.. The word is stuck in her head booooooobage No! make it stop right up there with oinkstrips Jack, we xpect pictures when ye return!
  15. The Rum calling me..."heeere kitty kitty kitty..." See? didja hear that? Didja?
  16. *sigh* ye and BlackJohn...
  17. Aye, I was sorta waitin fer that one after I re read what I posted lol....
  18. Vertical ...................well sorta..
  19. ^ I'll let ya know when I steals it < Couldn't believe this popular thread has dropped so far down the page V Snorkel or scuba?
  20. I don't keep the company of men who drink "Freshly paved highway " brand.... But I know what ye mean
  21. My dog hates the flash and knows what the camera looks like, so I have a million fuzzy pictures of him turning his head..*sigh*
  22. The Cat's eyes widened for nary more n' a second or two... Then she regained her sly composure. How did he get the wallet!? She realized he be settin on the chair her coat was on. Enjoying the challenge, she tried to keep her expression that of little concern, but wasn't doing so well judging by the amused look in his eyes.. This was going to take some work.. "Sooo ye be bribin th Red Cat then aye..?" she cooed. She fixed him wi a look an leaned back as if she no longer cared for the items "Yer a brave man .. tis not easy t' overcome Tha Cat.." His smile broadened and she got distracted agin... Damn. She thought quickly, the urge to grab for the papers despite his taunting, was pulling at her. "So....ye may win an ye may not...." said she still holdin his merry gaze. Then she leant forward agin t' press him a bit, mischief reflected in her own eyes "I know what's in it fer me if'n ye lose... but if I win..."What's in it fer me?" As she spoke, Red Cat wondered if he'd notice her hand inching slowly...
  23. Sometime theres just something about the scent of coffee and tobacco on a man...vision blurs.................
  24. I have gobs an gobs o sunrise/set pics I'll be postin em on me website when I stop bein lazy.. Aw BlackJohn yer lookin healthier already! The lil guy looks exactly like you! What a cute elemphumph! an a peanut! lol I'd like ta put em both in me pocket! Naturally William pulls out a supremely cool pic. Kudos
  25. The devilish grin on Jacky's face complimented the mischief in his eyes, an Red Cat found it distractin as he held the scroll jest outta reach. She couldna resist such situations..ye never knew where they'd end up. ....An that were th fun of it. She eyed him with a smile. "Now Jacky, ye don't play fair luv... " she said softly "How do I know ye didn't open it afore I go waggin on about me affairs?" She leant forward a bit to gauge if she'd be able t' snatch the item from him.
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