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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. OH YES YES YES!!! Bring on the Remmy an the Grand Marnier. Don't smoke em..I WILL drink tho! I've been in th company o gents who enjoy their Cigars n Brandy/Cognac an I must say they are always fun!
  2. Red Cat perched where Ransom had left her, on the edge of the bed, a few pillows behind her back. Ransom, the lass she was had left her the basin an cloth so she'd been able t' wash her face an hands. She'd managed t' work most o the knots outta her hair and the sand outta her clothes. Her shoulders ached a bit from all the effort an she was gettin cross waitin. "Right.., I kin nil walk on me own right now so ye jus leaves th' Cat settin up here like a dang pot on a shelf.... Damn pirates".. She considered chuckin summin at the door in anger when it opened... Red Cat set the cup down quickly, glad she hadn't nearly taken his head off. Roberts mighta known th mood she'd be in an ducked, but she doubted Jacky'd do anything but trust her. "That would be a fine thing ta do " she thought as he walked in, "Here he is goin ta all this effort an I take is head off wi 'a china cup...and it isn't even good china" the last part of the thought made her smile the little lopsided smile which lent people t' think her a bit odd at times. She looked up at Jacky as he came over n sat next t' her.
  3. Instantly relieved, both at being dressed and properly armed, as well as Ransom's agreement, Red Cat smiled. Aye, the lass was ok in her book. She fixed her friend with a knowing grin. "Oi just take th big oaf fer a walk. tell I'm I need a moment. He'll be ok" Pausing a second and laughing she added "Jes mind yer backside" The women laughed and Ransom turned to go as Jenny tucked the wallet back in her coat and tried t' work some ot the tangle from her hair. Scrunching her face up as she pulled at the knots. She found the red ribbon from Marcy had survived and wondered if she was on her way to France. She also remembered the other half of that equation...
  4. "Aye".."Roberts" was all Red Cat said in response to Ransoms persistence. Still she was touched. Johnathan was always one of the closest people she knew an trusted. They'd been through much together. Ransom had left for a moment t' get the others, leaving her pistol at the bedside. Red Cat sat back against the pillows crossing her arms "Hmph" She'd tried to get up and go for her coat, but she still felt weak and her side pulled. She had also apparently pulled a muscle in her leg. The one without the wound. As usual, Jacky's words were true. "Why do he always have ta be right?" She grumbled softly t' herself, her brows knit. "Vexing that man ......sometimes" The Cat had a moment to think as she sat there alone. She was sure she'd blushed when Jacky tended to her side. He had averted his eyes and paid attention only to her stitches and dressing..but she knew he didn't fail ta notice her. He was tryin too hard not to. Well he was a man, she was nekked and he warnt dead. She shook her head smiling and laughed a little. Ransom came back in puffing frosty breath as she closed the door.Tellin the Cat the men would be up shortly. They waited to be sure she was decent. Red Cat leaned heavily on her trying to get dressed the rest of the way, which was more work than she thought. She appreciated her friend who'd always been there and made her laugh. She could trust her as well as any. "Ransom" she started. "Be a dear an hande me me coat. " As Ransom crossed the room she made another request "Luv, when the men return," .. she hesitated fidgeting with the button on her shirt ...how to put this carefully. Ransom looked at her. "I need a moment with Jacky. He.." She hesitated again. It was folish to go about handing over that piece o paper. Only Roberts an her were aware of it's existence. But though she knew she'd succeed in getting what she now held tightly in her hands, fingering the fine leather and it's tie, she'd worried...had an intuition that he might be on her trail again..and apparently ..been right. So givin him the scroll weren't such a mistake. "He has summin... summin I guv him an I need t ask fer it back, need t' explain summin" She looked her friend in the eyes. Not wanting to insult her by leaving her out and Ransom saw the pleading look Rad Cat gave her "Will ye halp me?" She asked..
  5. Whistle while you lurk..... Then we'll know yer here!
  6. The tea and sauages resting happily in her stomach, Red Cat began t' feel more herself. Jacky n Ransom had told her how the events had unfolded. Ransom gushed thrugh part of the story, the fire returning to her eyes as she relived the excitement she had missed for so long. Red Cat saw the zeal for action in her expresion as she spoke, an knew for sure she'd sign on fer the treasure hunt Jacky had been tryin to recruit them to. No mater how skeptical she had been recently. As they spoke, they left out how they'd thought she was gone before they even came up close to her, their battle one of vengence rather than rescue until they found her alive in the sand. She didn't ask about the pirate hunter. She'd seen him flee as the horses came thundering and hoped he'd be long gone. "Aye" she said raising her teacup in place of a tankard.. "Truer mates there never were! Owe one of me nine lives to ye I do" She looked quizzical for a moment, tilting her head, biting her bottom lip and finished "I figger I'm down t' bout seven these days" Winking with a familiar grin, The Cat raised her cup agin and drained the last of the now cold tea.
  7. *snicker* .... boobage...
  8. It's much too late for me to post here..yep, better not.
  9. Awwwww I just love all the lil scallywags herebouts!
  10. Red Cat felt a bit guilty at Roberts departure. She'd been rough on her friend. But she thought hey, he was a pirate. He took ships, killed men and sailed through his share o storms. He could take a bit o scorn from a woman. She laughed supposing he took a LOT of scorn from women knowin ol Roberts. Jacky n Ransom looked at her wondering at her sudden outburst. She just shrugged "Ow" Squeezin her eyes shut a moment she made note..ok shrugging off the list for a while.. Full and feeling better, Red Cat sipped her tea. She desperately wanted to see the wallet, to hold it's contents in her hand. But coming about she was wary and wanted only one other person in the room. She'd spied her coat draped over the only chair and the brown leather peeking out from it's inside. Cat resolved to wait until after breakfast when Jacky'd be tending t' his handiwork on her side. She needed t' talk t' him anyway..alone.
  11. Aye, good advice above.. I would start out by thanking them for showing confidence in your ability..this forces them into an immediate positive statement as soon as they agree with you. You've already been offered the promotion, but this could reinforce your position during the conversation. Then follow with the fact that you have had experience with this person in the past (was it documented?) and state that you have every intention of maintaining a professional atmosphere. That's what they are looking for, they need their job done first and foremost. They can do the math from there and will likely watch the person even closer. If the promo is for more money, I don't see why you should let the "jerk" hold you back. Good Luck and let us know how it goes :angry:
  12. Jacky Tar ever the Captain had provided for them. The smell of bacon, sausages and fresh air entered the room with him. Red Cat smiled as he came over and held out various items for her. Moving carefully, she selected sausage, and a roll with marmalade . The Cat sat munching happily as Jacky fixed her tea. He knew just how she liked it. Following his moves with her eyes as she stuffed the hot bread in her mouth, it seemed food never tasted so good. She found she was ravenous... Aye, Jacky was an intriguing man. He always seemed to know the right thing. As she wiped marmalade from her cheek with the back of one hand much to his amusement, She thought on that. Red Cat believed she'd never seen the man misstep.
  13. She grasped the cup with both hands and drank slowly at first. Roberts supported her back with a strong arm and she closed her eyes taking comfort in his familiar scent. Salt, rum and tobacco. It brought back memories and she felt safe. "Easy now".. he said chuckling as she spilled water, clumsily trying to drink over a swollen lip. He pulled the covers around her as it was still cold in the room, which brought his other arm to her right side where he paused for a moment. He was very close... and she recognized a certain tenderness in his movements which were usually rough, simple and full of swagger. "Quit yer fussin!" she said suddenly, handing him the cup and grasping at the covers. She'd just realized she was naked. "I'm no babe, I kin take care o meself! "She fixed him with a squinted glare.. which looked a bit comical as her hair was a wild tangle and her lip looked a bit crooked from the swelling.."I'd ave had em all ye know!" "Bah!" She sat back in the bed wincing and grumbling from the pain..but more to cover her emotions. She wasn't sure if she wanted to cry, scream or consider Roberts ...it had been an ordeal and she felt vulnerable. Usually these were the times The Cat would retreat, sail out t' open waters until she felt an accord with things.
  14. Red Cat awoke from the sound of a heavy brass bolt sliding into place. Was she imprisoned here? Or did someone just lock themselves in with her? She kept her eyes closed and willed herself to remain still. Every pore screamed to get up, grab her weapon which hopefully was near, or a bottle to be broken..anything and face them. She was sure her heart pounded so loud it could be heard. "Gods.." she said to herself a moment later as she heard Roberts gruff whisper mingling with Ransomes soft voice. She opened her eyes and sitting up with some effort, realized they must have all been on the floor earlier. From her prone vantage point she hadn't seen them.. and assumed she was alone. Roberts looked tired and Ransom not much better. Her clothes were sandy and a bit torn. He had a red angry wound on his head. They were standing in the corner looking out through a crack in the shutter. Cat began to say something but her mouth was dry. No sound came but a whisper and she wished dearly for a cup of water. Both turned at the sound looking at her with relieved faces. "Whar's Jacky?" she croaked suddenly realizing he wasn't there and fearing the worst.
  15. Well," said Pooh, "what I like best -- " and then he had to stop and think. Because although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.
  16. It is a bit nippy out... Well then Jack.... ye might not be able t' hang yer coat.....
  17. They had their good days and of course their bad days... So I was wondering.. What does one say to comfort a Pirate?
  18. I could make a coat hanger joke here.....but I won't
  19. Aye, if a man want a pirate weak in her knees..he needs ta know how ta get her so.
  20. Wow great pic. I'm curious what do space ships an fountain pens have in common.? There's a huge span of technology.. How goes the writing by the way? Patrick, I am a confessed cloud addict. From 318 feet up you can see the sky and actually watch a whole front roll through. Sunrise at JFK looking towards the Atlantic Some cool clouds And another nuclear sunrise at JFK about 5:45AM
  21. Thunk! Red Cat's chair came back down ta rest on the hard planking and she cringed not intending to add a dent to poor Ransom's achin head "Sorry Ransom..sorry" Ransom shot her a look that could've sunk a ship. "Let me give ye a hand " she said "I'll be right back" Red Cat disapeared out the door and came back shortly with a large basin of steaming water with some lemons floating in it and a cloth. Soaking the cloth she shook it about to cool it a bit. "Now put this on yer noggin an I'll go see about those Lobsters. I an't seen Africa in a while anyway" Ransom plopped the cloth on her head and sank back into the chair. Naturally one of her crew popped in and insisted on giving her a rundown on supplies the needed while she tried to nurse her head. Red Cat headed off to see Africa looking forward to teasing him. It had been a while and well..he was just so much fun to tease. Plus she wanted to compare Ransoms story to whatever information he'd overheard,.
  22. yea...I was wondering about that.. bu then I thought "well, he DID say nuthin!"
  23. Teasing Patrick. He's one of my favorite Pirates! Hope he knows I'm only playin with him.. Ya .....do know that aye?
  24. A sliver of light streamed in through a crack in the wood shutters and traced across her face. Which now held a more natural color. Red Cat awoke and lay there a moment, the events of the past day and night slowly coming back to her. At least what she could remember. She took a mental inventory of her limbs...yup all there "thank God" The Cat closed her eyes a moment in relief. Opening them again she could see rough hewn timbers of a ceiling, a few cobwebs in the spartan corners. The room was cold but she was warm beneath the blankets some kind soul had coverd her with. She made to move, but stopped quickly. Her side hurt and her body was stiff and achy. "Bastards" she thought wincing and squeezing her eyes shut. She wondered just how bruised she was. That last tumble when the sand gave out beneath her had cost. Not to mention the pummeling or slashes to her arm and leg. She smiled a bit thinking how she gave as good as she got. Her lip felt huge and she bought a hand stiffly to her face feeling for what she couldn't see. "Not too bad" she supposed. "It'll heal". She brought the other hand to her side with some effort and felt the stitches, confused now she eased herself up on the pillow to see where she was. She didn't make it too far when her head began to swim. Sensing it was early, and the room was quiet, whomever brought her here surely meant her no harm. She lay back again wondering how it had ended and how she got here. She began to drift back to sleep as her mind was already going to the whereabouts of her weapons..and the wallet.
  25. In the very early hours before dawn, as the events of the night unfolded..and a man slept soundly in the Fancy Parrot.. unknowingly robbed of his possesions. A ship was being towed silently out of the harbor by longboats. It passed through the inlet and the red sails unfurled catching the Ocean wind which blew unfettered outside the protected cove. It took a South Easterly tack and soon slipped over the horizon.
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