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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Ransom looks genuinely perturbed. Picking at her roll and flinging the bits about, illustrating to Red Cat's amusement, that Jacky has managed to ruffle her normally smooth feathers. "Ye gonna eat that? r just turn it into bird food?" Ramsom puts the roll down quickly and snatches her glass back up annoyed at herself for bein so obvious. Red Cat just laughes and leans forward pourin her the last of the brandy "Oi gerl, he's gotten to ye! " she says with a wan smile unable to resist twittin her friend. Ramson just "hmphs" and takes a sip. "Well it seems you two are alike and that can be troublesome...peas in a pod ye be." She stops to think a moment tiping her empty glass and looking at the lady Captain with a raised eyebrow. "Crew is crew..." she says casting a look to the ceiling where noises of objects being moved about echo. "pay no mind ta whet they says, but now..where was I ? Aye..mayhap ye need te find out what he'd do for you?" She looks up at Ransom an runs a finger around the rim of the empty brandy glass - dinging it with a nail. (what does a gerl have ta do t throw a hint about here?)
  2. Might we have something hot to drink with that? It's late and frosty outside. Something good to end the night with.
  3. Blue...hmm perhaps its that odd plural like deer or cannon?
  4. Well.. he was at Kates... but he got nervous when he Spied William staring at him from the kitchen with a knife in his hand.. Oh and someone get poor Patrick a sammich.. venison perhaps? A lil Grey Poupon?
  5. Marcy Fyne stood all of 5' 1" and welcomed her friend into her room at the *Fancy Parrot* "Shhh " she said brushing back a stray ringlet of her golden locks which had loosed from the topknot she wore. "Is he out?" Red Cat inquired peering over towards a figure passed out on the bed in the corner. The figure answered with a loud snore and the two women huddled together trying to stifle giggles. "Aye Cat, he's good till late mornin I reckon..twas easier than I thought! Just a lil o that powder in his ale" Red Cat turned back to her friend. Marcy's real surname was Darcy, but when she was a lass in school the kids teased her summin awful. So when she arrived to seek her fortune and wound up here, she changed it to Fyne..and that she was. "Do ye have it then?" Red Cat inquired urgency in her voice. " I can na stay" She had an odd intuition and it was making her jumpy. Marcy handed her a leather wallet tied with a string. "Here..'tis all there, just as ye said it would be." Red Cat inspecting the package broke into a grin. "Aye Marcy lass I owe ye yet agin. " Marcy also produced a fat bag o coins. "E had quite a lot on im as well" she said with a demure smile belaying her true nature. The Cats eyes grew large at such a take. They spoke in hushed whispers for a moment, giggling with each snort from the corner. "I'v summin for ye" the dainty girl said. She opened a small drawer in the desk and took out a red silk ribbon. Selecting one of the braids in Cat's hair she wrapped it several times and tied it tight. "I know how ye were admirin my real silk ribbons and I want ye t have this t' remember yer friend by. I plan to flee back to France tonight before old billy boy ere wakes up." Glad at the news, Red Cat gave her friend a smile, thanked her for the treasures large an small, and pausing a moment handed her back the coin. "I've nuthin t give ye back, so here.. that ye may travel like a lady" Marcy's eyes lit up. It had been too long since she'd even considered herself one. "Too bad Roberts won't see ye befor ye leave. I hadn't seen him in nigh on four months but he looks well. "Aye..." Marcy said with a smile an a wink.."but I have.." Red Cat chuckled quietly "Waall I shoulda known e'd see you first! The dog always did have a weakness for the French ladies" They bade each other good bye and Red Cat slipped down the kitchen stairs and paused a moment, pullin her coat about her tightly "Aye.. summin aint right" she said quietly to erself, then slipped out into the darkened streets and was gone.
  6. Ha! the other, other white meat! No thanks, I'll stick ta chicken! he's just too cute n fuzzy even tho he just stole my silverware....and spilled rum on the carpet.... dang.
  7. Hey don't laugh.. if he kin afford a hat from Captain Jacks, A sword from Old Dominion, that fine flintlock AND 3 bottles of Pussers.... hey! wait a minute... he's a Pirate! ..never mind lol! Wonder if he's single? Damn rummy raccoons!
  8. Aye, but pirates alike we all be here. So tradition begs ye buy the first round here at our lil pub. On that note I believe a Rum n lime will do thankee!
  9. Dirty Smythe aye? Whar hails ye from Mr. Lucas? AN welcome ta th pub!
  10. ER.. Quickhands, I believe ye need ta be explainin this a bit further?
  11. Pausing catlike at th top o the darkened stairway, Red Cat put an ear to the door on th right of the landing. No sound forthcoming, she knocked quickly twice followed by scratching once. A pause an the door handle began t' turn and then stopped. The knock was repeated and the door opened this time. "Aye, ye gave me a start there " Red Cat said and entred the dimly lit room closing the door just as silently behind her. At the bottom of the stairs, down the corridor at the back.. the shadowy figure had returned. Silas grasped the blue velvet scrap with a leathery hand, inspecting it a moment and left it hanging as he walked quickly back out and around the corner into th rainy night..
  12. William, I stand at the ready should you need me to help as we feast Lady snow! I brought a cake fitting her name
  13. Baconfest? I believe we all be linin up like lil piggies (um interested attendees) sounds great ! well done for me please! Count me in!
  14. the trees shook and
  15. Ransom has finished telling her tale and Red Cat just stares at her for a moment as if she be reviewin the whole thing an lookin fer a sign that anything was..left out. Which in these circumstances there most always was....some small tidbit conveniently forgotten. Left for later like the good silver. The Cat slowly poured herself another glass o brandy, spillin a bit as the plum colored liquor had begun to take hold of her faculties, and leaned back in the ornate chair at Ransom's table. Takin a deep breath she started. "Well....these things can be tricky, ye see a man like Jacky Tar, he be both simple and complicated" Ransom rolls her eyes and begins to think this might have been a mistake. Laughing, Red Cat contunies "Ya see he be a private man an tho he fancies ye he fears the loss o summin very valuable ta him..his freedom. So he kinda shoots himself in the foot now an then when things git too close. But make no mistake, that don't mean he doesn't feel the same. Plus I spect he enjoys the friction" she raises one eyebrow " between you two. " Taking a long second drink the Cat contemplates her glass a moment as she swirls the well aged brandy within.."Now as fer Spoons n the crew o the Relentless..wall thar be nuthin more disruptive ta their way of freedom than a lass wot the captain fancies. One on board ship changes the whole natural order of things." "However" Both women hang on to the table an their glasses as a stray wave rocks the Rakehell, a muffled thud is heard from abovedecks folowed by a muffled swear. "However Ransom me dear.. there are ways around that" The Cat inspects her glass to make sure none was lost in the wake of that wave and waits for Ransom ta reply.
  16. distant palm grove and
  17. and a second mysterous
  18. Well this one may be tough an scrawny..but he's already marinated!
  19. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaacon.....
  20. Yer not the only one that dense Hester Still, great article!
  21. Funny how in English word order is crucial to meaning... you slip that word "when" over two places to the right and that sentence of yours becomes rather amusing. Aye!! Now I know why you're one o me favorite people , sly an witty Blackjohn! LOL
  22. ::standing in line:: Hey if yer noggin don't hurt after writing that..let alone researching it, HUZZAH!!
  23. "Bring it on Mr. Hand! Ye scurvy dog! I'll cut ye like a trout! I'll keel haul ye! I'll fill yer guts wi lead! I'll bust ye like a ripe acorn! Curse the day ye will!! Curse the day ye crossed ol Mr squeekysails! Bring it on Mr. Hand says I! Do yer warst! I ain't ascared o ye!! Ye lilly livered bast***!! Arrrrrrr!!!! *hic* %$*?
  24. Hmmmm.... a foam cudgel..
  25. LOL! Aye! that's about it! I lose him in the snow all the time. I have ta put his blue jacket on or he just dissapears. He has a thing for snow and thoug he be little, he dives right in almost up to his ears and plows around. Even tho I dig him paths like an idiot. Funny!
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