Sjorovaren - I am sorry for your misfortune. Especially that you lost a job you loved so much. I hope you find something soon.
As for what has been said here,
Agreed. Though I am younger, a change in jobs has stalled over fears of being laid off as well. I have some seniority right now so I have to decide whether to stay put.
Back in December 1991 the economy was sagging and threatening to get much worse. The number of people working fell an astonishing 250,000 in one month. 18 months later, the economy was still stagnating.
At the end of the elder GWB presidency, I remember things being bleak. My neighbor who was a CPA was desperately looking to acquire a Snapple route. Hed been laid off for months from his desk job.
My best friend who worked in finance spent 10 months looking for a job. Milk was expensive, bread was expensive and for the first time I remember being scared about the future. I have this vivid memory of that Summer sitting in a chair in my living room and fearing a near depression.
But we pulled out. I think that because today unlike the 20's we have a global economy, problems aren't just isolated on a local level anymore. There was an article yesterday about the G8 summit and how the wealthiest countries are going to try to solve the world finnancial crisis.
Of course none of this helps those who need it right this minute.
What really pisses me off is a couple of US Citizens have spent $155,000.00 in South Korea to clone their dog which died from cancer.
1) The money left our hurting economy and went to Korea.
2) I love my dog, but come the status of need in this country how piggish, how ultimately selfish.
3) I could have really used that $155,000
But homeleess people, elderly people who only take half their meds because they can't afford that and food, the recent victims of weather in
Kentucky, medical research. Those of you now out of work or facing a possible furlough could have used it a lot more.
If that couple hit the skids financially I wouldnt buy them a slice of pizza.