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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Good gracious all these January Birthdays! Pirate cupcakes all around!
  2. A Happy Natal Day and many more!
  3. To Jacky Tar and his cast of thousands....well a few anyway HAppy Birthday ye Pirate ye!
  4. Red Cat pokes her head into the Girly Girl club....no one seems to mind, so she struggles in with many shopping bags with brightly colored tissue peeking out. Following her is a waiter with a large wheeled tray of fruit, cheese, crackers, tiny veggies and a sterno aside many skewers of mini marshmellows layered with chocolate. "Can I play?...I bought enough for everyone"
  5. Christine..theres a stomach thing going around..hope you feel better. Ever consult a nutritionist? I am sleeeepy
  6. I had a belated surpise Birthday lunch today - mmmmm at Red Lobster Island rhum and mango wood grilled shrimp and scallops I was too full after that and a salad. William do you have something light and sweet for dessert?
  7. OKOKOK for those of you whom have been goading me to for the longest time..... I have watched some of the episodes... Now I want more... yes it is indeed addictive
  8. Triscuits The grass getting green amidst the ice. Spring is coming! woohoo! My Goggie * ruff! * Dad, whom I miss very much
  9. flogger bluefish (your choice )
  10. That's funny ... I thought we were supposed to worry about offending AMERICANS? Oh maybe I missed the message because I didn't press 1 to select English. Good Gods. We've been diluted. again....
  11. Red Cat glanced casually up at th peak o' th' galley an grinned. "Mr. Durant ..It'll cost far more'n ye may have n' a lifetime fer that sort o' information..." She walked to th side o' th galley stove an peeked in Nate's ketle. Takin a gingerly sniff she didn't let on how good it smelled. "Still an all...wot ye got in tha pot jeeees... may loose a few articles..." she met his eye wit a twinkle o' mischief in hers, turnin her nose up an leanin against th' doorframe. Th' smile came once agin.."if it be good o' course.."
  12. Cat an Nate had managed a fire in th' Galley and were awaitin a fine repast. Red CAt were enjoyin herself an wore a quirky smile as she considered the recent turn o' events from wot should have been a bloody battle to a fine sunny afternoon in th' makin. She turned t' Nate who were busy stirrin his own creation on th fire. "Soooooooooo Nate do tell me about yeself as we seem t' have a lull twixt bein fired at an bad weather." She gave him a quick wink addin...."let's be hopeful that it lasts quite some time." She leant back agin the galley entrance an passed a bottle to his free hand.
  13. A birthday week......? hmmmmm I'll second that. Call out to the Kate for drink and fare and well fetch the fiddler and his men. Woohoo! Heheh actually thats the tricorn I have been drooling over...maybe it'll be a birthday present to meself! Thanks again all of you ! Wish you were all here to celebrate with
  14. WOW! Wishes, an Treasure, an cake, an flowers an fireworks, an Cinnamon toast ,an shoppin, an singin?!?!?!?! * sniff *~~ Awwwwww..... sigh ye Pirates...... made th Ol CAt very Happy. Many Piratical Thanks to all of my extended family. HUggs, Birthday cake an Rum all around!! :)
  15. stuff = plunderables
  16. Patrick, your cat must know my dog...who can bark SUP-PER! quite well Why did I teach him that?
  17. See what happens when you FAIL to post quickly?
  18. oooooooooooo Sophia that sounds yummy! Fish on the barbie is always a treat! Or the oven grill I'll be cooking my wallet...room service tonight. But hey! no dishes!!
  19. OOh I'd like on eof those..I'm stuck with Cranberry juice right now. Wheres the vodka and lime?
  20. Sigh...well it's gonna S N O W here. I'm at work watching the front creep across the radar. Bleah. Wishing to be snuggled on the couch with something warm..and a cup of hot cocoa with summin in it, a good movie or maybe just the Christmas carols I haven't had time to enjoy yet. Buuuuuuuuuuuut I'll be here....for at least 2 days ...unless the weathermen are wrong...sigh... It does look cool tho. Hope the rest of you stays warm and dry :)
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