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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Tracy...Hampfa Brnfday.. sorry...had a mouthfull of guava cake HAPPPY BIRTHDAY GERL! A very Happy Birthday to a very special person who always has a smile for everyone. May you smile all day and into next year!
  2. Awww! I so agree...thats a perfect name... My dog is 8 and has many names Puppykins, Mr. fluffybutt, Puppy, pupples.... and the old standby "stop licking the damn couch!!!!"
  3. Indeed I did grow a beard! I finally got a job that will let me have one lol. How have you been? Sorry I've been so quite on the forums. I've had a very very busy winter!

  4. the sound of The Tavern loading...well if it had a sound...just my noisy laptop
  5. Snackin on a wee piece of Irish Soda bread and jam
  6. Chatting...posting...
  7. punt Hey Silent grew a beard!
  8. Jenny giggles along with Syren and feels blessed as well
  9. A toast to Silkies toes then! Ladies raise yer glasses...May they stay toasty!
  10. Lol I have heard that story Tartan
  11. Aww poor thing... Still.. it's a great color for Spring :)
  12. Jenny pops in a copy of the Big Easy, passes around shots of Blue Tattoo and some popcorn. Aye gerls the weekend is here!
  13. Aye warm parts and cold steel.....* gets completely distracted *
  14. Thank you Syren Jenny settles into the comfy chair aside Silkie and William who is pretending to row his chair Sips the cocoa...mmmmmmmmmmmmm That was just what I needed Coin for your kind efforts lass...
  15. At Rumba's request..here is the info on this faire in her stomping grounds. Apr. 25th-26th & May 2nd-3rd, 2009 Felicita Park, Escondido, CA 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day AND Oct 31-Nov.1 & Nov. 7th-8th, 2009 For more info http://www.goldcoastfestivals.com/escondidoren/erenpg1.html
  16. Sigh.....
  17. Red Cat felt summin atop her. She had both eyes squoze shut an opened jes one...slowly.. t'warn't wreckage...she opened th' other eye an shook her head as th' rest o' her were pined t' th' deck, bits an ashes lay about them "Phoo!...Nate were lookin away over them an then turned t' grin at her but not afore inspectin her expression t' see if she were aright. At least he made as so... "Mr. Durant...." "Aye..?" came th' Irish's reply, but no movement save fer th' grin. "I ..ehrm..wall.." Cat struggled under th sailors weight a moment somehow she though he'd be ligter bein lanky an such. Th grin continued till it reached his eyes. "Ahem...Nate...ye need not be a squintin at me like 'at..and I thankee..but I b'lieve I needs ta breathe.." He paused a moment an their eyes met. A small grin tugged th' corner o' er mouth but then was tucked away. "Oi Nate...do ye mind halpin me up 'fore ye take e'ry wrinkle from me coat?" He laughed an helped her to her feet then they both turned to look at the distruction amongst th' gatherin.
  18. Ok so now where are Maeve Syren and Silkie when ya wanna share a cup a hot cocoa?
  19. AYE!!! Very Happy Birthday and smooth sailing for the year ahead!!! Wishing all the best for Spring Summer and the rest of the year. A Happy Happy Birthday *hugs * Jenny
  20. Rumbas back! whoohoo. Glad you are feeling right as rain! Worried about ya. Now with you and Syren all fixed up well have a grand time of Spring and Summer Take care now and take it slow there lass! Hugs!!!
  21. and gingerale...
  22. OH man the Carne Asada tacos from the place I used to live near would be awesome. Sadly its just a triscuit ir two tonight
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