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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. I agree with Animal. A second chance is a gift. My thoughts and prayers to him and his and you for asking.
  2. May those who love us, love us. And those that don't love us, May God turn their hearts. And if He doesn't turn their hearts, May he turn their ankles, So we'll know them by their limping.
  3. I love when you use phrases like this. It brings instant vistas into the immagination..and that big grin. I'll let you know what I come up with...you have me thinking now
  4. we take things seriously at the Kate.. Will that do men? Of course we could do like they do in a little local near The fort of El Morro - flaming tequila shots. Whack it hard on the table and dump it down aye! (Disclaimer don't try this at home kids..or adults, unless you've done it)
  5. Bless you Captain... too kind...are we still on for the story telling lessons?
  6. Holy Ground of The Lucy Jenny's blood began to rush as the Captain shouted the order which was followed by what sounded like thunder as the guns were loosed almost in unison. Heart pounding, she mounted the last two stairs as one. There she found Captain Lasseter calm as ever and was somewhat in awe. The display of confidence and absolute command followed by the well oiled sequence of the deck was a transformation from the earlier casual conversation and the seeming ease of a crew happy to be at sea. Truly her eyes were opened. Another measure of fear was driven back by this display and she found her legs more easily. When the Captain handed her his own pistols..Jenny had not the words to say. She had less experience with smaller arms, but enough to accept them. She did not question whether he would be adequately armed less these two which she had seen him place in his pockets more than once. Ones he must be accustomed to, perhaps fond of. "Sah?" He nodded at her and advised she place them one in her belt and the other in the pocket of the wesket she had purchased at Martinique. "Thank you Captain, on my word I will return them" Lacking any further words, Jenny tried out a salute touching her knuckle to her brow as she had seen the others do.
  7. Deck of the Lucy - Aft "Don't look so stricken lass" Tucker spoke as he thrust the dipper sharply into the bucket Jenny strained to hold aloft, about splashing her with the rum and causing her to tighten her grip. A bolt of shame or perhaps anger at the challenge along with the sudden action stiffened her spine. It was deliberate on his part to shake the very fear from her bones and replace it with defiance. The pique showed in her face but Jenny held her tongue. Satisfied that he had rankled her, Tuck sought to add a quick bolstering. He jutted his chin towards the others, wiped it with his sleeve and gestured across the deck with the empty dipper. "Miss Ashcombe..you see these lads?.. aye, you will see em again. An ever again. Mark my words Miss Ashcombe, yer aboard The Lucy. She's a tight an fast ship an the Cap'n he knows his business." Their conversation was interrupted by Marsh grumbling and returning with Tjaack to dump the fire over the side. Tucker chuckled. He leaned into Jenny and pressed the dipper into her hand more gently. He couldn't have asked for a better example. "Fear should not be ignored, but 'tis wise to put it in it's place" with a nod he sent her off to return the bucket and report to the Captain and Master. As she returned from the galley having witnessed the goings on in preparation, Jenny saw most carrying out their actions as if it were regular duty. They did so with a more serious resolve but seemed no less shaken for the possibilities that lay ahead. Instead they appeared confident and able and loyal to the last. These were not formal soldiers and more than a few had newly joined at Martinique. But there seemed to be an understanding. A quiet confidence. Jenny closed her eyes at the ward room door and resolved she would enter there many times again in better fortune. She prepared her mind to shut out all else and to the Lord spoke one more prayer for all aboard before joining Captain Lasseter once again on the holy ground.
  8. T'is an honor t' wish ye a Happy Happy birthday Iron Bess. Hope the day brings food, laughter and fun!
  9. In my usual bout of sleeplesness I have found a new place for those of you "punking" in or near LA with areas called The lab, the generator lounge and the tesla lounge. A steampunk style lounge/restaurant set in a 20's era actual powerplant with the original generators and some way cool furniture in place. What a great place for photos, to hang out or if you surf their site some inspiration.. http://www.edisondowntown.com/main.htm Why does the East coast never catch up?
  10. Jenny had turned in the direction of the Navarra. Indeed the Watch Dog as she had noticed from the stern windows before, was nowhere in sight. She stared into the blackness as if an answer would appear and all would be made immediately plain, when Me Pew's words caused her stomach to lurch into her chest where her heart had already begun to race at the Captains explanation. She wasn't ready, how had she not truly considered the danger she embarked upon? Captain Lasseter's words brought her back to the present and his order somehow released her feet which had become frozen to the deck. She hurried below and finding the rum cask took up the copper dipper hung nearby and filled a smaller bucket usually reserved for water. Blinded with fear and confusion she began to walk solemnly between the men handing each in turn his ration. As she passed each some drank without taking heir eyes from the distant darkness and the threat which filled its void, others thanked her quietly. Some seemed almost excited and speculated in hushed tones pausing to reassure her and she was bolstered by their confidence. Slowly she crossed the deck from aft to fore. A million thoughts and questions racing through her head. She paused at the next man as she neared the stern again. She passed the dipper, but paid no attention to another man who may be gone as well as she by mornings light. Jenny looked out to the darkness and a lump rose in her throat. She closed her eyes slowly. shutting out the thoughts and was met with an image of the Children, mercifully interrupted by a voice at her side. "Steady Lass"..Jenny looked up to see the face of Mr. Tucker. The dipper seemed small is his grasp and he wore an expectant smile. "Yes sah". She lifted the bucket higher so he would not have to stoop.
  11. I cooked cut up chicken with thin sliced white onions, celery and apples carmelized in extra virgin olive oil and a llittle butter then added chicken broth and baby organic carrots. A little stuffing and a Pellegrino with a splash of lemon juice. mmmmmmmmm. It;s nice to be home
  12. I'd like anything flambe..and a creme brulee. Any dessert made with a torch is cool. The more fire the better
  13. Miss Ashcombe was at once bewildered. She was hesitant to climb the stairs as the officers only occupied the small section of deck above the ward room, but reasoned that the circumstances waranted it. Neither Captain Lasseter or Mister Whittinford seemed consternated at her presence there, but their response was unexpected given the obvious tension just below them. "Sir? "She looked in the direction Mr. Pew faced, glass again to his eye.
  14. Miss Ashcombe having nearly come to a decision was pressed firmly into her resolve as hurried footsteps and hushed orders sounded outside the ward room. Already crossing to the door and having quickly dressed in the sailor's slops the rest of the crew wore, she donned Silkie's green hat over a tight que and paused before the latch. Had they fogotten her? Or was it assumed she would stay below decks stowed safely away as possible from whatever the Lucy held her breath for. Not knowing was unbearable. Jenny was one of them now and the only safety she knew was in the hands of the crew and Captain. She would be one of those hands as and where needed. Pressing back the urge to douse the lamp and hide on her knees next to the sternbench, Jenny opened the door to a flurry of activity. The men moved quickly but with deliberate care and the odd scratching of the sand was the loudest sound. A breeze caught her full in the face and she looked upwards to see the sails shifting in the wind, follwed by the sway of the Lucy turning on its axis and the groan of the mast answering it's call. They were turning. Jenny held her hat against the breeze and climbed the stairs in search of the Captain and answers.
  15. Red Cat's eyes narrowed almost imperceptably, but she did little more 'n nod...oh they'd have a ward wi Roberts....his last. She'd see t' that r' nearly so. Any debt 'tween 'em from b'fore were settled now. 'Less th' almighty saw fit t' step in twicet in one day.
  16. Red Cat was stunned. She sat abruptly from her squattin position an jus stared..glanced up at th' sky an then back ta Nate.. Fer once..she were speechless
  17. Red Cat looked up at Ransom's wards.. then back t' Nate. "Nate..." she spake, desperate t' have things within her control. "We've still rum left lad..." as she spoke she begun t' unbutton his jacket seekin t' allow his lungs t' breathe should he start. She looked up squintin at th'' sky "Aye, father tha he speaks ta..I knowd we don't talk as regular as ye do wit' ol Nate here..but we could use 'im here still if ye kin spare th lad.."Not knowin wot else ta do she leant back a wee allowin more sun t' warm him "'e's cold.." she said in a soft voice t' no one imparticular shudderin as the wards left her lips.
  18. Camper, Sutler, Cook, father ...pirate A happy Birthday to you!
  19. Ward Room of The Lucy As the Captain left to a call of Sail ho! Jenny lowered the lamp in the ward room to better view the water and ships in tow. She remained quiet, settling on the edge of the stern bench. When the Watch Dog faded from sight she assumed they must have gone ahead to scout, but the Navarra remained in view. She hugged herself and listened trying to garner anything from above and outside. There were heavy unfamiliar sounds and brief swells of activity followed by quiet. When she could wait no longer, she crossed to the door and placing both palms flatly upon it, first pressed an ear to the wood and then opened it barely enough to see past its edge. There were men crouched low, some huddled in twos. The ships cannons were moved from their storage. Jenny looked for those she knew, fearful of what had suddenly befallen them. Seeing no familiar face she dared the door open wider and set one foot to step clear of it. Her shoe crunched on something and she looked down to see sand spread about the deck. Jenny wondered at where it had come from unaware of it's purpose. As she again looked for the Captain or Ships Master, a man turned from his place at the rail looking to the deck above the ward room. She quickly shut the door, crossed quietly to her cot and stood wondering whether she should gather the courage to join the others. Was she expected to? She reviewed what Captain Lasseter had said about the Marines. Were they the men now crouched at the rail? Feeling fear rise, she settled in the chair and willed herself away from panic. She would need to think clearly. Jenny felt beneath the straw mattress of the cot locating the dagger secreted there and settled back against the chair listening intently. A small prayer came to her lips.
  20. All had fallen silent once the last syllable fell on th' still of th' deck seemin t' take th' air wit it. Red cat whirled from her grasp on Roberts sure she'd see Nate sit up. But he lay there..she rushed t' his side, an her eyes welled as she searched him fer signs o' life..Careless fer her own safety anymore, she thew down th' pistol an leaned in close t' Black Nate. There were maybe three people in th' whole world that Cat ever trusted..an Nate had become a fourth. Her mind went blank between fury an'confusion. Why would Roberts kill Nate? Wot were posessin all o' em? "Nate..." she whispered so very quietly fearful that no response would ever come.
  21. Time stopped fer a moment.... Red Cat had just made th' deck from th' ladder in time t' see Roberts take aim. Sh opened 'er mouth t' shout but th' noise was drowned out by th' crack of a pistol. Nate staggered backwards th' grin still on his face an fell back upon th' deck. Cat's eyes grew huge an she reaced towards Roberts throwin her full weight agin' th' man an pushed him towards th' mast she held her pistol t' his temple an spake him t' say his prayers if he'd actually harmed Nate.
  22. Aye! ROCK ON YOU WILD WOMAN! Jenny and Hester continue to say the most brazen thing at lunch with the ladies...
  23. Jenny hands Miss Mc Dunnough a dainty plate of heart shaped scones and settles with a favorite breakfast. Granola, fruit, fresh cream and a sprinkle of brown sugar and tea.
  24. Sigh I wanted to see that version. Now I can! Thanks!! I have the one withh Roert Newton which is charming
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