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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. hmm the Steampunk forum might have some interest as well..
  2. Awww we'll get ye there next year. You got healthier this year and thats more important. I'll bring ya back summin an you can help run the Kate while I'm away .
  3. I am running out and buying this! Congratulations Tiger Bill...fer pirating Maddogge's stuff oh and the calendar...Hope you got some rum in the deal
  4. "Kiss Me" by Sixpence None the Richer
  5. Memories (Of good times)
  6. Momentarily and over a third glass o' spirits, Red Cat forgot about Roberts. R' decided ta.. She fixed her eyes upon Ransom. "I don think ol' Jacky's too hot t' leave these here waters. I agree th' Flodden's not t' be trusted..I'd lay tha she's not far off an waitin til any gold is brought forth." CAt rubbed th' edge o' th glass thoughtfully "They likely figger we'll do away wit each other over th' treasure an make the takin that much easier once our numberes are less. Sail back in an steal off wit the bulk o' it....An one o' these ships." She looked about for agreement or concurrence on th faces of th' others. "Now Nate 'ere has a point 'bout "Bermuda..but we need ta have a parlay tween us 'n Jacky. We're safer in numbers no matter th' port aye?."
  7. If it's casual and on the water..I'm there. I recently had a wonderful lunch at one which doubles as a local fish market. Shared with truly wonderful company and some ducks. Alas the outdoor places I have been in St. Maarten, KeyWest, and an amazing little French place tucked away in the small bit of "woods" in Bermuda..travel always makes food better. The Irish Coffee Pub out here is great. That's another...add a fireplace, natural stone, good food and drink and I'm there as well. Done the Sushi bar , the crab house and Central park's Boat House in Manhattan...but the little local in a very local part of Puerto Rico in the Old San Juan section was a memory. The food was amazing, the tables few and the flaming shots of tequilla being smacked on the table and downed with gusto by deeply tanned locals and a lot of habanero sauce...ole!
  8. These all sound great. I am truly hoping to learn the art, as well as starting the fire. Ever since Pip I have been dreamin of those "sword biscuits" you all go on about yum!
  9. Behold...the bacone dessert or breakfast? and courtesy of bacn.com (Ohhhh William....they have a bacon of the month club) The new bacn fashion I think you and Maeve need matching T's :)
  10. workin on it inbetween a rough work schedule and a lousy old junky car - hands Ransom some new wierdness
  11. Some Cat N Morgan fluffy and smooth to make you feel better
  12. A very Happy Birthday! :)
  13. It would be wonderful I think for the newbs as well as those filling in the holes in their current knowledge, if you ladies and men in the know would post a series of images here as a well illustrated, color step by step guide. For example... Pic 1 Here are stays (front , back, side) Stays should be spiral laced from what I have read. Here is what stays are laced with..and how far apart the egdes should be laced. Here are a few options (bows and such) that you may have on your stays. Pic 2 Here is a scarf and how it should be worn, tucked in for modesty. To make your own, here are the dimensions and how to fold it. Pic 3 Here are petticoats , a close up of how they are tied and a short blurb about how they should be worn one or more? Hem length etc. Should they be linen, wool, other materials? Can they have a pattern, stripes like slops or if you are wearing two , a combination of both? Pic 4 Here is a mantua. Here is how it is fastened at the sides. It can be made of.... Pic 5 Here are stays worn with 1 - petticoats chemise apron and scarf 2 - petticoats chemise and mantua Here are jumps next to stays - Here are how the two are worn. Here is a picture of the accessories a lady would have and the pockets. Here is how to properly wear and carry those accessories. add in then, hat..shoes..stockings and garters A section on jewelry, scents and any allowable makeup would round it out to perfection. More than 1 example of each in a photo not a fuzzy painting would really give someone planning a first time kit not only some ideas but the knowledge of options they may choose from. In looking through all the after action pics etc..there are so many wonderful outfits and beautiful ladies...surely you all wouldn't mind being a gallery of well put together examples in the flesh for those who would feel just a bit lost with all the varying opinions and murky black and white drawings. Which may be clear to the very well versed in kit..but not so much to someone starting out. I apologise if this has been done elsewhere, though I havent seen it in this format and once it's up I would remove this post. Please don't use this as a forum for disagreeing..but think of the first time gerl wanting to feel confident among so many who might be quick to look them over. Links to personal projects, long discussions and paterns would be fine - just keep this section as a living pictorial simply broken down which would be met with gratefulness I believe. And hey who doesn't like to show off their goods?
  14. Wow this was a great education..and gives me a great thirst! Foxe, your later post answered the question I was just geting ready to ask. That if Rum was a lubbers drink then what was the preferred Sailors beverage? That was quite interesting and I had not read that before. Perhaps you can expand on what the officers preferred aboard? I'm sure there was brandy and wine etc. With alcohol coming from so many areas of the world at that time, I'm sure there was a variety..depending on where one sailed. I understand South America produced many wines in that era as did France etc..and of course rum in the Caribbean as well as other spirits. Was there one or two things that were staple for the better class of Officers their guests or passengers?
  15. Cat did naught but huff and glare at th' image o' Roberts still fresh in her mind. She drained the glass and passed it back to the Captain. She warn't in th' mood fer talkin jes yet.
  16. Welcome, drinks are on you as is customary...I'll have a Captain and Coke if you please.
  17. It's too hot to cook..we're calling out for a pizza.. Pizza is a food group
  18. It brings a lot of different emotions...but ends up as sad. What a loss.
  19. Thanks for the welcome.

  20. Scottish and Irish...woah Just talk to me all day, I don't care what about...
  21. Fresh Strawberries, Cool Whip Lite and pieces of Anisette sponge ..and a Tea..mmmmmmm
  22. NO BACON????!!!! oops....
  23. I have a nice lemon rum cake here....we could always douse it in more rum and give it a try
  24. For you.... How about a nice healthy Bacon and avocado salad mmmmmm and then ruin it ...just a little..with a slice of Pistachio mousse and apricot buttercream opera cake?
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