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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny
Ward Room of The Lucy Miss Ashcombe had trailed closely behind her employer wondering if she should have waited in one place at times for him to return from numerous short sojurns about his ship. More than twice he turned about unexpectedly, once nearly tripping over her as he reversed his step on the stairs from the hold. She began to wonder that it might not be long before he lost his patience for her novice in the position he had granted her so generously, and reprimanded her for so many missteps. Instead Captain Lasseter took this as he seemed to take most things, in stride. An affectation he shared with Preston Wittingford that made apparent their ease in shifting responsibility for the ship and crew between them at times. She mused each would be comfortable with the others methods, though Pew tended to be rougher in his dealings. Perhaps that owed to the Captain requiring more decorum of himself at all times. Or that he was more than accustomed with the comonality of men of Pew's demeanor. The invitation to join in a glass of spirits eased her feelings of awkwardness and she graciously accepted. As Jenny poured and the Captain went back to his humming she inquired after the tune. Dorian explained in short form the story behind the melody familiar to many men in his trade before returning to the ledger, the quill scratching in harmony with his. Jenny walked to the stern and watched the wake of the Lucy point out towards the following ships.
Miss Ashcombe laughed watching the proceeding of the two young boys. She couldn't help letting escape some emotion of the moment. She'd found a place out of harm and work's way near enough to hear if the Captain or Mr. Pew needed her. Jenny stood with her back to the ship's Jollywatt, still holding her hat against the stiffening breeze which licked at the edges of anything not tied down fast. It brought with it the smells of the open ocean and the brisk sting of salt spray, humming in ones ears constantly like the beating of wings. The deck lightly pitched and rolled yet no one seemed the worse for it, moving about their work with an almost gracefulness unique to a life in motion. The experience was quite different than she had remembered from the crossing to Martinique five years past and more like the earlier thrill of crossing the Atlantic as a carefree child. Jenny had become near giddy with the exhilaration of the past half hour. The enthusiasm of those onboard was palpable and even the Lucy herself seemed to gain new life, stretching wooden arms towards the horizon and puffing out proud chests of canvas. The swells were growing larger as the land receded and the water deepened, changing from a smoky almost muddy blue to shades of deep emerald, frosted with foam. There were calls and answers as orders too many for her untrained ear to discern, seemed to cross the deck and climb above in their own rhythm. All about was a feast for the senses. She pressed the hat more tightly and leaned back her head looking high into the tops of the masts. The sun flickered as the sheets billowed now and then and the pennants looked impossibly high for any mortal man to have placed them so close to the clouds. As the ship swayed the angle was dizzying and she closed her eyes slowly bringing her chin level. This was a life she could learn, full of feeling and new experiences. Jenny smiled and looked to the lads again to see what they would gain next from the Ship's most able Master.
I will add my prayers to Saint Jude for your great uncle. We're here if you need us * hugs *
Ward Room of the Lucy Miss Ashcombe had remained standing near the table. The aire in the room was casual enough, however she would not sit until or unless the ship's master did. It would take some time to become accustomed to the difference in protocol amongst these men who were senior to her both in age and rank. Within the confines of the Captain's offices and quarters, there seemed to be a different or somwewhat casual comportment between them. She shifted from foot to foot and listened to their converstion taking the chance this time on the obviousness of absorbing all that was said. Jenny needed to feel out her unfamiliar place in the workings of this new setting. As she pondered what was said, a call heard through the open shutter nearest the Captain brought them up into the sunlight on deck. As she hurried to meet the longer strides of Captain Lasseter, Jenny steadied her hat against the wind with one hand. Out of habit she grasped for her skirts with the other, finding the sailors slops instead. Jenny huffed at herself and grasped the railing to give leverage to her haste.
Below Decks The Lucy Miss Ashcombe made her way back to the ward room below decks. Having only passed that way a few times, She entered the solitary space of the hold which smelled of mustiness, spice and wood smoke that drifted aft somewhere from the galley. Careful and wary of the rats she had heard about in ship's stores, Miss Ashcombe wended between sacks, barrels and crates bearing food, candles and sundry for the journey. At the back of the hold she climbed the small stairs and stepped to the left to enter the ward room. There she found the Captain already at home in his quarters. He enquired on Mr. Whittingford, but she had not seen him and said so. He had no further requests and she put away the things which he had brougt back with him. Replacing the inkpot and ledger on the desk and his hat to it's hook. As she did so she bit her lip and considered asking after Mr. Durand but kept her silence settling instead for straightening up whatever needed tending.
Jenny had remained standing at the rail not in particular to wait for the return of the Captain and his men, as she did not know how long such a meeting would take. There was also the possibility of the longboat returning to the Watch Dog before it delivered home the Lucy's occupants. But the sea was calm.. and the light breeze as the wind's direction changed with the departure of night was pleasant. She felt the wood of the rail warming from the now abundant sunshine and it was interesting to watch all the daily happenings around them in the Cul de Sac. Jenny allowed herself the first few real moments of calm since leaving the plantation and simply enjoyed the relaltive feel of safety about her. There were so many men and Mr's Pew and Tucker. The Lucy was armed and the Watch Dog as well was nearby. With Both Captain's not far off she could not imagine feeling less within a realive fortress of men to whose company she now belonged. A priveledge Miss Ashcombe had only begun to understand during her few days amongst them. She'd even begun to imagine that she might be as confident and able as those women of the Watch Dog she had seen. She thought of Murin and the Steward to Captain Brand. The peaceful feeling was shattered almost instantaneously by the realization of Durand from across the water. He stood out like an aparition made more horrible as the glass of his eye in the shadow of his hat caused it to appear dark, while the smile he wore was nothing less than wicked. Jenny drew in her breath visibly in spite of her fear of being recognized. Already mentaly admonishing herself for being the fool and appearing in plain sight so close to land and other local vessels. She'd been too confident. She fought her instinct to run and hide in the darkness of the ward room and instead held fast to the rail. She dared not look at L'ours at first but then defiantly met his stare. She was steward to Captain Lasseter of the Lucy now. She'd quit the Island of Martinique to leave behind those of Durand's ilk and their opressive ways. Jenny had more coin than she could ever imagine despite it being held in secret. To have this freedom threatened now called the anger to rise in her, in the same manner which used to cause her to stand up to Garaud despite knowing it would end with a painful blow or some form of restriction on her too independant ways. An observation St. James would so disdainfully put to her at some later point when things had returned to normal in the household or Garaud had left on one of his many extended trips. She did not make an upleasant face, but met Monsieur Durand's gaze fully with resolve. Then she simply turned and walked slowly on trembling legs to where one of the powder monkeys sat working. He stood immediately and she asked him to show her to the galley even though she knew where it was. Jenny knew it would take her past Mr. Tucker once again and then below decks. The lad did not question her odd request, but simply wiped his face on his sleeve and walked beside her knuckling his brow to those above him as they passed.
Miss Ashcombe having seen the captain to the ward room door ledger in hand, felt relieved understading more fully the reason for their return to the Cul De Sac. She made no mention of her concern to Captain Lasseter as he spoke about the intent of the two ships to escort the Spanish frigate. Jenny conveyed her understanding of his explanation interjecting a question or two to better help her understand where she may fit in the days proceedings. As relief settled in her nerves, curiosity took over and Miss Ashcombe returned to her canvas partition. Re dressed in the meager but sufficient sailor's clothing given and purchased, she fastened her hair into a tight que and donned the green hat from Miss McDonough. As she inspected the hat before placing it, she wondered if she would see her friend again now that the Watch Dog was re joined with them. Mr. Pew had not returned so she exited by the main door onto the Lucy's deck. Careful not to be underfoot during the many tasks of the morning, she made her way along the larboard rail towards the bow. Amidships she paused and looked across at the ships. Mr. Tucker stood nearby and she followed his gaze across. Shortly the Captains became apparent to her eye, standing on the deck of what must then be the Navarra. She took in the whole of the larger ship and the back of the Captains just as they retreated out of sight flanked by what she assumed were the Spansh captain and his entourage. MIss Ashcombe exchanged the briefest of greetings with Mr. Tucker who nodded and explained that shortly it was his hope they would be underway. She nodded slowly turning back to the red and yellow pennants of the foreign vessel. Jenny mused that she posessed no knowledge of or ability to speak any language other than English and French both of which she was fluent in. There was some smaller understanding of Dutch and Italian, but nothing uselful enough. She wondered at how these vessels crossing broad oceans must absorb languages and customs and flavors from all corners of the known world, becoming changed and infused with the spice of nations and far away places, while leaving behind traces of their own uniqueness. Jenny smiled slowly as her minds eye conjured visions of lands and peoples she had never known.
Time for a cup of hot tea before bed.. and a lil something
Heh remember the glass mcdonalds cups? and the Tom and Jerry Jelly glasses? Of course I was real little at the time.... I have had an odd craving for the taste of Beefeater gin. Just the taste..strange but hey I'll endulge it today as I wont have my hands on the flying public Maybe Ill try the Bombay Sapphire that I've had a wee bottle of forever.
Damn Callenish...you need a cooking show. The Pirate Chef. I may bake an egplant tonight. Im finally home for a few days.
I remember when my folks bought a waher and dryer from Sears. Well when things wore out you could only use Sears parts...which required a Seasrs service man. I Tunes reminds me of that. In these days of plug and play Ipod is a fail.
Orange Juice The rain stopped Mom Dad
Octo co workers who have to meddle in everything SLAP!!!!! Leave me alone!!!!
Lived to ^*^% another day
^ Wow thats a powerful question. I would have my Dad back with us. < And 15 years back with the knowledge of what had transpired and what would need to change if that was an option. V Pass the question
Jenny steadied the tray of cheese, bread and dark coffee. She inhaled the aroma of the steaming mugs and tread carefully back to the ward room from the Lucy's galley where she had found Mr. Marsh peeling potatoes and preparing fare for the watch change at first light. A young lads voice and that of the ships master had woken her in the night and she lain for some time listening to their quiet conversation. Mr. Pew spent some time telling the boy a tale of his early sailing days adding a lesson or two until the boy began to yawn and was sent on his way. There was the sound of a tankard being refilled and shortly thereafter the snores of the Ship's Master. Jenny no longer in want of rest, dressed and had gone quietly out on the deck of the Lucy to breathe some fresh air while the night would hide her. She'd heard the Watch Dog hail the Lucy and hurried to retrieve victuals and hot drink when it became apparent the men calling out had boarded, Captain Lasseter among them. Jenny reached for the door steadying the tray against one hip and stepped down to find the Captain dressed in formal coat and acoutrements, one foot upon a chair and an arm across his knee. His countenance was calm but weary. Mr Pew stood nearby arms crossed and his empty cup hung casually from one hand. Neither wore an expression to give any cause for alarm or boding of bad news. Both men paused in their conversation as she entered. "Sirs" Jenny said and affected as much of a curtsy as possible with her arms laden. Pew grasped the tray and placed it on the table. "Thank you Mr. Pew" she said acknowledged by his usual curt but friendly nod. "welcome Captain it is good to see you well and returned to the Lucy"
Mmmmmmm grilled shrimp and scallops and broiled scrod....
William...I think your wife just melted.... you rogue....
LOL QMJ understood.. Oh and he wanted to remind me I left out "The Commodore" which mostly fits him.
on TAP
Those who whack you in the can repeatedly with a shopping cart at the checkout as their tiny terror paws all your groceries. Someone needs a major hip check or people who leave that last square of t paper, or 1 tsp of milk in the container (I have a major dairy issue - gotta b fresh) and gum under things...never put your hand under anything in public eww * shudder * and that gross jelly stuff on cold meat..that you never see in time..blargh
cows - moooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Several days back I recieved a pair of Ladies buckle shoes from Mary Diamond.Mary, sorry ot took me a while to post They came so fast I had barely sent the check out! They fit very nicely and aye, they are comfortable! I am very pleased..a little scuffing up, and they'll pass quite nicely. Well met Mary!! A++