Miss Ashcombe had listened as she moved unobtrusively and mostly unacknowledged, but for a nod as she filled their cups once and once again. She glanced at the expressions of the men as they discussed the return to St. Louis and dealings with the ship Navarra. None had offered an explanation. Even Mr. Pew as he left, spoke only to thank her for her service. As Jenny laid the last of the cups in it's place, she pondered the circumstances ahead and the all too little bit of information. Return to St Louis could mean many things. She had gathered that the Captains would not be immediately present nor the Watch Dog to escort them. However it was said they would join the Lucy no later than the following morn. She knit her brow trying to recall the whole of Mr. Flint's report.
Across the ward room the rays of the late afternoon sun elongated and added a tinge of orange to the surfaces they touched. The sun had been high as they sailed from St. Pierre and Jenny assumed it would be little more than an hour or two before they were once again in port. She crossed to the stern bench and withdrew the sack of belongings she had arrived with. The Ship's Master and his chosen crew would be meeting with enough ability to speak with the Spanish, but she wondered if they would posess too little to overhear anything which might suggest a less than true objective. There was the potential matter of Durand. Miss Ashcombe reached into the bag deeply and withdrew the dagger wrapped in muslin which she had not declared to anyone, even Miss McDonough. She replaced the bag and hurriedly crossed to her cot secreting the weapon in it's wraps beneath the thin mattress ticking and wool blanket. Lacking anything further to do until Mr. Pew returned, Jenny settled in the chair behind the canvas and closed her eyes, hands folded neatly in her lap and tried to work out in her mind the things said moments ago and what the dealing with the Navarra may be.