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Red Cat Jenny

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Everything posted by Red Cat Jenny

  1. Kenneth that's a great pic!You look authentically "scruffy" very nice. That coat does look comfy.......better hang on to it..
  2. Miss Ashcombe waves to Syren and is glad to see her lookin so well
  3. A very happy Birthday Lady B
  4. Miss Ashcombe grew pensive. Simply waiting about was a helpless and frustrating feeling. She looked hard at the scene behind them straining to gain more of the vista with each small maneuever of the ship. Jenny knew her eye was untrained in matters at sea and she hadn't any idea what to look for save for anything amiss. The view remained as it had. The watch sounded and Jenny heard the footsteps which accompanied it. Mr. Marsh had explained the watches at length to her while she waited for him to fill her tray. At first it was confusing, but she had begun to become familiar with the portions of the day when the men shifted from work to rest and likewise. Still, it was not completely clear to her and she'd made note to write them down should she procure parchment and a new quill. The only writing implements Jenny posessed were the letters tied in green ribbon and a quill which had broken owing to the first days of fleeing and the rough travel. There was a bottle of ink half full but useless as if it had been empty without a proper utensil. The movement of men and the empty feel of her own stomach prodded her to seek out the galley as it would soon be time for the evening meal. Jenny went to the basin and washed her hands and face. She'd taken to no more than a glance in the small glass hung where the Captain had placed it for his use. Days of running and being aboard these ships had not provided the comforts and acoutrements required to maintain an appearance of quality to which she was accustomed. Need and preservation had taken the forefront on her thoughts and she had begun to avoid too close an inspection fearing the distressed image she imagined she surely presented. Jenny exited the ward room by the hold intending to procure a fresh candle to mend by if time allowed later in the eve. As she stood waiting for her eyes to adjust in the dim light about the stores, she was passed by a few crewmen on their way from within the sections of goods and items unfamiliar. She recognized none but mustered the courage to stop one of the younger ones as he passed. "Mr.." The young man not so much her junior by his looks, stopped and hazel eyes regarded her from under a shock of sandy hair. "O'hara.." he paused "Patrick...marine mum" he added the latter though he truly wasn't sure why as he did. Jenny ventured to question "Mr..O'Hara, there were shots.." "Aye.." was the only reply he gave, a question in the brogue of his speech. Jenny felt the blush of perhaps overreacting but continued in her query. "Is it quite safe now? ...to be moving about?" The corners of his eyes crinkled at first and she felt sure he would mock her wide eyed query, but his gaze then rose to the deck above them and his face took a serious turn as he considered silently what she did not know. "Well..there's been no call to quarters, aye....aye mum we're quite safe.." The crinkles returned..and he regarded her for what seemed slightly longer than proper "for th' moment " he added and turned to the call of "O'Hara!" from further down the hold. He touched his brow and hefting his sundry dissapeared in the direction of the voice leaving her to ponder the purpose of his comment. Whether it was a warning or designed for his own amusement, she no longer wished to be alone. Jenny gathered her skirts and headed towards the light and warmth of the galley.
  5. Craisins and lime chili almonds which go oddly well together
  6. Miss Ashcombe opened her mouth to question, but the Captain departed in such haste as to leave the Ward room door ajar on its hinges, grabbing up his hat and coat as he left. He muttered something in his native tongue as he passed but his attention was clearly focused above. Jenny crossed from the where she had still been standing at the cupboard, closed the door and placed an ear to it. Then thinking the better of this should one or more burst back in, she hurried to the stern windows and squinted against the sunlight of outside and back towards the neighboring ships. The scene appeared as it had over the past few hours save for the sunlight as it increased. She furrowed her brow and pressed her face close to the glass holding her breath as not to cloud the view. Still nothing. Footsteps and voices grew and silenced on the deck above but she could not make sense of any of it. Familiar with the crack of a firearm in the distance, jenny did recognise the sound which brought Captain Lasseter so quickly to action. Initially she had only taken note of it almost unconciously. It was common to hear hunting at mid day in the fields around Isle De Generosite which were rich with fowl and small game. However here she quickly understood that such a sound would be of quite a different nature. Here perhaps men hunted men. A chill rose in her and she gripped the bulkhead as the Lucy slowed.
  7. ^ Go to PIP < Hopefully this year will change that VPass the Q
  8. Jenny wanders in..teddy, candlestick and old worn pillow in hand. *Yawwwwwwwwwwwwwwn * I can't sleep...
  9. It's good weather if you're mold....
  10. Lol Stynky. You do look great but I have to agree with lady B, you never look completely innocent.
  11. Aww heck...I missed yer Birthday.. but I bet it was great! Happy Birthday Ransom and many many more years of plunder to come! * hugz *
  12. To a fellow dog a belated toast for another year. Happy Birthday!
  13. Happy Birthday to yoooo!
  14. I'll join the other late wellwishers in extending your birthday fun. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Why stop celebrating:)
  15. A happy birthday lass - hope it was grande!
  16. Extra bacon for you sah..
  17. A Happy Birthday to you, you airship Pirate!
  18. Mister Gage.. A belated but no less happy birthday sah.
  19. I like anything dry...so dry you can blow the dust off it. But I wont turn dowm a good Pina colada
  20. Ward Room of The Lucy Miss Ashcombe took in the casual exchange both spoken and not between the ship's Master and Captain. A separate conversation played out subtly in each ones expressions as they spoke. Unexpected perhaps in the midst of the most uncomplicated of subjects. Jenny mused that a crew of so many who lived and worked as one, were still knit from the intricacies of each life perhaps and most likely unkown to the others. She wondered how many stories lay within the Lucy and it's inhabitants and considered her own now added among them. What personal and private thoughts might the two men before her have kept from each other despite an obvious kinship? Yet the moment was dispelled with a practised casualness and passed quickly into the daily matters of the Lucy. A language that was easily spoken without awkwardness. She smiled some at this curtsying as Mr. Pew made his way and wondered if she would ever know such secrets as had passed in the ward room that moment. She would not meet the Captains eyes again, wishing not to interrupt him in his private thoughts and instead busied herself with stowing Preston's glass. Jenny reached for the wine, but paused and left the bottle on the table.
  21. Miss Ashcome enters holding petticoats aside with one hand and steadying a tray with the other.. laden with hot fare and places it on the long oaken table near the hearth stopping a moment to enjoy the fire's warmth. With no more than a smile at such sopping dogs, she returns to the Kate's kitchen and again appears with a steaming pot each of tea and black coffe just brewed to refresh the company. There are hot cranberry scones, a rasher of bacon, honeyed butter, A crock of Shepard's pie and assorted cheeses and hard bread. She fetched Pew another pint as he settles near the Captain and brings Silkie a pillow. Would one of you gents help a gerl with this shutter and we'll keep a bit more of the rain off ya.
  22. It seemed the level of activity on deck would continue below it as the Captain continued to make notes and retrieved several implements and a very large scrolled chart from it's compartment in the desk. "Shall I send word from you if I come upon Mr. Pew Sir?" "Thank you yes" She curtsied exited and did find Mr. Pew focused on all things beyond the ship which could be made out between the naked eye and his spyglass. He shifted occasionally, sometimes re checking himself by shading his eyes and comparing the naked vista with its magnified version. Finally she cleared her throat and he answered without breaking his inspection of the following ships and those few vessels which surrounded them. "What is it Ash?" "Sir, Captain Lasseter wishes you in the Ward Room and asked that I seek you out on the way to bring your suppers. " She paused as he replied, folding the glass and placing it on his person. Then shortly returned to find them poring over the chart. Captain Lasseter held his half filled glass in one hand and pointed to one location in a sweeping motion as they discussed guiding the three vessels. She placed the dishes and went about fetching up more wine and a glass for Preston. Then stood by while they finished ther calculations.
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