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Everything posted by Rats

  1. Very nice pieces!!! Looks liks some business will need to be conducted!!! R
  2. Hell-wit it! Just use the leather laces from boots and such!! Have fun and improvise!! Just make sure they fit good and you can run from the thread Nazis or just cover em in mud and say in your best Al Pachino voice.. "Hey..... I working here!!" Just have fun brother!!!
  3. I have to say the Godwin offerings are very nice!!! If I would have seen their new ones, I might not have bought my concords!! Those subtle commonmans shoes (Softer/ thinner leather) might be the way to go so you don't have to kill your feet breaking the things in. I love the way my buckles look on my concords! And the folks at Fugawee were the very best to work with (Due to my indicision and misordering) But looking back I might have went with the ties instead!!! I will also advise everyone to wear them a bit and break them in before you cut holes for your buckles, since the leather will stretch quite a bit. I ofcoarse didn't!!! Usually I would put on two pairs of socks and soak em in warm water (simulated sweat) and wear them out in the yard or around the house until they dried. I also managed to find a pair of desert boots, which I plan to cut and use for active usage (Fighting and such, since they have some traction) and save my buckle shoes for more formal occasions and proper personnas. Remember folks these shoes can be slick on wet wood, pavement and grass!!! So get used to them before you start laying seige to anything!!! Cheers!
  4. Watch that 1st step for the boarding party!!!
  5. OK I just noticed the little animation sea battle our Rumba had on her threads!!! LMAO!!! Way too cool! Kinda reminds me of Mars Attacks!!! Just had to say something. That made my day!!! Yes.... It was a bad day!!!
  6. I have to say with all due honesty.... If the site is half as nice as that pic, you will have an excellent location for your event!!! Even just the photo ops would be worth going!!! Take plenty of pics and we will envy your good fortune!!! Take care and here's to you!!
  7. Sounds like a good show! Hope you had a good time!!! Any pics from your raid??? Rats
  8. Agreed with a vengence!! I need a headcount and equipment check! I also need to know who need what as far as equipment, Powder and flint, clothing and a place to sleep. We need to get line on food needs and special diet needs or medical issues which should be considered. Incase it's not known I am a 1st responder with current CPR certification. I actually deal with small fires like this all day, so blaze away!! However the bottom line folks....Let's have fun no matter what!!! Here's to you all!
  9. I am personally very grateful for my box, which was issued to me by the good Captain Sterling himself, And yes it is very sharp!!! I am almost reluctant to take it onto the field for fear of damaging it!!!
  10. Looks like you all are having a great time!!! Spending a good time with friends and having fun!! That's what it's all about!! Rats
  11. Afternoon Folks! Actually there is a place on the web called the Fedora Lounge, where folks are very into the Golden era and such. Many are just interested in the hats. However there is always a "gathering" aboard the Queen MaryII I believe in November. This is a large group of retro folks enjoying the life on a period correct cruise for a night or three. The Kishwaukee Vigilance Committee (Some of the Archangel crew) have also done roaring 20's. Heck, we're in Illinois and Wisconsin! That's Gangland territory Folks!!! I have also wanted to do some work in this era. Keep folks posted! It wouldn't be hard, since the WWII folks are a very good group of folks and the ladies always look smokin'!!! Rats
  12. Very honorable!! Rats
  13. Oi Bishop!! Some damn fine pics you have there!! Makes me want to get behind the camera again!! And you even have one of ol' Rats! Almost makes me look like a nicey nice guy??? Here's to you!
  14. Excellent !!!! This will all work great!!! Rats
  15. Hey Jack! Actually the tarps will be big enough for either a big lean-to, a fly, or an improvised dog tent. Probably a bit of all needs, or loaners for those who need shelter to crash. Gotta take care of the crew!!
  16. Rats!!! The link is in Acrobat, which for some reason... Bogs down my computer???? Anyway you can list some of this here on the site??? Sounds like it's exactly the material I was looking for! Thanks again to everyone!
  17. excellent idea! I'm in the process of reinforcing the edges and sides of the tarps. I'll probably sew the corner holes, then treat the things.... Rats
  18. so 1 shilling is like 50 dollars (farthings) or is it more like a penny? 5 shillings =1 crown or 250 farthings (dollars)?? What is the d? A dandyprat?? I suppose even in early colonial America the common man was more apt to work in farthings and shillings or simple barter?? Was it common not to accept foreign currency??? What about bank notes, letters of debt and such?? Any examples??? Again thanks for the information!! This will all help with living history and working toward a steady portrayal! Rats
  19. I'm not sure if this was ever brought up. But I'm wondering what the average wages were for common folks (Not just mariners) and also common exchange rates. What was a good silver spoon worth?? What was a bushel of apples or a bail of hay worth?? A side of ham or a chicken?? How much was a meal or a tankard of port?? Any people in the know out there??? Thanks in advance! Rats
  20. While looking for various different sizes of canvas tarps and tent flys, I stumbled on these folks.. http://tarps.com/canvas.htm Anyone ever hear of them?? Anyone have one of their tarps??? The prices are actually pretty good, for some of the odd sizes!! Cheers! Rats
  21. I would also like to offer my assistance in any way. Be it with the boomers or the bloomers, I'm there for the good of the..... ( in his best maddog impression) What were we talking about again?? Rats
  22. They are not priced yet! Only taking orders Any good pirate hunter (or recovering highwayman) should have one!! Don't know how PC...... But who cares!!!! Rats
  23. As I started on another thread... One's Fop name????? What do you think???? Middle name and ones street or pet's name????? Rats AKA: Tippy Allen BTW: Reggie!!! I thought you were dead!!!!
  24. Don't laugh!!! He says, as he paints his heels the perfect red..... (which is a good book or so I'm told) I say.... Does this snuff box make my butt look big?? Gitty nose! gitty nose!!!
  25. Actually......... He says as he tries to hide a slight grimice...... Tippy Allen
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