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Everything posted by Rats

  1. Resemble that remark???? Was it the snigger???? Actually take care and recover soon! Lady B, as always welcome!! By all means, get in touch with yer other crewmates and Revwar contacts. I even hope to invite some of my Civil War buddies who might be interested in a different timeline!! Anyone now who the revwar artillery unit was at RF2????
  2. I would never close a door on someone! Our crew has always tried to be "inclusive rather than exclusive"!! It's about having the fun!! And if Lady B has contact with similar military counterparts (Rev war gents) I'm sure we would all be honored to have them attend!!! As always, we will kick said plans around with the crew (Soon as everyone gets back on-line and has also had time to recover from the last few weeks... snigger!). But I am interested in hearing about when folks would be available??? I'm told that January and February is completely open. March is somewhat more sticky, but not out of the question???
  3. Rats


    See I never got to that final part of the movie. In some ways I was simply watching costumes and scenery.... It got worse though??? See I don't mind some suspense and even "some" macabre... But if it became too over the top....??? Hell, I still have to see the end, or else it will bother me that I didn't!! Rats
  4. Having originally looked into a medical impression, when 1st becoming involved in GAoP, I will also have to attest, the Brethern's surgeon and also Doc Miller from Lock house, offer two of the most impressive surgical impressions I have ever seen. Their knowledge and their impressive collection of equipment, as well as their general disposition and character make perfect the impression of the common practissioner of medicine. Very impressive and congradulations on the good work!! With Black John's approval I also have some pictures from last years November Lockhouse, featuring said surgical display and gentlemen?
  5. I'm actually thinking even the most rudementary tools would even be better. After all, I'm sure it would be rare to have the best and the even the most practical instruments!
  6. Oooooh I'm tellin'!
  7. Woah!!! DL what location is that pic of you from??? Very sharp building in the back!!!! Rats
  8. Excellent!! The main idea is not to break anyone's bank, but rather to get everyone together for a weekend of "our fun, on our terms", with some good class and demo opportunities, with food, drink and....... FUN!!!
  9. I like the hasty hospital idea! Especially if your ship has taken damage and you need to get some work done, I would think the last thing you need is a bunch of the tables and the wounded laying around. Of coarse, once on land you could also press some locals women and children into helping with the wounded and such?? You could then have some of the crew pulling guard and also forging for supplies and information R
  10. You know Chole, when you mentioned that at Pike, I thought it was a drink you were talking about. Now I'm really sorry I missed that!! R
  11. Actually there is two hotels and a Taco Bell for the late night "Fourth Meal" munchies!!! AS for the dancing... I'm open to anything! I had a blast at Mactown with the Oar Dance and I'm hoping folks will be so worn out that Sunday will be for recovery only!!! I'm also going to be contacting some of our vendor friends about possible raffle sh-tuff..... Wouldn't a blade or pistol be nice for a door prize!!??? Rats
  12. Here's what I've been planning... I like the thiner one... However you mentioned about the hanger!!! I would just buy the black one then go to the local leather shop and make your hangar. ....actually I'll probably just buy the leather straps and order my own buckle! That way I get things my way... But if I end up in a pinch, I will probably just order... If I'm not wrong, I think the buff colored leather gear was actually PC and also used by both naval, marines and infantry...????? Rats BTW: I still like the idea of a good Baldric!!
  13. I've been listened to a pair of CDs from Father Son and Friends for years and was wondering if anyone has ever seen then perform??? http://www.fathersonandfriends.com/ Rats
  14. With Irish Fest going on this weekend, I was also checking into various trad (traditional) groups from the area who might be obliged to throw in. But again there is a budget to consider... However with two stage areas there would be space for demos and also a constant flow of music, dancing and mayhem!! Who knows.... by then, our Cheeky might even be able to teach such a class!!! But yes, there should be plenty!!! Rats
  15. Good stuff!! Anyone know about bread pudding and such??? I'm sure that was a favorite!!! I wonder how PfC flapjacks are??
  16. Thanks Jack and Anna! What a beautiful site!! You guys are very fortunate!! Do you have any links to the museum (If that's what it is)you can post or more pics of the location??? Those buildings look great!! R
  17. Again some of the folks I would love to have show up!!! This is exactly why I wanted to mention this well in advance! The gathering would be held between two floors in a historic looking building, which used to be a church (no longer) in Downtown Milwaukee on the Marquette campus. Each floor is big enough for dancing and even fight instruction. There is also a bar on each floor, as well as a small stage and a sound system for demos and trad musicians. Did I mention the traditional Irish Pub, the fireplace lounge area or the optional smoking room on the 1st floor?? Though nothing is in stone yet, I would love to hear when folks would be available... Let's face it, this is about all of us! Not just for myself! Not just for my crewmates! But rather something we ALL can enjoy!! Because that's what it's really all about!! After all, life's way too short!! Cheers
  18. Just testing waters... Early next year kinda thing... Gotta head into work... Emergency stuff.. Someone see where the Fool's Gold is hiding!!!!
  19. OK stop right there my friend!!! .......Sir... Please put yer hands up....... and Step away from the revwar waist coat!!!! With the utmost respect and with the very best intention to make this as humorous as possible with out offending anyone.......That is not the same and if you want something close and can't sew to save your life... Check out Kass's site, she has sailor's jackets for sale.... I also believe there are folks from the AA who might be starting to make kit items for sale on a limited basis. Now Townsend does however sell a woolen short jacket, ($70.00 as opposed to $120.00) which is more toward what you want, if you can't have it made.... http://jas-townsend.com/product_info.php?c...&products_id=29 I was actually planning on one of these, then I got my gray short jack issued from the captain!! hope this helps mate!
  20. An excellent start with some of the fellas I hoped would jump on board!! Keep it comming folks! If nothing else this could be a very good chance to meet folks from the Pub, get yer kit put together and above all have an excellent time with the worst riff-raff around!!!
  21. Ok my friend....Here's the scoop and in no way am I an expert.. The questions you have to ask yourself are as follows: 1.) How much do you have to spend? 2.) (As Mad Dog would say..) Hanger or Banger? Banger= Used for staged combat and reenacting. Hanger= "Man that is one nice sword, Look out!!.... Dude you just cut my arm off.....Clang! Clang! Snap! $200.00 to 600.00 fluuuuuuush!!!" 3.) Refer to question one again! If this is just for renfaire or such there are some cheaper off shoots which will be just fine for the looks. On the Pirate Brethren Site, they have a whole discription for agreed upon terms where blades are considered. So the question now is hanger or banger??
  22. This is just a poll for how many folks we have in the area or would be willing to make the trip to either Illinois or Wisconsin for either GAoP/ Early Colonial reenactments or possibly even an indoor weekend gathering during the winter..... No this is not a recruitment push for one crew or another. Nor is it an attempt to sell you a bridge (though I do have one for... Ah never mind!) This is simply a poll to see who would be interested in taking part and if (in the case of the winter gathering) it's even worth my trouble. I will also add, in no way is this a "You must be PC" kind of thing, but rather a "Let's get good people together and enjoy what we love about the genre!!" Even if you don't have a kit together and just want to learn some "how to's", speak up or PM me if you're gunshy. If nothing else, I see this as a chance to get folks together and away from these damn computers!!! Here's to you all!!
  23. Me and the MD
  24. I have also seen these. However I wasn't sure about the look. Sounds like a good alternative for maybe inside the tent???
  25. Looks like a very nice location!!! Which would be located??????????
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