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Everything posted by Rats

  1. I would like to add Linen really is not that much more expensive. Here's a link I got from my crew... Gotta love em! http://www.fabrics-store.com/ And also for some wool: http://www.periodfabric.com/default.htm Now having served the Union for years as a cavalryman, I have to say that the wool during the summer can kill a man... Which is why I cannot believe I'm working on a wool waist coat..... I also picked up some linen and plan to make most of my goods from something lighter!!! I just got done prick stitching for the last three days and probably have another 2 to go... FOR a VEST!!!! Ah well... back to it!!!
  2. Aside from a photo stealing one's soul.... (Yeah I was a shooter for about 8++ years) I always thought that asking for one's picture was one of the best compliments someone could give a reenactor.... A side from the occasional hugs, smooches on the cheek and free drinks that is... If I know the crew of the Archangel... If we're not making a scene, we're usually in in trouble, looking for said trouble or in front of a camera somewhere's..... So just hollar!! CG Might be interested in a doglock pistol. Not the monster english lock, but rather the smaller dragoon sized...
  3. Hang in there dearie! Also remember that your young lady will always remember the time "mom" took her and her friends to the museum.... Take care here's to you... If nothing else, next week is mack town!!
  4. Like the title said, I need some ideas for the pocket flaps for a waistcoat... I'd like something different than that which I've been seeing all over.. Just too lazy to go looking through all my folders... Cheers
  5. Sure, why not... something to talk about! Might actually have some good locations and propage and such??? Never know!
  6. So it's basically Survivor with a theme.... What they need are some real folks to run in, storm their camps, steal their food, hack em to pieces.. with the occasional shot from pistol or buss, for good measure... blah blah Aaargh! Mateys!! Oh that's great...Cut! Print!That's a wrap!! BTW: love your new pic, my dear!! And your green coat looks wonderful
  7. Well said my friend! It it works use it... only leave the coleman pop tent at home....please!! I'd rather see the time and $$ into the other areas of their kit... JMO Rats
  8. I wish I could have been there... might have been able to stop the little bastard before he got too far into it... Yet the little coward didn't walk into a PD... Did he??? Not a chance... he wouldn't have lasted beyond 1st presentation!! Even if I could have saved just one of those kids.....
  9. Bus Pirates rock!! Maybe that's why I never went got school!! These made my day!! I really needed a laugh!! Rats
  10. Like crap! Pulled a groin-ie muscle at work while helping a loser who was faking a seizure... Wife in the caymen islands... I get to go to the frackin'(for you BSG fans) hospital... Oh.... Did I mention about the flu "bird of prey" going around???? Yeah I also had that..... So I just spent the last two days with IVs and tubes and being poked in every possible crevice!!! I also got calls from my buddies at work, before my own family felt it necessary to even check in on me... Bunch of crap!! Sorry to vent..... Feel better now!! Grrrr!
  11. 1974 POTC ride at disney land!!! I can still remember the smell of the wood and water and also looking up during the ship battle!!! After that mom got me interested in Revwar because it was "kinda the same hats and stuff" I remember the Blackbeards ghost movie on Sunday disney... Mom was also hooked on the classic movies on channel 18.... They would have The Marx Brothers, Abbot & Costello, Hope and Crosby.... But also had the classics like Zorro, Robin Hood, Captain Blood, The Scarlet Pirate and The Black Swan...
  12. Ok so the virginal-lasses are out... But then again, what do you expect.... Pirates!! I do agree we should be respectful, if nothing else of the folks trying to sleep.... Did I mention I snore....??? usually loud enough to wake the dead!! I can see it now zombies and pirates and bears, oh my! Rats
  13. Excellent choice and well done! Rats
  14. One way or another, I'm planing to show... Aside from a perfect way to celebrate my birthday... It'll be a good way to prep for PIP!! Rats BTW: I agree, that is a very sharp poster! Would probably make a good T-shirt for additional promotions and $$$$
  15. Without a doubt..... the movies made my day!!! Rats
  16. Well said and well taken!! Thanks Tom!
  17. Never and I mean NEVER stop the gears!! I can't drive by a location without painting a scene or telling a story! That's how I originally got into reenacting to begin with.... I was looking for locations and casting for shoots and before I knew it I was being shot dead in the street by the likes of Ed Masterson and Dallas Stoudmire... Do I hear you saying you might have a few ideas to throw out there?? I'm all ears!
  18. Wow, thanks for the quick replies you two... I'm sure you know where I'm going with this. With the folks we can muster, and the access we have to some very nice places, it wouldn't be hard to put together a series of good promos and shorts. Chole.. Do you have any gear or did you rent for the work you did?? Calumet in Chi-town?? rats
  19. See I knew it!! All along it was reenactors I was seeing!!!
  20. Ok I've been out of the advertising game for some time... ANd I'm wondering as to which consumer level video equipment can give the best resolution, reproduction and flexibility for making videos and such... Chole..... You out there??? I know you have some background here??? I'm looking to create some promo trailers and vinnettes... And also be able to put some on the web. I know the sound recording is usually garbage for may of these.... But since I've been out of the game for the last couple of years, things progress and become obsolete fast!! Any advice
  21. So basically after bar close is the best time to go ghost busting by lantern light!! Then again we are Reen -"Actors"..... We can always "make" our own fun!! Rats
  22. I was just about to ask you the exact same thing my dear...... Including the screaming like a chick thingy!! I thought the witching hour was from 12-1am??? Rats
  23. Yes .... and we'll begin at the witching hour!!
  24. "Oi... you're supposed to be dead!!" "Am I not!!" I personally don't plan to sleep at all... Might as well hunt some ghosts!! ...count me in!!!
  25. If it's that scary.... I might even wet your kilt!!! After all, what are friends for!!!
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