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Everything posted by Rats

  1. It's a pretty good crack and looks like it's kinda spiderwebbing across the whole frizzen. I got red tagged at Beaufort and though I've never had any negative issues, would like to avoid similiar recurrences or accidents. I'll give TotW a call
  2. I knew it!! That no good Rotten.....Pirate!!! Not a chance!!
  3. OK I have an old tower kit pistol and me frizzen is cracked.....bad! Any ideas as to where I can get another?? Rats
  4. Aye! That blonde would be my new wife... who goes by the name... "Number 14" What ta-'ell we supposed to call er? She was me 14th wife and no one could remember her name... Hence... Number 14!
  5. speakin about tankards.... I left me jug, me tankard and me brown ale mug in yer wagon.... I'm off balance and lost wit out em
  6. I'll pass the word Captain! Him and his family will be stopping by for breakfast tomorrow. Like I said, he'll be a great addition to the crew and really best kind of people! Lord knows he's put up working wit me for the last three and a half years!!
  7. C-mon Mikey! Someone needs be the respectable one! yeah who am I kidding... we can corrupt anyone!!
  8. Damnit your right my friend!! If that's the case.... I'll sell a spleen or something and make the trip
  9. Less I can make some money by sellin blood or maybe spillin someone elses... My missus say's were broke from Beaufort and PIP is a no-go.... Though I have Saturday Sunday and Monday off...I still hope to try for the 4th 5th and 9th... It's the cash prob though Maybe I can sell a kid or three???
  10. Sorry no Rats... Gotta work that weekend
  11. I am all for any kind of fundraiser! I would really hate to see such a site go under just because of $ crunch... Keep us posted, I'm more than up for the trip!!
  12. Excellent!! I have the 3rd 4th 5th and 6th off and need to get out!! Now I get to go to work......AAARGH!
  13. Santa Maria in Ohio http://www.santamaria.org/index.php OK so here's the scoop... I have off these two weekend and after talking to Sweet Kate and Cutter Mick, I totally want to hang about on this ship!! I have a four day weekend the 1st weekend in Oct. and would be up to bring the whole tavern and Sh-tuff... That weekend they also have: October 4 Dueling at the Dock: The 6th Annual “Dueling at the Dock” Fencing Tournament. We could really add some color to this event??? Now there is also: 30, 31, Nov 1 The Haunted Ship: Look out for the spiders and rats. Don’t be surprised if we come under attack. Bring your family and friends, Watch out for your skeletal kins And Never Turn your Back! If lucky, I'm hoping our two wonderful newlyweds might be able to wrangle an accord wit the powers that be??? Just a suggestion!
  14. Rats


    ......... And she had to use a paint roller!!!
  15. Rats


    No we weren't trying to ravish her M-Lord... I was simply checking for split ends and me pertner was givin er a pedacure... ??
  16. Rats


    Nasty Pirates.... BTW: no damsels or their honor were harmed during the filming of these images ......oh damn
  17. Rats


    That's what it's all about my dear! We take care of our own and when it comes to MD.... Sometimes youhave to just.. Butt in...? Oh damn!
  18. I have some good fabric just wondering if it's enough to get the job done?? How much d I need for a skirt??
  19. Ok so I already miss everyone and need to escape again!! For PIP I have off the 6th 7th and 8th (Sat, Sun, Mon) I'm going to try for Thurs and Friday off today and see if it's possible. If not I'll try to pull a trade!! How far is the airport and who's staying til Monday??
  20. Rats


    How does the old saying go??? If you have it, flaunt it!????? After all it takes a brave man to bare his backside and to boldly..... Ok I can't even keep a straight face while I write this MD! I luv you brother! What a helluva time! I could have spent a week just goig around and just doing Photoshoots!! Especially since the public luved it!!
  21. My dear captain... That's my good friend and partner from work Aaron! He's been wanting to join the crew and has been teaching ( ok trying to teach) ol' Rats a thing or two about stage combat. He worked live-steel and is very familiar with all the various forms. At short notice he quickly put together a cutlass, blade and boarding axe demo and discussion for Pike. I'll be honest, if it weren't for him and a few of my other buddies at work I wouldn't have both made it or even wanted to stay with my dept. He's a damn good man and if asked to sign articles, would make an excellent addition to the crew!
  22. Now how did Mad dog say it...? Oh yeah! Oh damn..... Also... a big thanks to everyone who made it such a good time!!
  23. HHmmmmmm? Now what ever came of that last battle on Sunday??? Oh yeah!
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