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Everything posted by Rats

  1. See captain he keeps stealin' all my ton-der.... I knew I shoulda gone!!! Get outta my head Maddog!!! There's stuff in there you don't wanna trip over or otherwise mess wit!!! No don't step on that!! Gee thanks that was my bodily functions... way to go!! That's the last time I share a brain with someone!!!
  2. Already puttin it into the works... Or should I say, away from work!!!
  3. Did someone say there's a Gaggle of smokin'-hot-Lovely-scantily-clad Lasses.. waiting for an able-bodied seaman whose poor???? Yes sir... Good Ol' Rats reporting for duty...sir!! Oh wait you mean the event is already over...... shesh! That figures!! Here I was ready to (flexing his... muscles???)do all the heavy lifting and what not... Oh well, maybe next time??
  4. I was just thinking about this... I have the Kingdom of Heaven ST. Still in the pack... I was looking for good event music....!! 300 bellydancer you say???
  5. Actually it was Cyborg with Jean Claude Van dam... It was soo bad and I was leaving for basic training the next morning!!! What a way to leave the real world on a sour note!! Just kidding!! The Natural.... Plus the music get to me!!!
  6. Miller's Crossing Road to Perdition The Good German Jaws 3:10 to Yuma (The Remake) Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
  7. Yeah I'm a push over... and push under... and all those things that are waaay not the tough guy... I even cry during a movie once in a while!!! ....especially if it's a reallly BAD movie!!
  8. Taking a break from being a tough guy.... Yes I also love kids!!! And that little fellas is way cute!! Look at the little feeties!!!
  9. Star Wars (A New Hope) Raiders of the Lost Arc Lonesome Dove (Mini-series) Brave Heart The Natural (baseball tear jerker) POTC 1 Enemy at the Gate Blade Runner Cinderella Man Untouchables Aliens 2 Christmas Vacation!!!
  10. Just a back note... I spent about ten years as a commercial photog and therefore spent most of my time behind the camera... Even now if I get to be in the pic, it's a rare!!! This is from my Termin-ater/cyber....guy shoot... I think I looked better than the model... he was way too clean!! Problem is you can't necessarily hand in pics of yerself!!
  11. You guys rock! I love the threads!!!! And just for the record... like many a fellas who have also had crazy-nutso-psycho-girl-fiends.....Harley was my sent-a-mentally ill favorite batman character!! Can you say "Hi Baby.. Mamma home!!! So for those Harley fans.. I offer this!! Warning: this video is way cool and will have you singing along even after it's over!!
  12. And then some... Russian frontovik last year?? My 40's noir pic
  13. OK so... here's some of the pics I found... Rockford WW event Plainsman shoot few years back My bandito impression Let's see if these work
  14. Ok you guys asked for it... I have to go find all me sh-tuff!! be back soon!!
  15. Did someone mention punk? Oh my my my my.....I love those..............dreads!
  16. SOme guys got all the luck!! That's it... I'm gonna get my own series!!
  17. I might actually have my leathers from when I was a young JD.... Safety pins and staples are still probably attached!!
  18. Hey Black John... Isn't that monk fella one of yer new recruits from a few years back at the Lockhouse???
  19. Forget Angelina Jolee's Frank Cook... This is a Leading Lady!!
  20. Please keep that E-mail and pics under yer hat... We'll wait to see what kind of reply we get and what plans can be made with the land owners... But get yer minions together, give em a "warning order" and we'll start to put things in the works!!! I also just picked up a brass-frame Spiller and Burr for almost nothing... The fellad used to do skirmishing and works either for or had the work done by Lodgewood MFG here in Whitewater... I figure I'll have the blue removed and weathered and the brass "aged"... I'm also looking to modify or add some pieces and parts for a suitable boarderland pistola!! The plan is caps or primers only... especially inside. But if there is an outside only gunbattle... I'm sure we use BP shells and cartridges!! BTW: I also have a yeller'feller, and a 59 sharps carbine which I used for a gold rush gathering this last weekend
  21. OK folks... I have one name for you. River Junction Trade Company http://www.riverjunction.com/index.html These folks are one stop shopping for all your Wild West and Victorian era needs!! They have 2 PC stores side by side, 1 for women one for the men!! They also have a winter gathering that is not to be missed!!! Just heck it out!!!
  22. Ok so enough of the "We're here, you're there!" Sh-tuff that get's no one anywhere.... It's time to get folks together and try to plan for a gathering!!! If there are folks in a group... a crew... or even just some buddies who can pull together a personna and are interested in a weekend gathering or event based on a Steam-Alternative-FF-Serene-Verse..... Or if they have contact info of folks who are... send me an E-mail and I'm going to get the ball rolling for an event!! jffrats@yahoo.com
  23. You my dear are without a doubt stunning!!! and if I may be so bold.. there isn't a "Doctor" that would deserve you!!
  24. Happy day of birth to a no-gooder's no-gooder... May you continue to help fellow reenactors keep their historic dreams alive!! Here's to you!!
  25. OK so I'm also a regular over at the Fedora Lounge... Where they happen to be taking about Punks and Steamers... Some great stuff and sites!! Here's the link http://www.thefedoralounge.com/showthread.php?t=22348
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