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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack

  1. ^ Biggest, dreading my hair. Nothing changes your looks like a big mess of tangles < I love linen. I'm going to wrap myself in yards and yards of linen for the rest of my life. Ahhh, linen. V What random inanimate object do you love?
  2. Cay & Key are the same. A low laying small island usually made out of sand & coral. Island & Isle are the same and a Cay or Key can be an island but not all islands are cays. That reminds me of a math problem but I'll save you the boring details. Archipelago (one of my favorite words) is a group of islands. Islet I've never heard of.
  3. ^ Queen "I'm Going Slightly Mad!" < No really I am or maybe I already was & it's taken me this long to notice. V How mad are you on a scale of 1 (yawn, normal) to 10 (bound for the rubber room)?
  4. Greetin's Mr. Blue. If ye'd be so kind n do a gerl tha favor of "irishing" up 'er coffee, I'd be much obliged. I'm fraid tis one o those days wif no rest in sight. No, wait, that jest be a smear on tha old glass!
  5. And here I have always kept my skeletons in the closet.
  6. ^ got a while ? RF2 & Port Washington for sure. I'll go to anything else within driving distance if I can. If all goes well this year, I'm getting over my flight fears & going to PIP too (crosses fingers) < All that work & I want to chuck it & start all over V have you ever "chucked it all" and started over?
  7. ^ short answer, I was a punk. (That would be a big fat yes) < If you can laugh at yourself going crazy, does that in itself make you already crazy? V Ever laugh at an inappropriate time?
  8. Welcome Captain Talbot. I'll happily drink yer rum, but I won't talk politics wif ye. Hope ye don't mind but tis not me favorite subject. Now should ye feel like changin it ta somethin a little less "fight inducin", I'll happy ta join in.
  9. ^ The three thickest books from the Encyclopedia. < While I appreciate the effort, a mouse is not the kind of present I like to find in my bed at 6am, especially when you don't bother to kill it first! V Worst rude awakening?
  10. Hey The English Housewife should go in Info for Women too. Lots of good stuff in there & not all of it involving meals. Good stuff indeed!
  11. ^ I worked as an "assistant" (i.e slave) to the biggest ass-wipe photographer in Chicago. He even tried to skip out on paying me & I got to take him to the department of labor for earned income! < Proof that you can in fact lace yourself into back lacing stays. Now getting them off again, that's going to be tricky. V What do you wear around the house?
  12. ^ Kass'. Seriously anything to do with costume history, sewing & fabric dying is my dream. I'll take running an old school hippie coffeehouse second since that may actually pay the bills someday though. < Skippy, Skippy, Skippy the bush kangaroo. Skippy, Skippy, Skippy a friend ever true. V What's your favorite foreign TV show or movie if you must?
  13. Damn, then I'll just have to have all my fun this year. Since I won't be able to attend any in the future thanks to the distance.
  14. Scurvy? Scurvy? I'm in no way, shape o form scurvy, Red Cat. Ye'd better be buyin tha round fer implin such. Hmph. Psst, Ray, mak sure thars some lime in me rum aye, jest in case.
  15. I was thinkin tha same Mr. Tar! Captain Blackfoot, dear, if yer wearn Blue Mermaids garb, we don't need ta see it.
  16. Colonial Women of Affairs before 1776 by Elisabeth Anthony Dexter has a couple of listings of newspaper advertisements that involve groceries, foods, wines & vegetable seeds for sale. Since you included up to 1780, these might be of some interest! This is from the Boston Evening Post, May 9 1772 There are a few other similar listings transcribed but Mrs. Sheaffe's is the longest. Then there is this advertisment from the Boston Evening Post March 11, 1751 Helpful or excessivly useless information?
  17. Sorry, can't vote. I'm partial to it staying in Chicago. If there is interest on the East Coast, why not start their own? (yes I'm being totally self serving in that I like events that I can drive to) Will you also be taking a poll of the attendants at RF2? I'd be interested in seeing what the people attending the event think about changing the location.
  18. Cheddar and Gouda are the two cheeses I know off the top of my head that are from the period. Both wax coated at the time too. There's another but it's slipping my mind. English made, named after a region, "discovered" right near the end of period. Ring any bells? Darn, I'll have to go find that reference again. oh oh, and if you want all the way to 1780. I just read a list of foods that a she merchant had for sale in 1740 I think. Off to find that too. (see how taking notes is already helping me )
  19. Here's my crap room. Err, um, Craft Room. Pardon "Sticky's" state of undress. Lest anyone think my space is neat, the room contains a secret. an entire wall of built in cabinets. Now you see it... Now you don't!
  20. ^ *looks at own clothes* what day isn't a dress from the hamper day? < little swab got sea sick today. I hate it when she's sick. V when was the last time you "tossed your cookies"?
  21. I'll admit too that I was rather selfish in requesting the split from the other thread. I've been biting my tongue just dieing to have a conversation about what women *can* do at events and be historically correct for months now. So when I saw the chance, I asked for the split to start that conversation & everything else that goes along with it. There's been some insight and at least I've gotten a better idea of what I want to be doing. Hopefully it did the same for some of the other ladies (& gentlemen).
  22. Oi, Mr. Roberts. I'd bee proper careful advertisin where tha coin came from aye. Tha Red Cat's no one ta be toyin wif. She keeps 'er claws mighty sharp.
  23. ^ Better be pretty darn period or I've done a ton of hand sewing for nothing! < already having trouble keeping to her resolution V resolutions, for hours, days, weeks or longer?
  24. I hope one o tha thing bout pirates ye find more than intriguing is their coin. Ye'll be needin a pretty bit o it fer tha likes round 'ere. As is tha custom, newcomers buy tha first round. Nuthin brings out tha thurst like a free pint. I'll get ye started out easy lad, a hot tea grog if ye please. I feels a storm brewin an don't need ta be caught under tha weather. Cheers n welcome to ye.
  25. Gimme a couple a rums on 'is coin, right quick, while they ar other wise distracted Ray! I ken get ta sayin' welcome after tha free drink.
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