Jane roamed the rain soaked deck before returning to her hidden corner in the dark hold once she was sure Ioan was out of site. His implication that she had something to hide set her on edge. Had she been so transparent or was he merely guessing to throw off her guard? Striker’s crew made her uncomfortable, but the Welshman, he was a different story. She wasn’t sure if it was simple distrust, or the reflection of herself in him that she saw. His demeanor reminded her of another mans, one she would rather forget.
Jane shifted in the clammy darkness, her back wedging against a rough hull beam. She had pulled the tool laden chest close by, her feet resting on the warn lid. Rain numbed fingers tucked into the opposite sleeves of her familiar coat. The ship lurched, the waves increasing as La Maligna trailed behind the storm. Jane could hear the distant murmur of the crew over the steady creek of wood and water. She found herself missing the Anna Rae already; the comradery the men had shared had helped her through many hard nights aboard the merchantman. Aboard the galleon she was but a stranger, neither a member of the crew or a passenger. The dichotomy of her position left her feeling out of place. She sighed, her eyes fluttering as she drifted into sleep. Blond head tipped backwards, eyes drifting closed as Jane settled into a memory laden slumber.