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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack

  1. well we've established that you want a woman at least.
  2. "mmm, gin wif olives moud be gud" Jane mumbles around a mouthful of roasted garlic smeared fruitcake.
  3. La Maligna is up to day 2, about to start day 3 on the return to port from what I can tell. Same with the Spaniard. Rakehell is on day 2 as well. I don't think the Archangel has finished their day 1 though (noone's slept yet over there). The storm is fading for the gypsys so I'm guessing they are on day 2 as well. Thread is going to be slow for a while thanks to the holidays. Take your time catching up Dan.
  4. ^ Like to speak? I already speak english, spanish, bits & pieces of german & russian. That's pretty much enough for me. I can also say "I don't speak XXX, do you speak english" in cantoneese & swahili. I'd like to be able to say that same in maybe hmong or affricans or something else obscure. < useless Russian 101, oo vas yest yah-bluh-kee? (do you have apples?) V Jeopardy or Wheel of Fortune?
  5. ^ both < really needs to go grocery shopping today & doesn't want to brave the poorly plowed streets again. V what languages do you speak?
  6. ^ the whole **** holiday makes me crazy. You thought the thanksgiving scrooge was bad, give me 2 more weeks < wishes Dec was over already V what month of the year would you skip?
  7. ^ there are several. All time, never ending favorite is called "Bob & Weave" by an extinct Chicago punk band called Oblivion. < ahh, a quiet house, finally! V carry anything interesting in your wallet?
  8. Ewww! (do these count as words?)
  9. ^ mustard ^ to toronto a few years ago, to mexico when I was a teen, to the bahamas when I was a little kid. < has not so fond memories of getting completely trashed on vodka & cranberry juice when she was 13. Made me the drinker I am today though V what do you drive?
  10. ^ vodka, I'm russian after all. < not sure her bottle of rum is going to last tonight either V how old were you the first time you got drunk?
  11. ^ the big giant heads (mt rushmore) < um, tuna sandwiches, although I prefer salami. V roller coaster or the merry-go-round?
  12. ^ I can always find "something" good about a movie, even if it's just the lighting. But while editing a preview for my own film there were plenty of those "shoot me I can't believe how bad this is" moments. I'm sure noone else sees them, but it's different when it's you're own. < also likes spinach lasagne & spinach smoothies & wilted spinach salad with mushrooms. V favorite healthy food?
  13. ^ spinach < loves google image search like you wouldn't believe V early bird or night owl?
  14. Jane, oblivious to the boys wandering eyes, begins to pick at the thankfully unburnt fruitcake slice offer by Jacky. Thin fingers pull the fruit chunks from the dough, sticky fingers sucked clean before digging out another piece. She keeps squinting at the piece of metal, wishing she hadn't nearly emptied that bottle of brandy. It would make seeing straight so much easier. "Nope, nuthin bout mexico Ransom. But there's an X n "ye arrr here" I think" She holds the chunk up to the people hovering around her for confirmation.
  15. Welcome Time Keeper! Oi, now ye mean ta tell me theres a better way ta tell tha time then by 'ow empty the bott'l is? I still likes tha old way me self. Pass me tha rum n' i'll show ye how it werks!
  16. sister christian (man I hate that song!)
  17. That would be why I can't leave my serger threaded. Certain "family members" tend to eat the thread & pull it all over the house. I won't mention the kitten who is determined to burn himself on the iron one of these days.
  18. how very helpful. My cats make perfect pattern weights. Because you know, patterns just get up and walk away without their help.
  19. ^ Simpsons counts as a cartoon right? Otherwise old Scoobie Doo. < avoiding cleaning her house today. Where are those elves when you need them? V boomsticks or sharp edges?
  20. Jane roamed the rain soaked deck before returning to her hidden corner in the dark hold once she was sure Ioan was out of site. His implication that she had something to hide set her on edge. Had she been so transparent or was he merely guessing to throw off her guard? Striker’s crew made her uncomfortable, but the Welshman, he was a different story. She wasn’t sure if it was simple distrust, or the reflection of herself in him that she saw. His demeanor reminded her of another mans, one she would rather forget. Jane shifted in the clammy darkness, her back wedging against a rough hull beam. She had pulled the tool laden chest close by, her feet resting on the warn lid. Rain numbed fingers tucked into the opposite sleeves of her familiar coat. The ship lurched, the waves increasing as La Maligna trailed behind the storm. Jane could hear the distant murmur of the crew over the steady creek of wood and water. She found herself missing the Anna Rae already; the comradery the men had shared had helped her through many hard nights aboard the merchantman. Aboard the galleon she was but a stranger, neither a member of the crew or a passenger. The dichotomy of her position left her feeling out of place. She sighed, her eyes fluttering as she drifted into sleep. Blond head tipped backwards, eyes drifting closed as Jane settled into a memory laden slumber.
  21. "wot? eh?" Jane stops licking the brandy & ash covered tin. The chunk of metal is pulled back & forth as she tries to focus on the etchings. Sure enough, a compass shows itself under her fingers. "oi! Red Cat, this wot yer lookin fer? N 'ere I thought only dogs burried stuff"
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