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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack

  1. "Oh no, not you!" Jane moaned as the stubborn crewman from the galley splashed into the hip deep water of the lower hold. A coil of wet hemp rope was slung over the girl's shoulder, well worn knife held in her free hand. She pushed a floating crate away with one hand as it bobbed across the space towards her. "Lissen ye. Jest 'elp me git these bigger uns back in place then ye ken go see 'bout tha food stores. Not that ye'd know spoilt food from fresh tho."
  2. ^ Can't say I have but it's an interesting idea. < ideas, ideas. Evil people giving me ideas! V over run by ideas?
  3. the only thing I don't have is the mic & the lights. Lights were borrowed & rigged from utility lights from Menards. Mic was a rental. Not from Calumet....The people in Milwaukee (it was a Wisconsin production after all) Can't remember their name though. Hey, it has been 4 years! ugh ohh, I can hear the gears in my head turning again. Make them stop!
  4. ***Deep breath**** Without boring the pants off of everyone, I'll e-mail you Rats Not that pant less pirates in a movie wouldn't be fun but I think that's already been covered. Quick & dirty though. The sound isn't crap if you use a dedicated mic. For $1000 or so you can get a used "indie film" quality miniDV camera that was top of the line 4 years ago. Anything on miniDV with a firewire can be downloaded to your average home computer for editing & uploaded to a server or youtube. Honestly the way technology is these days, a trained monkey could make a movie & with Hollywood the way it is, he'd stand a good chance of getting some pretty big funds to do it with
  5. Elder Spaniard grinned, a faint roll of laughter spilling from his lips as the Anglican snorted and stormed out of the tavern. The Spaniard shrugged to his crew mate who grinned wildly in return. “Tal vez el wiskey era malo?” the younger laughed with a shrug. The quip made the other chortle even louder, a sun tanned hand slapped on the youths shoulder in amusement. Still chuckling the two turned from the common room, taking the back hallway to the alley behind the building. Their tasks were not yet completed for the day and both knew that their captain would be awaiting their prompt return.
  6. I don't get it. Why cancel stuff for tonight because of the "weather". Yeah it's snowing & nasty & yeah it's April, so it shouldn't be like this. But people, this is Wisconsin. We get worse weather than this in January & don't bat an eye lash. Do those two months mean that everyone has forgotten how to drive in snow or something?
  7. ^ what costume projects *aren't* I working on < unfinished silk mantua, unfinished riding habit, mini mantua for the little swab & now my friend tells me "make me a worn out street hawker outfit & I'll go to Port Washington with you". Oh, & I want to make all my own tentage & gear. V Have a skill that combines well with the "pirate/reenacting" thing?
  8. ^ now *that* I'll do, with or without alcohol < Here's a health to the king and a lasting peace. to faction end to wealth increase.... V have a favorite period song?
  9. ^ Not well enough to do in public without being extremely drunk or terribly embarassed < Try these for learning English Country Dance http://www.rivkinetic.org/flash/ecdflash.html http://www.pbm.com/~lindahl/playford_1651/ & Broadside Band's John Playford's Popular Tunes CD V Love to share links & information or keep it all to yourself?
  10. ^ sometimes forgets who she's logged in as
  11. ^^ Nope, it's all polyester & machine sewn (period materials down to the thread) ^ I'm really trying to learn. Learning the music is easier though. < I'm not obsessed, OK maybe a little. Alright, alright, more than a little. V OCD or dedication?
  12. Today's word Barratry: In maritime law barratry is a fraudulent breach of duty by the master of a ship that injures the owner of the ship or its cargo; includes every breach of trust such as stealing or sinking or deserting the ship or embezzling the cargo. Something any good pirate should know how to do
  13. ^ well, what weave of silk do you want Mistress Cat? http://www.fabric.com/apparel-fashion-fabr...?Source=LeftNav http://www.dharmatrading.com/html/eng/1665272-AA.shtml http://www.silkconnection.com/products/fabric/silk/ http://www.renaissancefabrics.net/cgi-bin/...l.cgi?section=S http://www.thaisilks.com/index.php?cPath=1 < My mantra is "linen, linen, lots of wool" though. V care about the fiber content of you clothing?
  14. Umm yes or tortilla pizzas are good too. Tonight I made Chicken fetucchini (actually tubes rather than noodles) with broccoli
  15. 1. the bars of chocolate I was meaning to send off. 2. a pirate theme decorated Pringles can 3. my ****, soon to be ex-uncle who I hope gets gutted in the divorce 4. Tuesday
  16. ^ Like me, comfortable, but it was darned hard to sit in the car. < Haven't worn my kit in 2 months. It's making me sad V Like mundanes or kit more?
  17. Well, you see, I bought these Lindt excellence dark chocolate with intense orange bars intending to send them off to a certain person who loves them but they disappeared somehow
  18. well it's not "pirate" related but When you're 6 year old is watching "The Corpse Bride" & in trying to describe the bride's dress says "the top is like stays, only without the straps" I think that means we talk about historic clothing a lot
  19. I could use a guy like you around. It's darned hard to properly tie ones own stays.
  20. that's what I was afraid of. Thankfully that was only the first round to keep everyone happy while I finish up the more elaborate packages. This time, no shipping from the city post office!
  21. ^ It's Wisconsin. I think beer is required at every event. < Could use a drink. Maybe I'll pop some champaign into my OJ. V Do you read one sentence posts or wait from something more substantial?
  22. yes & that's exactly the point now isn't it?
  23. Peregrine falcons About 5 years ago I was sitting out in my yard, with my kid, the neighbor & her kids and the multitude of local dogs. About 20 feet away drops a peregrine falcon! I believe my exact comment was "What the hell kind of bird is that. Is that a....oh my god!" The falcon sat there in the yard for a long minute then hopped, and I mean hopped into the tree behind him, sat there for a while and then glided, very low down the center of the street. As it turns out, the old nuclear power plant in the town just south was known for having several peregrine falcons living in the towers. I guess they are known for living at the tops of the tallest skyscrapers too. We were just the lucky ones that he felt like paying a visit to.
  24. and all I can think is how the heck to they talk and dance at the same time. I have to use all my brain power to remember which direction to go!
  25. "Raquel (go to hell)" by the Specials. Slightly more up beat but still angry, just like me
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