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Everything posted by CrazyCholeBlack

  1. Honestly, dumb luck. I was looking for a new time period to be interested in. I knew I wanted a local group since I was tired of learning and never *doing*, I knew I wanted the group to be on the "historically picky" side since that's the way I am and I knew that I didn't want to have to wear hoops skirts, which eliminated Elizabethan and ACW. Turns out the GAoP fits the bill perfectly. Now you're all stuck with me!
  2. ^ Bumper Bikes < basically you ride around trying to crash into the other kids. Needless to say my folks weren't too proud of me for inventing it! V any "great" childhood inventions?
  3. < 3 cats < favorite park, Turtle Island Playground here in town, aka "The Ship Park" thanks to all the structures looking like ships V play at playgrounds as a kid, or just on the playset in your backyard?
  4. ^ I try to not use color to my own disadvantage at least < not a fan of fall colors Mr. Tar? Orange, yellow & brown are *my* garb colors. My basic pieces always end up in those colors. Come to think of it, both the inside & the outside of my house are those colors too. Guess I like them more than I thought V What color is the outside of your dwelling?
  5. ^ I was an art student, I'd better know them! < It's a burnt orange. Looks amazing with emerald green & I look good in green. see the logic? V Solids, stripes or plaid?
  6. I've got a craving for a tall cup of iced honeybush tea after a hot day mowing with my reel mower. Now if the blasted weather would just improve!!
  7. ^ thought yes, done no. Don't think I really can do it though. I'm always better at being "me" than anyone else. < I have orange silk Mr. Tar, you going to sew it for me? V What color do you like to wear?
  8. ^ Blend so much even I sometimes wonder if I was there. < Keep waiting Mr. Tar, I don't make entrances either. V Make an entrance or have people say "oh, when did you get here?"
  9. ^ nope. Time is really irrelevant to me. There's day or night and that's about it. < Of course I'm never late. I hate being late. V chronically early or chronically late or spot on?
  10. ^ worked at a job, 5-6 hours straight during finals. Worked for myself, 18 hours straight, sewing. < I was hallucinating by the time I finished, but the clothes were ready for the party the next day! V ever worked so much that you started seeing things?
  11. ahh yes, babies clothes. http://www.sharonburnston.com/baby_linen/index.html Front lacing stays might have worked. I'm just remembering how difficult it was to wear just a front buttoning dress while nursing then imagining that but with stiffness. *shutter* Of course, there is a lot of "flexability" when it comes to nursing too and the common woman had to do *something*. oh oh oh! I just remembered there are at least 2 women that appear to be pregnant in Laroon's Cries of London. I'll see if I can find the images to share. IIRC they are just dressed like the other criers and the only way to tell is their protruding bellies.
  12. From 1700, scenes from London Life by Maureen Waller, p 222. Waller is referencing London in 1710; The travels of Zacharias Conrad von Uffenbach.
  13. darn it, I've had this conversation with Kass & didn't take notes! Off the top of my head what I do know is that period clothes have built in adjustment like you wouldn't believe. I've thought it would be really neat to see the same outfit on several women, all of different sizes. It would be very possible withing an average range of sizes. Petticoats tie around like two aprons, back around, front around. A woman could grow or shrink and the only difference would be the amount of over lap on the sides. This is great because you can almost always borrow petticoats from someone else and they can be tied to fit. Stays would adjust to an extent too. Mostly in the width. The gap in the back can be wider or narrow depending. The length doesn't adjust, but then again, we don't get taller when we have kids either There are also variations in stays with half boning vs. full boning that allowed for softer vs. harder construction. What I've never been able to figure out is how do you nurse in stays? Maybe something to do with untieing the shoulder. That one baffles me honestly. Of course, the natural next topic is what did infants wear?
  14. A little something for the ladies that like to fight From "The amusements of old London : being a survey of the sports and pastimes, tea gardens and parks, playhouses and other diversions of the people of London from the 17th to the beginning of the 19th century" by William B. Boulton, 1901. I have another reference that I can't find now (will add when I do) IIRC it's a similar account of female fighting about the same time from the diary of a dutch/german/danish guy in London at the time.
  15. Darn, Mary beat me to the Mr. Potato joke. Nevertheless, welcome to you and your chicken. Normally I'd avail myself of your newcomer status and have a drink, but I'm just not in the mood. It's a shame rain checks haven't been invented yet. Enjoy your stay!
  16. ^ each other, probably unless you're really down & out. Your outfit, bah! < Luck brought me a pair of machine knit, hand dyed (with cochineal) stockings for the little swab this week. I love it when I'm lucky! V Is luck on your side?
  17. ^^ East Indian, lots of curry. But I have to drive nearly an hour to get it & it's not cheap. ^ neither, linen though. Ohhh, linen (in my best Homer Simpson impression) < I'll sew for food, I'll sew if I get to keep the fabric scraps & most of all, I'll sew for people that really love what I make them (like the little swab who asked to wear her clothes again tomorrow!) V what's your "labor of love"?
  18. ^ mixed like veggies & meat eaters or mixed like men & women or adults and kids? There aren't enough restaurants here to make the choice hard really. < Got offered a trip to the good Indian place in exchange for sewing my friend his garb. And here I'd been planning to do it for nothing! V Will work for (fill in the blank)
  19. or when you fall asleep and still end up thinking of pirates
  20. ^ nope, eat when I'm hungry or not at all. < Lets go back to Mr. Red Wakes question "What period item have you made that you are most proud of?" This one... Terrible photo but you can see the clothes. The little swab loves them Now all she needs is a mini mantua (& shoes!) V ever make someone something that they just love?
  21. ...Aunque, yo debiera poseer, he sido un poco demasiado negligente en mi negocio, y soy sensible ahora he perdido hasta cierto punto mi tiempo y crédito así; pero, por mi futura diligencia espero pronto recuperar a ambos, y convencerle que pago unos respetos estrictos a todas sus órdenes, que estoy ligado a, también en la gratitud como el deber, y espero que yo tenga alguna vez el permiso, y con la gran verdad, suscribirme, sin embargo, siempre estoy contento cuando encuentro que usted, estimado señor, recuerda, su criado muy obligado y alguna vez obediente. Sr. Don Fernando de Ulises El 17 de noviembre, 17..
  22. Su señoría más honorable Juan Diego de Pena, Justicia del regimiento de la Villa de Cadiz Soy informado, y esto me da la gran preocupación, que usted ha oído un enfermo informe de mí, que, supongo, fui levantado por algunos de mis compañeros; a quién envidiar mi estima, o, agravando mis faltas, procuraría disminuir su propio. Su reprimenda es bastante oportuna, y esto tendrá el efecto deseado, también frustrar los diseños de mis enemigos, que pretenden perjudicarle contra mí para complacerle y obedecer todas sus órdenes y consejo...
  23. Just to clarify, it's not "wrong" to leave the button holes or lacing holes while replacing the lining. The lining is meant to be replaced, but the holes wouldn't be redone every time unless they needed to be repaired. The other thing is that with existing button holes, they are already cut & ideally button holes shouldn't be cut until after the edge is stitched. That's what keeps them from getting all wonky. I know you know that Mr. Hand, but in case anyone else didn't, now they do. I can sympathize with wanting to do just generally a better job on them though. You'd think with all the button holes & eyelets on period clothes you wouldn't have to do so many to get them to look good.
  24. The heavy wooden door shut soundly behind Ulises as he entered his private room. A scared hand pulled out the tattered message from his outer pocket. Dim lamp light flickered across the cream page as the captain settled near the flame. Dark eyes read the words again, the ever present furrow in the man’s brow deepening. He had known a message of this sort would reach him eventually. He had spent too many months chasing the other galleon, too many months without sending word to his patrons. He could dawdle no longer; this business with the cursed Danish needed to be finished soon, or any hope of a successful return to Spain was lost. Thin sheet of velum was set on the rough table near inconstant flame; quill dipped with practiced ease into the waiting ink as Ulises began to compose his reply.
  25. Mr. Hand, you can "cheat" when replacing the lining. Cut the lining out but leave the strip where the button holes are. Then blind stitch the turned under edge of your new lining to the turned under strip where the button holes are. Clear as mud?
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