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Aurore Devareaux

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Everything posted by Aurore Devareaux

  1. As I have said many a time before...It is not always good to be the King....ask that Louis the 16th fellah... But then, is it not a far worse fate to be counted amonst the peons... You are Ludwig II, the Swan King of Bavaria! Born with the name of Otto, you became Ludwig at the request of your grandfather, King Ludwig I, because you were born on his birthday. You became Crown Prince at the tender age of 3, and soon after stole a purse from a shop on the basis that everything in Bavaria belonged to you. Tragedy struck when your pet tortoise was taken away; relatives thought the six-year-old prince was too attached to it. Your childhood was lonely and formal. Once, you were prevented from beheading your younger brother by the timeous arrival of a court official. From the age of 14 you suffered from hallucinations. Despite striking an imposing figure with your great height and good looks, your speeches were pompous to the point of incomprehensibility. You became even more of a recluse, often spending hours reading poetry in a seashell-shaped boat in your electrically-illuminated underground grotto. You are most famous for building three fairytale castles - Linderhof, Neuschwanstein and Herrenchiemsee - at tremendous public expense. Declared insane and confined to your bedroom by concerned (and embarrassed) subjects, you escaped on 13 June 1886, but were later found drowned with your physician in Lake Stamberg in mysterious circumstances.
  2. ( Non, Matin) tomes
  3. ( well done) Alexandria
  4. Niahm Shea stood in what shelter could be provided but smallish overhang. Pale green eyes searched the muck and mire that was shown beyond doorway and she cringed inwardly to think what damage may have been rendered by Nature's wrath. The skies still exerted fresh tears from gray cladding as the storm lay in final death throes; the wind now at just above heavy breeze. She wondered if there was a home still standing to return to, but quelled dwelling on it overmuch. Removing the simple shoes that clad delicate feet, Niahm stepped attentively upon soaked terra. Glancing about again before following the length of building then around to where ground gave incline and higher vistas. Pulling knit shawl tighter to her form, she moved undaunted forward and upward, hoping to gain better view of the surround. One bare foot sinking slightly after the other as the wind grabbed with greedy fingers at woolen shroud. Such challenge of terrain and element drew focus to path chosen, closing out any other distraction. Head tilted downward to keep careful eye on the footing ahead, no forewarning made awares that alone she was not until voice was heard calling from crest above. Startled, she froze in pace, sights snapping to sounding's origin, then a hint of smile tugged her lips with recognition. Niahm watched the Other treading carefully incline's slick, saw the shadow of disapproval wash over lupine features as he drew near. Dropping her attention to the sodden ground below, her hearing gauged his proximity as mud sucked veraciously to claim stake on boots and the flesh that lay contained. The steady footfall was heard to pause, and she stole a glimpse to size the reason, catching steady gaze of dark sights focused on youthful face and a bloom of color painted her porcelain cheeks. Overcoat removed, Sabastian closed the distance between, raising a brow in silent query to her being here. Niahm found herself to be at a disadvantage of words, biting down on lower lip in nervous response. The dark eyes regarded her briefly, then coat was draped over her shoulders, warding off further attack of aqueous intent. Downward hill's slant, at structure's rear facing, Andre waited with ever patience credited to those of predatory persuasions....centering held rapt on sibling's return progress.
  5. Judging by the information listed under the promo shot, this is a Play. I thought it rather odd that a film would have such a long title.
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