Captain Striker
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Everything posted by Captain Striker
Grats on the job ... Remember to fire those canons for us at Pyracy.com
Striker walked aboard the Angel where the workers were refitting and getting scold at by midshipmen and was greeted by Mr. March and Mr.Hazzard which both looked worried as if the Devil was coming with illstarred news. "I have news about Killingsworth and it is that he is doing the dance macabre which is the good news ... the ill news is that there are other forces at hand that also are trying to do Master Sterling in .... It all has do with a Mistress McKinney. That is all I can say without seeing the captain myself " said Striker with calmness in his voice.
"I am Nathan Striker , Captain of La Maligna " replied Striker "I am bearing both good and Ill news to Captain Sterling .... May I have permission to come aboard ? " asked Striker while looking up at Mr. March standing at the Angels Bow.
It was dawn , the sky was scarlet to behold and one could still see a bit of the fog that was drifting away with the salty sea breeze . The docks were already bustling with activity . Men carrying goods and supplies on board ships , stands opening and fishermen sailing out to sea . Striker was wandering the docks pondering were to start asking first , the harbour master or the workers and sailers. He decided to ask the sailors while making his way to the harbour office. After a couple of failors and no answers to his questions he found one with the answers he needed . "Aye , Capt'n Sterlin' ... He be the Capt'n of the Archangel ... The capt'n been shot a coup'le of days ago , he been seen by none since then ... Mayhab his lieutenant Mr. March be of help to ye , he be at the shipyards seeing to the Angel " said a old ropper sitting on a barrel while smoking his pipe. Striker thanked the man with a half of crown and went towards the shipyards. The Shipyards were busy , with the war against the Spanish coming nearer . The workers pointed out the Angel to him. Striker went to ship that was being refitted and yelled out "Is there a Mr. March here ?"
ARGHHH Me is yearning for morrow already
There was a sound of two foot steps in the hallway , one more heavy then the other . It sounded as if one of them had a limp . Striker went to the door and put his ears to the door so he could hear better. There were two knocks ... they were coming fom the direction of Lady St. Claire's room. Striker cocked two of his flintlocks and put the other five into the braces. "Back to the shaddows" murmured Striker to himself and went out on the balcony. He crossed over the ledge and jumped in complete silence over to the balcony that belonged to St. Claire . Striker could see three persons in the room . Lady St. Claire and the man called Jack were standing and talking in the corner , on the bed lay a man with a lot of bruises on his face and body . He fitted the description of Killingsworth. St. Claire gave a pouch to Jack , that soon after left the room. Striker saw and heard it all , the argument and the fact that a man named Lord Darnly stood behind it all . That it all was related to a mistress Lilly McKinney , a Captain John Striker and that Darnly had kidnapped Mckinney's infant child . And Striker saw the murder of Killingworth. St.Claire went out of the room, this was the perfect timing for Striker to get into the room. He walked to the bed and drew the sheets back from the head of Killingsworth . He was dead for sure ... Now Louisa has been avenged , not by Striker's hands but by his cousin , his own blood , most foul. Striker went back to his own room, Through the same way he came in, after pulling back the sheets over Killingsworth's face . Striker walked out of the Shipp Inn and into the night, a shaddow amongst shaddows
Going to miss you old Reggie May your character Rest In Peace And please do come back !
Striker was surprised by St. Claires reaction . He did not even have a chance to interupt her before the door was slammed in his face . He decided to go to his room and wait the situation out to see if the man called Jack indeed would show up with Killingsworth. Hours passed and it became dark outside . Striker was sitting near the desk and prepairing all of his guns . He had a view of the full moon from the window.The night was busting with activity on the street . People talking and singing. He hoped Killingworth would show up with all of his heart !
The sun moved across the sky and time passed by while Striker was sitting at The Ship Inn trying to think abut what his next move should be . All that the day had brung with has been nothing but surprises . The search for Killingsworth had let him to two people as different as night and day , a man called Jack and a blond noble woman . Striker had asked the tavern girl about the woman , her name was apparently Lady St. Claire and she had just accommondated herself at the inn . What was she doing here and what was the connection between her and Killingsworth ? Striker made up with himself what his next move would be in this game of cat and mouse . He would not be the cat , nor the mouse . He would be a terrier , enemy to both of them. He went over to the barkeep and rented a room for the night next to Lady St. Claire's . He was shown up the stairs by a young boy. "Where is the luggage , Sir " the boy asked . Striker looked at him and answered him "There is none ... now be a good lad and show me to my sleeping quaters " . The boy smiled to Striker and said "Follow me , Sir" Striker was led by the boy up the stairs to the room . Just before entering Striker put a hand on the boys shoulder and said " That will do... now run off" Striker took a half a crown and gave it to the boy . "Thanks a million " Said the boy with eyes twinkling full of joy while runing down the stairs. Striker went to Lady St. Claire's room and saw a scarlet bougainvillea attached to the doorknob with some string . He untied the flower and attached it the door of his room. Striker leaves the door unlocked , goes back to the door of St. Claire and knocks on it. "Back so soon ? Come in !"
Striker heard each and every of the blond mistress' words ,even though she was trying to whisper as softly as possible. The racket of people talking and eating forced her to speak loud enough so that Striker at the nearby table could hear her murmur . 20 guineas ... was a more then generous price of bringing the alleged beaten snake called Killingsworth to her . The blond stood up and went by Striker , her eyes gazing into his . Striker felt forced to look away but was strangely fixed upon her blue coloured Iris , it was as if the sirens were singing to him , charming him towards her. The only thing he did was nod at her and fell how the warmth moved towards his cheeks and noticed that his heart was pumping as if a 100 mares were riding it.
Wicked grin. "What's for dessert?" "Some more herring ? " Says Striker ,still under the influence of the alcohol , holding a herring by it fin and looking at Ransom and then Silkie
Killingsworth , the name rang through Striker's head , what did the man Called Jack know about him ? Striker tried to stay calm because he could see that "Jack" has noticed him. Another thought fell upon Striker what did the woman want with Killingsworth ?
That one sounds like somebody put acid in the singer's rum... Or put acid in my rum.... aye , mine as well
That sounds about right ....
Have a good time ... Eat some sea food for me aswell ... Oh , and Don't do anything I would'nt do See you on Tuesday
Striker turns around and sees Ransom coming over with a champagne class in one hand and a prawn in the other .Striker explains to her " A Danish specialty . It the same as smorges board or Smorgaas ... except the Swedes stole it from us" Striker's forehead starts to wrinkle in anger " It is rye bread with different topings ... everything from ham to herring " He says and smiles to her "here have a taste ".
"Aye, when I said Mom , I ment Nan .... And when I ment made them ... she woke up the maid and she made them ... And she could make some good Smorrebrod with pickled herrings "
"aye, Smorrebrod as my mother did not use to make them" Striker looks at St.Claire , and mumbles to himself "better get sober again ... the terrier is on the hunt " . Striker starts drinking the coffee ##OOC## I am sad to hear about your friend , Ransom . I am glad that my clowning around made your days a bit brighter .
Striker decided to sit down for a bit , he could feel his feet swallowing and acheing from all the walking in his new bought shoes . He walked over to a table near by the sitting woman and the scruffy looking man standing next to her . Striker Sat down by the table and took out his pouch with tobacco and his pipe , and started to prepare the pipe for smoking. From the corners of his eyes he saw two men , twins apparently , dressed in raggy clothes behaving in some what suspicious manner , one of the man turned the other around and placed a hand before the other's mouth while dragging him around the corner . Striker prepared himself for trouble , he had remembered to put his back against the wall and to have as many chairs , patrons and other guests as possible in front of himself not to mention on his left side as well so it would be hard to get to him. He could hear that the attractive blond was annoyed by the man standing next to her.. The man was obviously trying to avoid the woman's eye contact The tavern girl came over and asked him for his order. "A glass of port and some fire for my tobbaco , please" he answered her , while he watched the blond.
Striker overhears the sentence and starts coughing and choking on his rum
So far the search for Killingsworth had let to nothing more then a wild goose chase .Striker visited both Marshallsea and Bridewell prison, and the bribes he had to pay neared 50 Gold Crowns. Not to mention the danger of even trying to bribe the soldiers and prison keepers. It was in near impossible for Striker to imagine a man as Killingsworth being able to hide for long , even in Port Royal . But fact was that he had eluted everybody so far. The rumours were that Killingsworth were taken captive and imprisoned for the failed assassination of a Captain . But as shown it was to be inaccurate . Striker had no ideas left of how to get back on the trail , it was as if Killingsworth had been swallowed whole by the evil and decadence that was manifested in the town . "The devil is still at large " he said to himself walking by merchant stalls and the masive flood of people buying or trading trinkets and food , everything a heart or stomach might desire . His mind started to flow in a different direction from the noises from the crowded street. "There must be a way to lore him out of his hidding" he began to think back on the day Molly was killed , if he had known that it was Killingsworth that ran up the stairs everything would have been different . The captain would not have been shot , and if Striker would have know earlier then that even the poor lass would be alive and well. As Striker's mind wandered in all directions , his walk ended to the point of origin of Killingsworth's demise in Port Royal. The tavern. Near the entrance there stood a man clad in a second hand silk coat , which had seen better days long ago , addressing a sitting woman , while making feeble gestures and movements. The woman was, dressed in the latest French fashion as Striker could see , seemed to be talking down to the man in a arrogant tone.
Name : Nathanial Striker Birthplace : Hafnia , Denmark Physical Description : Striker is 6" tall with blue eyes . Used to wear wigs but the heat and humidity made it unbareable . he has short cut dark hair , to begin with made short for the wigs but now for the heat . Striker is a master marksmen , but really rubish in melee ! That is why he always wears a brace with 8 flintlocks . The son of a wealthy English merchant that became "stranded" in Denmark during the English Civil War between 1642-48 . Striker's mother is from a minor noblehouse and got married for the money. Nathan's father settled down in Denmark where his business grew. Nathan was sent to the Caribbean Isle of Skt. Thomas by his father to establish another growing market for the family business. During the voyage they were attacked by a pirate Spanish Galleon , named La Maligna . Striker and his men managed to defeat the attackers , though with the loss of their own ship and goods . The inventory of La Maligna was full of doublons and other booty . Striker could not see himself returning to his father with the shame of losing the ship and goods . And with a little persuation , gold and rum dreams , the men followed him into pirating Spanish pirates with La Maligna as the new ship. Kept the name of the ship to strike fear in to the Spaniards Recently found out that the killer of his English grand cousin , Louisa , was on his way to Port Royal .
"Hmmm I think it will be a long night " says Striker while Ray is giving him his belongings back
Said the condemned man in a Gypsy cell Okay , lets get our characters written down in the Bio Thread