Captain Striker
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Everything posted by Captain Striker
This sounds the most sensible thing to do... Because of so many Characters coming and going ... It would be hard for one person to put in a "database" Oh , and I would not say that Killingsworths has any quirks ... Apart from a Quote from Killingsworth himself : "Causing mental anguish upon others, watching others suffer by their own hand, participating in various acts of lewdness and debauchery with questionable individuals, beating women, kicking children, rat pucking and going to the theater!" Everything seems normal except for the theater !
Striker pulls Sterlings cape tighter to his skin to keep warm and says " Thank you captain , as you see I have been somewhat captured by the Rum ... just need to come to my senses ... I would never fall for the Siren's call ". Striker's face turns sad and numb to look at. Striker turns his head and sees Killingsworth behind Sterling. " Sterling look behind thee a lisping Snake appears" Jacky and Striker pass by the small mob in the door way to the tavern and pick up Strikers clothes. "Jacky could you please hand me the dry clothes ? They shalt do for know " Jacky hands the clothes to the still drunken Striker that starts to put them on , the trousers first "Aye lets find Ray ... I feel naked without me Guns "
"Aye , some clothing would do wonders " Striker said Suddenly his eyes caught sight of Tess St.Claire standing in the doorway to the tavern. "why does the looks hunt me ? " Tess mocks Striker "Thou art killing me ! " Striker turns his head towards Ransom and says "You truly are a friend in need ..." "As soon as I get clothed I will buy round for you and Jacky "
Sounds as a good idea .... Think people will appreciate it in more then one way
"Aye , Aye Captain " says Striker and covers up . "Lass , Help a fellow captain and lend me your strenght " Striker ,Still sitting on the ground , streches his hand out toward Ransom " Help me back in ... Will you not ?"
Striker starts shouting outside of the tavern " Tess here is your Terrier !" Striker falls to his knees "hvorfor mig ? Hvorfor er jeg faldet for hende ?" he mumbles with drunken voice "HIC'!" "Jacky , some clothes please ... " Striker turns his woggely head towards Ransom " Lass , help me up here ... Will you not ?"
Striker stumbles towards the tavern feeling sick and cofused . Sudenly he sees Ransom standing in front of the tavern "Damn it Jacky , cover me up or at least give me my hat so the terrier can be !" Striker cries out in the dim night . "And you Ransom turn thy head or help me back in "
Jacky hoists Striker back in to a chair. Jacky beckons to the lads at the bar. The lads lift Captain Striker, they take his affects and hand them to Ray. They carry Striker out the pub and on to the pier; with a heave and a ho, they toss him into the bay. Thankfully none speak Danish, but it did sound colorful. The cold water can be very sobering, and Striker swims back to the pier. Jacky throws a blanket over the man's shoulders and offers him a change of clothes. The two men laugh and walk back to the pub. "ARGHHH , Now I'll be needing Rum to keep warm " says Striker with a big grin on his face while he streaks into his Adam costume , and starts to walk back towards the tavern.
Striker stands up but suddenly the whole tavern started to turn around him. He quickly caught the edge of a table , but little did it help. Down went Striker as new lumbered tree and hit the floor. "For helvede .... Jeg tror at det er nok drikkeri for mig " Striker complains in Danish with his head between two floor boards . "Tar ,why don't you help this stranded sailor and put me back to my seat ?" Striker looks up at Jacky .
"I don't care about that female serpent ...HIC '... just tired of being ignored " Striker turns his head and looks at Jacky Tar "I just yearn for my Island ... Zeeland " "Mayhaps I have been out too long .... even in the Rum's keg ... HIC'..." "And yes my clothes does smell as the drink I have on my hands " Striker wipes some of the amber drops of his chin "and face !" Striker laughs
"Been trying to fetch a lapdog since then I see " Striker mumbles to himself while he cleans some dripping Rum from the side of his left cheek with his right coat sleeve . "Seems I am surrounded yet all alone .... None to speak to , Nor to scold " Striker looks into his mug and says with a sigh "Shaddows .... Nor shaddows ! "
The silhoutte moved towards the light with what seemed as a struggle for life or death . The glare of the torch hit the silhuotte's face .... To Striker's surprise it was not Killingsworth but another noble man in chains judged by his clothes and appeareance. Striker looked at the prison keeper , and said " This is not the man I am seeking .... The name of the person that I want to talk to is Reginald Killingsworth !" The keeper looked at Striker and shook his head "this be the only man of noble birth we have ! "
Striker followed the hunchbacked prisonkeeper through the labyrinth of passages in the prison keep. The air was far from wholesome and it stank the same if one would board a Pox infested ship with all of the crew either dying or dead .One could hear wailing and coughing behind the thick locked oak doors. only missery and pain lived in these quaters . The Prisonkeeper stoped in front of one of the doors . Opened the lock with a rusting key which was ,one among many ,attached to a keyring, and then pulled the lever for the iron latch . Striker went in the dungeon cell and saw from the poor lighting which the torch made , that the prisonkeeper was holding , a shackled silhouette crouched in the far left corner . "My dear Sir Killingsworth " said Striker in a taunting tone
Striker strolled all the way to the fort , where the prison was located . The only lighting apart from the moon were the torches on the top of 10 meter tall wall and the small bonfires near the gate area . 2 guards were situated in front of the gate and numerous others were patroling the wall . Striker could even asume there were some men behind the embrasures near the gate because of the flickering of light. "Halt , whose there ? " one of the guards shouted with a nervous sounding voice. "A friend .... with a proporsition for you fine Gentlemen ! " Striker answered showing himself into the limited light from the torches and bonfires , while holding a purse in his hands. Stiker shook it a bit .... the sound of coins rattleling could be heard . "the only thing I ask of thee is to let me see a prisoner" Striker said with a smirk.
Ask for what madam ?
Striker , Captain of the Spanish War Gallion La Maligna which is Flying under Danish colours . Felt a twirl in his stomach . Striker was always careful when walking the streets or even sitting in a tavern and drinking. Always hidding in the dark , a shaddow amongst shaddows . It was almost as he was darkness , the darkness that was ever awake ... feeling ,watching , pryeing on it's targets . He saw a noble man in wig and clad in fine silk, except the silk was smothered in large crimsom stains , run up the stairs . Striker stod up moving towards the area the noble man ran from. The sight that caught Strikers eyes made his stomach twitch. Yes , he had seen death and murder . He had even been the one comitting them , but never a sweet young blossom as this. There before him lay the servant girl Molly , all drenched in her own blood Striker took a last look at the poor lass and sneaked out. Always surrounded by shaddows , always in the shaddow he lives
Excactly it is a fresh breeze !
Striker looks around the room and sees Sterling go outside , closely followed by Aurore . And finds it soothing his soul ... once he also was in love ... once He takes is rom and empties the mug ... turns around and walks over to St.Claire "May I sit here Madam " Sits down before she has any chance to answer "Tell me a bit about your relation to your pet hound , Killingsworth" " Seems he did not want to fight me .... but trust me Mandam " Striker clenches his his hand into a fist "He will on the highsea ... As they say where I am from : om han vil det eller ej "
"As I was saying , Sir ..... get out !.... While thee can " Striker pokes Killingsworth harder in back with the Flintlock , embeding the gun further towards Killingsworth's ribs "If thou wants our quarrel can continue at sea .... Just look for the former Spanish Gallion La Maligna ... that is my ship " Striker's face turns stone cold while he awaits Killingsworth's answer
Captain Striker has been sitting in shaddows with his back against the wall , so far unnoticed by the large crowd of people in the pub . Striker stands up and walks up behind Reginald Killingsworth . "As you were told .... you and your gold are not welcome here " Reginald Killingsworth feels a flintlock being pushed to his back , and nods to Sterling
I have now listened to Mrs. McGrath.... must say that I liked SpringsteenĀ“s version also. But apart from that I still like Rogues' Gallery because it is inconventional in many ways from traditional "Folk"music.... Even though "What shalll we do with the drunken sailor" is a bit for weird for me But all in all I still like "Rogues'" But thanks for telling me about Mrs. McGrath ... Liked it alot aswell
Funny as hell ... and yes very adictive
Fellow Pyracy Pub Member Jaimaca Rose in the news.
Captain Striker replied to Cut-throat's topic in Pyrate Pop
So do I .... So do I Let's have a toast to that ... the faster the better -
Any others dissapoointed with POTC 2?
Captain Striker replied to Gentleman of Fortune's topic in Pyrate Pop
Not too big though or it will not fit in the jar or nor the Dead man's chest I must say that i liked the film from the begining to the end . Though I would have liked to see some scenes at the Turkish prison . So I can't wait to see the third part . And I would not be sad at all if a fourth part was announced , just shoot my flintlock in the air -
HMMMMM that is so wrong in so many ways ... No wonder Disco is dead