Captain Striker
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Everything posted by Captain Striker
"Mademoiselle , I must admit that no ships surgent have looked at it. But I have seen that Mistress Melchert did a fine job as I could judge"
"I will get straight to it. I came to the Port because of one man. Killingsworth ... " Striker looked at Sterling as his face changed.
"Aye , and I would be one of them because I will never leave my pistols " Striker laughed out with regret ! The pain seemed to be unbearable when his body shaked because of laughter.
"Aye , that will do ! By God they should forbid knives " Striker said following Sterling while keeping a fast grip on Jane's hand for support while the pain rushed through him.
"Oh , my apologies Mademoiselle Devareux .... " Striker cleared his throat and continued " It was just that it also deals with Mistress McKinney. Again I apologize ! " he said with his face turned as red ,if not more , as his maroon clothing. He tried to change the subject " Hope that we do not to walk to far . As soon as Mr. Hazzards left us yesterday. There were some trouble . shall we walk ?" Striker's experience in the art of blending into the environment made him notice that they were being kept a eye on. "Are these your men or might it be another trap?"
Striker still holding fast to his cane began to walk towards the gangplank , grinding his teeth with every step he took from the pain being sent through his whole body for each step he took ,with the help of Jane and the cane. Closely followed by Ioan and Lauritzsen. "Captain Sterling , nice to make your acquaintance " He said while looking at the men that were with Sterling. Sterling was acompanied by a woman . "And Mistress McKinney I Presume "
Lauritzsen looked over railing and saw Sterling and his entougarage , he hurried over to Striker to inform his captain , and to try to talk him out of going ashore in his state. But it seemed that the captain was set on pulling it through. Even though Lauritzsen could not understand a word of English , he insisted on going with Striker for his protection. He knew the captain was stubborn as hell and he would pull it through no matter what. At times Lauritzsen hated the stubbornness , but he knew that it also was a trait that had saved the crews life when they were boarded by the Spaniards aboard Havheksen . If it was not for the captain they would have been at the bottom of Davey's locker and not sailing on the assailent's ship.
Ioan helped Striker with putting the clothes on and ready for the meeting . Striker decided to dress in the coulor maroon. As Striker walkede out of the cabin with the help of Ioan and a cane his eyes met with Jane's emerald eyes. "Mistress , I shan't ask ye to join me . It might be dangerous , one can never know. But if ye want to come then do so " he said with a questioning smirk
Striker was standing up with the help of Jane when Ioan walked into the cabin. Striker reached out after his cane which was situated against his closet. "Sir , If you wish employment I can give you a position. If you agree we are going to the docks for a meeting. " Striker looked at Jane which had let go of Striker now that he was clinging to the cane. "Sorry mistress , but I need to be changing " he said with a big smile on his face. She smiled back as she left the cabin. "Now Ioan be a bully lad and help me look decent."
Striker was watching Roberts' every move while listening to what was being said . After Roberts had finished talking Striker looked straight into his eyes and answered him. "Tell Captain Sterling that we will meet at the docks in 15 minutes time. Now if you please excuse me I have to get changed for the meeting ." with his palm open pointing at the door Striker said "Thank you coming" As soon as Roberts left Striker threw the linen to the side and tried to get out of bed. He clinched his teeth together because of the fast move which did not agree with his fresh wound and sent pain rushing to his head.
Nice outfits and pictures
there, there Jacky don't be mean
"Thanks alot Jacky ! Ye are the most kindest and thoughtfull gent I know!" Striker smiled and took the pistols , powder and shotbox , and then shook Jaky's hand. Looked at Ransom and gave her a low bow "Well must be on my way to the Shipp Inn to collect my brace of pistols which Ray so kindly is holding for me , farewell" Striker turns around and departs from the Relentless .
"Ahemmm , best be getting back to my crew and ship . Thank you very much for yer hospitality , let's do it again soon at La Maligna ." Striker stood up gave a nod to Ransom and Jacky before going out. "Don't be strangers ! " He added on his way
Have fun , both of you. I will take "good" care of your characters Just joking
Striker started to laugh "Aye , so do I !"
Good mornin' Mister Grumpy! Yer exploits have just begun, and we mean t' tell yer saga t' any who'll listen. Sides, ye know ye like the looks yer gettin' from the girls wit' the peg legs! Got t' run, and take care of that knife wound! Aye , I will take care of my wound . peg legs on girls hmmmm
Oy , stop sharing my exploits with everybody, both small & tall and long legged even peg legged , at the pub Besides I was drunk and it happened at the Port What happens at the Port , stays at the Port
Striker did not like the arrogant way Ioan was behaving . "There are no former owners left to claim anything . And Sir, I might warn you it could be a hazard to speak ones mind in company of people one don't .. Striker was abrupt disturbted by a knock on the door and by it opening. It was Hr. Lauritzsen his 1st lieutenant . " Goddag Hr. Kaptajn der bud til dig fra Kaptajn Sterling , en Hr Roberts" he said . Striker answered him " Send ham ind" . In came a young man that gave the Captain a nod. He then looked at Ioan and Jane. Striker looked at Ioan and told him " If you please excuse us , sir. We have some urgent business to attend " . Ioan looked at Striker and then at Roberts " Very well " he said and took a sip from the goblet before going out of the cabin. "The lady is to be trusted" Striker said to Roberts while waiting for his message from Sterling.
"I wish to thank ye , sir. Can I have the name of our savior ? " Striker said while looking at the man half hidden by the shaddows. The man came closer towards the bed where Striker was sitting with some difficulties. "you can call me Ioan " the man uttered. Striker noticed that the man's shirt was coloured by dried blood so he said "Sir , if you want a clean shirt you will find one in the closet " . "Aye that would be great " as the man turned around stripes made out dried blood were visible on his back. They became even more appearent when Ioan took off his shirt to change into one of Striker's. No doubt the weals were made by a ninetailed cat.
"It was not long ago. I came to the West Indies on my merchant ship , named HavHeksen. We were boarded by Spaniards . I lost Havheksen , but gained The Maligna ! The men did not trust me until that moment . It was then I had proven myself as a leader. " He answered Jane ,well knowing that she was changing the attention from herself , and then took a bite of the sausage on his plate.
The light was bright and seagulls could be heard . Striker opened his eyes and he could feel the slow roll of a moored ship . He recognized it right away , It was his own Ship , the galleon La Maligna . The one thing he loved about the spaniards was that they loved to lavishly decorate their ships . He was lying in his bed, that had elaborate carvings runing through it . He tried to get up , but felt a pain in back that forced him to make a light scream and lay down again. He looked around and saw Jane sleeping on two chairs put together not far from him. "Mistress !" he murmured
There was no escape as far as he could see , they were surrounded by what seemed to be four Spaniards. One near Jane and three in front of him. The worst part was that they knew who he was and he knew nothing about them nor about the cause of their ill motives. The sound and smoke from a pistol being fired from his left side made him go for two of his pistols . Then there was a second shot. One of the Spaniards infront of him fell over. As soon as he had a fast grip around the smooth handles of the flintlocks he felt as if time itself started to slow down. He could feel his heart pacing faster , but his and the assailents actions seemed to be slowing down. He could see the two Spaniards taking aim at him , which made him stand more with his side towards them so he would become a smaller target to hit . He bend his knees to get a better footing and fired one of the pistols . It roared at the Spaniards with defiance and sent a projectile racing through the air in the direction of one of the Spaniards which had aim at Striker's head. The bullet entered the eye socket , casting blood and gore onto the plaster wall on the side of the Spaniard while he was losing his grip on his pistol and his body falling down to the ground. The second Spaniard that had Striker as a target fired his pistol. The Bullet missed it's target tearing a hole in Striker's coat. Astonished of still being able to stand Striker fired his second pistol. The projectory of the bullet was the Spaniard's head . The lifeless body fell to the ground landing in a puddle from the rain earlier this evening with the water splashing to all sides of him. The water slowly turning crimson. Time began to flow it's naturally course again. Striker turned around to see what has happened with Jane . She was leaning against a rough crate and had a broken bottle in her hand. "Jane , we must go ! " Striker said with a smile upon his lips while his hand grapped one of hers, after seeing a groogy Spaniard holding a hand to his head and blood streaming down the sides of his face. Suddenly the Spaniard made a move . He ran towards Jane and Striker with a knife blade shining in the moon light. Striker took a hold of Jane pressing her body against his while turning his back to the Spaniard and felt a sharp pain in the lower part of his body. He lost his grip of Jane and fell to his knees. The Spaniard face showed that he was surprised by all of it . He turned around throwing away his blood splattered knife and ran into the safety of the night disappearing in the alleyes. Striker pulled himself up with the help of Jane. "We must go , now!" He said with pain being clear on his face , pulling Jane with one hand behind him , and the other hand holding his back ,into the alleys towards the Maligna . Not saying anything to man that helped them out.
"Best be moving a tidbit faster , Mistress " he said with anxiousness in his voice . Striker took the hand of Jane and pulled her into a alley to the left of them . "Sorry Mistress , but I think that we are being followed " he exclaimed to her . They heard the footsteps echoing through the alley , the sound completely surrounding them on all sides. Striker wished that he had left Jane behind at the Shipp Inn. "I am so sorry that I have brought you into harms way !"