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Captain Striker

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Everything posted by Captain Striker

  1. "Thanks alot , Jacky ... What would I do without you ?" Says Striker while putting the breeches on.
  2. Striker kept his eyes open if trouble should come down the stairs . He also noticed that Jane made a move as if looking for a some kind of weapon , which clearly she had forgotten to take with her . The girl started to intrigue him . The Barkeep started to settle people down , which ment that if something foul had happened it would not be reported . In other words , Striker was safe to wait for Mr. March's answer under the roof of the inn and not under the cold carpet of the stars . Jane sat down and drank her glass. She then wiped her mouth with the back of her hand , not even trying to hide the unlady like behavior. It put a smile on Striker's lips. Indeed the lass was most intrigueing to Striker . “At least your wait isn’t a dull one.” Jane remarked, raising a brow to Striker. “Now, what was this ye said about a little sup? I dare say my last meal was less than favorable.” "Your right , there is not a dull moment at the Shipp . And yes let's eat " Striker made a sign to the barmaid to come over . " two of your finest meals and a bottle of port , please ." "Thank you for joining me for supper , always hated eating alone !" said Striker to Jane while looking her into her eyes.
  3. Striker walks out to the docks on his way to his ship and meets Jacky and Ransom on his way . They notice the lack of clothing again , he is only wearing his hat . " That damn Tess .... took all of my money and clothes.... Never going to play cards with her again ! "
  4. "Nice to make your acquaintance Mistress Melchert." said Striker while he noticed that Jane's eyes caught the sight of his pistols. He saw that her facial expression changed , and that she was thinking about how good a idea it was to sit near him . Before Striker could say something to calm her down . He saw that her attention was moved towards the Barman that ran up the stairs as if the Devil was right behind. “A toast to you Mr. Striker. May whom ever you wait for arrive before your pint is dry” The filled glass was raised in Jane's thin fingers again but never reached her lips. Short time after that the sound of a gun being fired was heard , closely followed by another shot . Of all of the inns in the Port this one seemed to have a curse over it when it came to murder. First the barmaid , then Killingsworth and now this. All of them happened over a short period of time. It was not some thing Striker needed at the moment . What would happen now ? Would the Inn be closed before Sterling would be warned ?
  5. Lilly looks over at Nate.... What she owe you two silver for there, Nate? Lilly , just as Elvira said .... I win
  6. Tell me about it ... Everytime I buy something from the old colonies I pay more for the shipping then the Item .... It goes both ways , but fortunate most of the time it is still cheaper to buy it in the States and getting the item sent to Denmark , then buying it over here. By the way Rats I can only recommend armour class .... used to train with their longswords .
  7. "Shush Tess , and start playing ... by the way you owe me 2 silver "
  8. The taunting remark that came from young lady surprised Striker , it almost sounded as if it was something he himself could have uttered . It put a smile on his face , not only her remark but also the way that she reacted after she had said it. Her face turned red and she did not know what to do of herself except to take another sip out of her glass . He looked her in her eyes said to her "Sorry that I have not been so pleasent company , Mistress... but I will be now! " He had not looked proper at her before because of the distraction of wacthing the entance . The one thing that caught him now was her eyes , they was a sparckle in them that would outshine even the North Star , a clear love for life and living in the moment . The eyes seemed to draw him into a trance. "It is true that I am waiting for someone ... and they have untill dawn to find me here ,so it is quite silly of me keeping watch for so many hours to come." Striker found himself taken by the the lady's direct approach and at the same time shyness. "Mistress , it would be a pleasure to spend the waiting time with you . For as long as you want to stay that is. " Striker smiled and continued "Have you eaten yet ? I seem to have forgotten it with all of this waiting! Oh... " It came to Striker's mind that he did not know her name " Where are my manners ? Think that I have forgotten to introduce myself , I am Nathan Striker ."
  9. The young woman at the bar seemed to be in need of help of getting rid off unwanted attention . His mother had taught him to always stand up for the weaker , no matter if son of Adam or daughter Eve . It was folly he knew , he was waiting for the message from Mr. March and did not need any ekstra notice at this point. He cursed himself for being this weak. Put the two pistols back in his brace. And started the long walk up to the bar. "Sorry , but the young Mistress was waiting for me , Sir" Said Striker while positioning himself to the left of the woman. Striker took some coins out of his purse and put them on the desk while he was sizing the sailor down with his eyes. Striker knew that it would go no further then this. "A bottle of rom for the man , barkeep" The scruffy sailor accepted the bottle and walked away swaying unsteadily on his legs. Striker turned to the young lady and said " It would be a honour if ye would join me at my table ! " Before she could answer him , Striker made a low bow to her and walked back to his table and his view of the door.
  10. "Aye , they make a fine couple " Striker says while looking Tess in the eyes. "Let's play !"
  11. It became evening and Striker was still sitting in his corner at the Shipp Inn . So far nobody had tried to contact him . The only contact he had had today was with barmaid and the Inn keeper , he had instructed the keeper to send anyone to him if they asked after a Captain Striker. The inn was crowded as always at this hour , there were all kind of people here. From the rowdy sailor to libertine nobleman. one could hear several different tounges being spoken , primary english. The spirit was high and people were drinking , gambling and dancing. Striker was getting a bit tired of sitting and waiting , but he had made a gentleman's agreement to wait here untll dawn.He was focusing on the entrance door and the general area around him. He had not seen any faces he could reconize . Untill the twins that behaved awkward yesterday came in .As fish out of water , from what Striker could hear they were speaking Gaelic. He followed them with his eyes , the coats they were wearing were military issue.
  12. Very good idea Ransom.... Now we just have to keep a eye out for them Pirates
  13. "Hmmm , maybe Silkie should deal .... let's rib Tess for her belongings . She would expect you , love " said Striker with a smurk on his face. "Are you in ?.... Just nod .... here she comes , She looks angry so shhhhhh "
  14. Striker thanks Sterling for the drink "Thank ye .... It is too much . I was just seeing to yer well being , as ye would to mine " . Striker walks over to the gambling table and takes out his pouch , shakes it so the sound of coins can be heard . "Count me in ... Think the purse is to fat and needs to loose some weight " says Striker with a smurk. "Ah, some port I see ... Thank ye Jacky !" Striker sits down by the table and puts the glass he had in his hand next to his other on the table "Guess I am ready for a long night " Striker looks at Tess . "Lets play ! ... Sterling come join us."
  15. "And some Port , please " one could hear Striker say while he was seeing to Sterling
  16. Striker started to walk towards the Shipp Inn . It was busy at the docks before , but not in comparison to now . The amount of people walking and working seemed to have tripled. It seemt as if one was walking on quicksand , for every step one took one was pushed back two . Striker had a feeling of being watched . He was pushing himself through the crowd for a while , but the feeling would not seem to go away. He decided to go through the small alleyes where he could disapear . He made several different turns in the alleys amongst beggars and old hags that made the alleys their home . After twenty minutes of deliberate walking around in the maze like back alleys he knew he would be in front of the square where the Shipp Inn was located. Striker walked out on the square and continued to walk towards the two story building . Striker walked inside the Inn and found a table with it's bench against the wall and a view to the entrance.He sat down and took his tobbaco pouch and pipe out . Ordered a glass of port and started the wait . He was sure that the twins would not dare to do anything in here , besides Striker was prepaired. He had taken out 2 pistols out of his brace and laid them on the sides of him on his seat. The smoke from his pipe started to wail the features of his face , half man and half shaddow .
  17. " Ye can find me at the Shipp Inn , I will be there untill dawn " said Striker looking into Mr. March's eyes "I am sorry that I cannot say more , but I have had some unpleasent experiences before when not addressing the person that needed to be " Striker gives a bow to Mr. March and bids farewell " I will wait for the answer . Goodbye to ye , Sir " And then walks away from March that also bid him farewell. Maybe Striker should have told March about what he knew , The officer looked as he was loyal to his captain , not like other Lieutenants he had the dubious pleasure of meeting . No , maybe it was best not to tell him . Only time will show.
  18. Striker and March took a stroll on the docks . Striker started explaining himself "As I said earlier , the captain is in great danger .... It is always good to know ones enemies . In this case he already does .... I stumbled upon it last night . I heard that Killingsworth was in town and decided to act on behalf of my dearly departed cousin , which Killingsworth took by force and killed. " Striker's head started to hang low a bit "While I was waiting in the Shaddows to do the dark deed . I overheard it all , he was talking with the new threat . " Striker stoped walking and turned to look Mr.March in his eyes " Look me in the eyes , Sir " said Striker with absolute firmness " Ye can now see if I am lying or not , The new threat killed Killingsworth , but before that I overheard everything .... The plan to do Captain Sterling and Mistress McKinney in. I wish to inform the Captain of it face to face" Striker turned around and started walking again while looking into the horizon " Sir ,as far as I see ye have till morrow , after that it will be to late ! Then I fear that I cannot be of any service and nor can ye "
  19. Striker looks at Tess then at the herring in his hands ..... Then back and forth between them. And drops the fishy .... Looks at Jacky aeblekage you say ? HMMMM Sterling wait up .... besides you owe me one ... well as soon I get the news to you
  20. Striker watched March and Hazzards walk away from hearing distance , no doubt to talk about the current situation . A stranger with information .... everybody would be suspecious. Striker would even had the person dismissed right away if he did not get the information he wanted from , and Striker said dimissed he meant permenantly. March walked to Striker and said " Sir, if ye would be so kind as to take a stroll with me...perhaps someplace a bit more private along the docks?" Striker answered " Ofcourse , but Sir " He cleared his throat "we are running out of time ! The more we talk the closer the danger comes ..." Striker turned around to depart from the ship and to take a walk on the docks with Mr. March.
  21. Aye , I saw saw it with me own eyes aswell ... It sure was a STINKER And thank ye Will for the piratesday cards
  22. Ah seafood and sea breezes are great Oy Finn Brothers ,as far as I know Tess already had disposed of the body with the help of Sam ... or she was about to anyway ... Well things sure happen fast around here
  23. great pick ups for a pirate wench and Will love your talk as a pirate day card ... may there be many more to come B)
  24. The collector's edition must be bought But I could not see any deleted scenes on the list of features excpet for bloopers .... Loved the ones from the first one
  25. I remember when I first played Pirates on the AMIGA ... loved it right away .... and I still love it for the pc
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