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Captain Striker

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Everything posted by Captain Striker

  1. As a reader, non-writer in PR, I'd say CrazyChole is adept at this balancin' act (Romance and violence). On the one hand she has a character that adores Captain Striker, and one that is ready t' kill 'em. Striker sleep wit' one eye open, and keep yer pistols close. Those who feel they can do better, show us. I marvel at how well ye all play together! Nay , we trust her .... She would not harm us. But the Spaniard dogs , that is another story And as I told you earlier , Jacky. Join us at the Port .
  2. Honestly, dear Captain, do you think any of us would believe you would toss a defenseless woman overboard? Then threaten to kill anyone who attempted to save her? As soon as I read it, I knew she was dreaming and delusional. On the other hand does one really know another person ? Just joking, my dear captain:lol: . Ofcourse Sterling would not have done it !
  3. "aye, indeed . " He sat down on the other chair "I am all ears."
  4. Her statement made him more red faced then her . He cleared his throat "Ahem, all in good time . I was thinking more on these . He walked over to get some of his clothing and brought them to her.Maligna roled from side to side , Striker hated storms. "First we must be out of the clear!" he said to Jane
  5. He regreted to have waken Jane from her sleep . "Aye , that we have . Now we need to find a way around the storm or if we are lucky we can find a hole in the storm and sail right through " he said furrowing his brow. "Ye should change the clothing before you get sick "
  6. After Striker had given orders to the men the galleon started to move out of the docks and sail into the bay in the direction of the open sea . Striker stood behind the helm with Lauritzsen and Ioan by his side. La Maligna fought against the waves that pounded at her . "Hun skal nok klare det . Vi har været ude for det der har været være" Striker said to Lauritzsen while holding fast to the helm. the lieutenantagreed with him they had been out in much worse conditions. Not much worse , but still worse. He smiled to the captain. After a while the Captain changed place with Lauritzsen and went down to his cabin. He found Jane sleeping while sitting in one of the stiff chairs .She was still tucked in his coat. He went to her side and and could not help himself from looking at her. Her hair had fallen loose and hid her face .With his hand he moved her hair to the side.
  7. Just wanted to let you know that Viggo Mortensen is starring in a new Spanish movie , yep Viggo is fluent in Spanish aswell as Danish . It is called Alatriste in Spain. In the US it should be called The adventures of Captain Alatriste. Here is a link for the trailer. Cannot wait to see it! It is based upon Arturo Perez-Reverte's novels.
  8. Striker did not know why the girl made him care . He knew that if it was another woman he would have let her behind long ago . He would not even have bothered to wait at the inn to see if Lauritzsen's tale was right. He looked at her and saw that she shivered from the cold rain and harsh wind. He stoped and took off his riding coat and put it over her shoulders. He looked into her jade eyes and smiled. It had been a long time since he had been happy in it's true sense. In fact he could not remember when the last time he had felt as this.
  9. "Aye , I do . But ye have alot of explaining to do onboard the ship ." Striker took his hand out towards her . Some sailors from the Anna Rae were standing in the doorway of the inn and looking at what was happening outside with young Mr.Chole and that captain Striker. They were baffled by the whole situation.
  10. His eyes narrowed a bit and some frowns were visible upon his forehead. Striker knew that he had to get back to La Maligna before it would be too late and the storm would claim her as its own , and maybe claim some of the crew as well. "Aye , I must make way to the ship while there is still time . She must be sailed into High Seas as fast as possible! You have to make a choice , either you stay here or you follow ... " A thunder strike roared at them and his words being spoken faded away into the storm.
  11. Striker lifted his head looking into her eyes . The familiar glow in them could be seen again as the rain drops ran down the side of his face. He could see from her eyes that she was feeling powerless by the whole situation. He guessed that if she could she have changed the choices that she had made. "Go ahead , I will listen" The Danish sailor ,that came for Striker ,ran and picked it out of the it's watery grave and shook it a couple times before runing back to the captain.
  12. Striker lowered his head and looked into the muddy ground and murmured "Aye , maybe we both were fools ". A wind swept through the alley , pulling his hat off . It seemed not to affect him the least that it flew down the street before ending in a puddle.
  13. Striker turned around to face Jane with her hand still holding his arm "Yes Mr. Chole ?" .His voice sounded harsh and mellow at the same time.
  14. without taking his eyes away from the young sailor he answered the man that had invited him to the funeral feast for Anna Rae. "Sorry boyo , I have my ship to see too. Just needed to see the siren that was calling me . The next drinks are on me !" Striker withdrew a small pouch with coins from his coat and threw it on the table before the gawking crowd. The coins made sounds as they hit the hard wodden surface . The door to the inn flew open , blowing sand and leaves between the patrons and tables. Striker turned his attention to the man standing in the doorway . It was one of his men. Before the sailor in the doorway could say anything Striker gestured with his right hand for him to stay still and not utter a word. "As I said I will be on my way , good day to all of ye " He made a deep bow to the young sailor which he knew was Jane , turned and walked towards the door.
  15. One could hear a man clapping his hands .It almost sounded as the thunder that was aproaching the Isle . The man treaded out of the dark revealing himself , it was Striker . He aproached the young sailor . The sailor's face turned into a familiar redish tone. "Most impressive ... Mr. Chole , was it not ? ... Most impressive indeed" Striker said while his azure eyes starred into the jade coloured eyes of the sailor .
  16. He sat lonely in the corner of the inn with a bottle of port before him. His facial features were masked by the darkness. Striker could not believe what his First Lieutenant had told about Jane .Could it have been her . Why would she want to be pretending to be a son of Adam? He leaned over the table to take hold of his glass , his ace slightly revealed before returning to the shadows . While he sipped he pondered on what the Spaniards wanted from her , what was the connection between them and her ? Why were they attacking and following her ?
  17. Lauritzsen followed the girl through the narrow alleys and noticed that he was not the only one .There were two other sailors , dark skinned sailors . The captain had told him that the assailents the night before were Spaniards , these men looked as to be of that very same country of the cursed Iberian peninsula. What was the connection between them and the captain's girl ? He decided to see what would happen . He moved between the shadows so he would not be seen . He almost felt as if he was the good captain Striker . The captain was known for appearing out of the blue. It was almost as if he was etheral being. Aye , he had the gifts of a spectre . The crew despised it when Striker suddenly stood behind . The way that Lauritzsen saw it , it was a good way to keep the men working hard and not loafing around . The girl went into a inn with the Spaniards behind her. Lauritzsen followed. The girl went up the stairs and the followers stood around the bar observing the inn. A couple of minutes later a young sailor came down from upstairs. It was odd the sailor's facial features were somewhat familiar. It could not be , could it ?
  18. "I am as well ! " Striker answered her . He felt betrayed by the woman standing in front of him . Before jane turned around to walk out the door he said to her. "You know where I will be . I wait for ye here until yer return." Jane had to turn around to hide the one tear runing down her chin as she walked out the cabin door. Striker followed after her treading sillently . He watched as she walked down the plank . When she stood on the docks she turned around for a quick climpse before lifting a bit on her dress with both of her hands , and started to run. Striker went to Lauritzsen and asked him to make sure that she would be safe. Lauritzsen hurried to follow after her.
  19. "My Dear , you would look ravishing in anything!" Striker says while nibbling on a ghost shaped coocky
  20. "By the way Reggie , it is good to see you again... Day of the dead it truly is "
  21. "Devilishly strange or ... just cheesy ?" he laughs out
  22. Aye , welcome to the pub . Hope that your keg won't run dry because we are here for a drink
  23. "Cheesehead hats !" Striker exclaimed "Me hearthies I truly love ye , both of ye ... But Jane the most "
  24. The knock on the door continued as Striker made a deep sigh and looked at Jane . "Wait right here ,I be right back !" He said to her while runing his hand through her silk like hair before his lips met hers again . He stood out of bed and went towards the door . The knocking continued and Lauritzsen's voice could be heard. As Striker opened the door with a small gap he was informed that the wind had changed and the fire was spreading towards the docks. He gave them orders to prepair to go further out and moor in the bay , as soon as he went up on deck. As he walked back towards Jane ,that was sitting on the bed ,he told her of the situation. He could see that it sent a terror through her.
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