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Everything posted by Rateye
That sounds like a great time! SC in August?? Also sounds like a scorcher!!! Please post pics and a review of the event???!! Great idea showing the movie "ON" the light house!!! Good Form!! Rats
Relieved was Reiley as he noticed the situation was at an end. But as he saw the Mistress suddenly engulf the youngster in a similar assault on the lips, he failed to notice the barmaid passing by with a carryboard full of drinks. The collision sent the tankards onto a nearby table where several men were eating and the barmaid to a diferent table, causing another meal to sail across the room, towards yet another table. After a deathly silence as all eyes shot to the unfortunate Doctor, then to other tables where unknown grudges possibly festered, a glorious brawl was immediately called to order. ***Note(For those trying to E-mail me, Server is down. can't recieve or send. Surprised Pub it still up??!)
" A gentleman you are young sir." Reiley answered, grateful at the restraint the youngman had shown.
Find a room, seek supplies and try to lay low, was the advice he recieved. Anything more could rightly end with his neck being stretched. "My dear, this is diffinately not the sort of attention we need right now..." Reiley urged, as he politely and stratigically positioned himself between Mistress Lilly and the youngman she had so surprisingly chosen to bully. "I am sorry lad." Reiley offered in consolation. "My companion is a bit upset, and I assure you she means no offense...." "Bartender," Barked Reiley, as he pounded a few coins on the counter. "Serve this young man anything he wants, this should suffice." "Come mistress." Then whispering into Lilly's ear, as he carefully lead her away. "I will be very grateful if you do not cause any more of a disturbance. Especially when my means of quelling such an event (Jesturing towards his lack of sword or pistol) is currently at a dis-ad-vantage!!!"
She was a spitfire this lady, and to no surprise! But at the same time, there was no need to prolong the sport. "If I may?" offered Reiley, as he extended his hankerchief for the lady to use. With a playful reluctance, Lilly snatched it away. "Still a bastard..." she whispered in a sing-songy way. "...but of coarse my dear." smirked Reiley, as he drove the horses on. "and the pleasure was all mine.... mostly."
Her words were almost a whisper. Each of them music, playing to her subtle yet well-practiced movements. Only to then be followed by a single and perfectly-timed kiss, that could make any man weak in the knees and unable to stand. “A talented thief of hearts…” Thought Reiley, as he greedily welcomed her kiss. He knew all to well that a kiss could have a thousand different meanings. But from past experience and from similar ventures, something told him he should check his coin purse and also be weary of such rewards. “Perhaps a lesson should be taught here?” Thought Reiley, as he allowed himself to enjoy the moment. “Perhaps this ‘Mistress’ needs to find out the sort of ‘Gentle Man’ she has provoked…” “If that be the case my dear,” grinned Reiley, in a more surly tone. “Surely we can put off finding the good captain for… say… the next hour or so?” “I beg your pardon?” Replied Mistress McKinney, as she was taken a back by the doctor’s unexpected and direct suggestion. “After all,” He added as he pulled her close. “That is why you asked me to come on this little ‘ride’ of yours isn’t it?” Lilly couldn’t believe her ears. Here was something of a gentleman, whom she thought she could easily ensnare, only to have him suddenly turn into the wolf in sheep’s clothing. “How dare you!” Lilly hissed, as she lashed out and slapped the doctor across the face. But without a pause, Reiley had caught her hand and again pulled her close. Kissing her in a more playful yet controlling manner. “Bastard! You’ll pay for this!”” Cried Lilly, as she pulled away from his lips, only to have him slowly make his way down her neck. Then after she thrashed for a moment, he surprisingly allowed her to escape his arms. “I thank you for the generous offer my dear.” Grinned Reiley as he sat back, playfully tooling his moustache. “And though I would gladly ‘entertain’ such a tempting offer, something tells me there’s much more to you than meets the eye… ‘Mistress’ McKinney!”
"You, Boy!" yelled Reiley, at the servant working behing the inn. "Fetch a carriage at once... Be quick lad, we havn't time to waste!" "If you'll wait here mistress, I'll help the boy along!" Urged Reiley, as he darted through the rain toward the coachhouse. "Be quick Lad, a man's life could be lost!!" "You mean the one, came ere, demanding a horse?" Questioned the boy as he hooked the reigns to the horse. "The one that looked as if he was ready to.." "That would be the one, and I'll thank you to keep your opinion to yourself, especially around the young lady back there." Hissed Reiley. "Which way did he head?" "Well he couldn't have gotten far, in his shape... Saw him charge like the devil that way." "Here you go lad!" Reiley said as he tossed the boy a shilling. "now run up and help the lady into the carriage when I get there! That's a good lad!" As Reiley brought the carriage to the back door, he found Mistress McKinney being hastened by the youngman toward the carriage. "I'm afraid this will have to do, dear lady!" called Reiley as he halted the carriage. "At least it has a cover!"
Half tempted to let the two combatants destroy each other, Reiley paused, then looked around to see if anyone else could possibly be witnessing such a scene. "That is more than enough!" Barked Reiley as he slammed his hand onto the table and again slid his new found earnings across to be seen. Surprised at the sudden outburst and the viciousness that was so easily expressed, Lilly and Symms paused their tug-of-war long enough to catch the young doctor compose himself. "Now Mr. Symms, Mistress McKinney (Bowing as he spoke), we all know how important this jacket is to a certain captain to which you both wish the best for. Now Mr. Symms... You know the captain isn't in his right mind. Furthermore, I strongly believe that when he eventually is of the correct disposition, he would greatly regret and would probably not even remember giving you any such instructions. Perhaps the jacket could be "taken to the silver smith" for a period of time until the good captain can recover his wits about him. Until then I'm sure this amount will atleast suffice." Reiley watched the two mortal enemies size each other up. And though he hoped for a peaceful outcome (or at the very least an outcome that didn't involve murder or chamber pots) Something told him that this was the calm before the storm.
"Mr. Symms!" I called as I entered the kitchen. "Aye, Dr. Reiley... What is it lad, already make your fortune?" Symms replied with a smirk, as he continued to fill the tankard. "Not exactly sir, but just the same, you'll not be needing to melt them buttons down." I announced as I dropped a handfull of coins on the countertop. "And he dosn't need to know where it came from...." "As I said before... Fortune favors the foolish!"
"Where have you been, my boy??" Demanded Easterly "Your food has been cold and I almost left without you." "A bit of an upset stomach, I'm afraid." I replied as I cradled my self in an attempt to emphasize an ailment. "Perhaps it was the early morning brandy..." "That'll do it to you, I'm afraid!" Replied Easterly. "In fact it reminds me of the time......" "Allow me." I insisted, as paid for the meal with my newly aquired wealth. "Why thank you lad!" Easterly added. "Now where was I??? Oh yes! It was several years ago when..." "Doctor Easterly", I interrupted. "I hate to be so rude sir, but would it be possible for me to meet you back at your home? There are but a couple of errands I have to run. Most importantly, to make payment of a debt I had aquired." "By all means youngman!" Easterly roared. "Tend to your business. It is only right that a youngman should pay his debts." "I agree sir." I smiled. "But I shouldn't be long. Besides, I wouldn't want to miss another of your riviting stories sir." "Why thank you lad." Easterly smiled, as he patted me on the back. "I'll bid you good day then." "And good day to you sir." I bowed, then made haste to stop the good Mr. Symms from committing a tragic mistake.
"I should have kept those damn pistols.." I cursed as I made my way slowly and cautiously across the roof tops. I kept my eyes on the assassin as he went about clumsily loading his rifle, then priming the pan. "You don't even have the decentcy to look a man in the face when you kill em..." I thought as I peered around the chimney only a short distance away. But as the assassin, turned and made ready his musket, I darted from my hiding spot and drove a well-clenched fist into his brow. As the would be assassin, collapsed and dropped his musket to the ground. "Thank God!" I thought, glad that the musket hadn't gone off. But then as I rolled the scab over, I discovered a heafty coinpurse hidden on his person. "You won't be needing this my friend." I grinned, as I quickly pocketed my find. "But just incase your friends come looking for you..."
An that's why men look to the sea, me lads! That's why men look to the sea!!! R
"I have simply had enough!" I yelled like a man possessed, as I pulled the spoon from my plate. Then with one quick push of the table, I landed my left knee on the lap of Doctor Easterly, and secured the back of his head with my left hand and forearm. Then with one quick thrust, I drove the spoon deep into the doctor's adam's apple. Causing him to gasp and....... "...which is what finally brought me to Port Royal." Finished Easterly as I suddenly snapped out of the pleasant daydream, which made his story almost tollerable. And though a very likeable man, and very grateful was I for his unexpected generosity, the simple fact was that the good Doctor Easterly was about to drive me to chewing my own leg off. Therby freeing myself from the trap that I suddenly found myself in. "Pergatory." I told myself. "Every sinner must pay..." But as I blindly stared out the window, my attention was locked upon the fine carriage that had stopped across the square, at the establishment know as the Sugar Loaf. The gentleman who stepped out had to be someone of position, judging from the craftmanship of the coach. Not to mention the very well-armed guards that accompanied the gentleman. But as I watched the gentleman speak with a pair of more common folk, I couldn't help but notice, how many of the average detizens of the area were quickly beginning to clear the street. But more interesting was the trio of men, who cautiously took to an alleyway near the carriage. "Coincidence?" I wondered, as I patted my mouth with my napkin. "I tell you Reiley, she was the kind of girl that would cause desperate men to fight and jealous women to swear!!!" Spouted Easterly, completely oblivious to the peculiar events which were about to unfold. Thats when I noticed a murder of crows suddenly break into flight from the building top of which I had seen the men dissappear. As Easterly rambled on, I stood and walked to the door. Still unnoticed by the good doctor who was so deliberately sawing into his breakfast and speaking of some harlot he professed to frequent, I cautiously walked onto the sidewalk for a better look. "Something tells me a man is about to die..." I thought as I watched another merchant peer outside then cautiously close his door.
"Which is where the saying, "Bleed-em before breakfast" comes from!!" Bellowed Easterly, as he finally finished his story, then laughed like a maniac at his own joke. "I could always take one of those pistols in hand and end this... " I thought, as I laughed watching the good Doctor Easterly down the remnants of his fifth brandy. Then suddenly emmitting a loud belch that resounded through out the house. "I believe it's time for breakfast!" Easterly slurred. "What say you Doctor Reiley?!" "I say, I couldn't agree more... Doctor Easterly!" I replied with a forced and very painful smile. Easterly had been talking for over three hours in regard to humorous diseases, injuries and sites he had witnessed while practicing medicine in Port Royal. And though I would be a fool not to learn from his advice and tutoral, I couldn't help but look forward to ANY moment of silence during which the meal could offer.
"For what you've done lad, Easterly added. "Requires no such embarrasment! Furthermore I insist you keep those articles and any other that would suit you. " I couldn't believe my ears... "But now sir, I believe you deserve another drink!" He added as he patted me on the shoulder. "Please no, sir." I half-heartedly protested, still hoping to make a timely escape. "But I insist my friend!" Easterly protested."After all, honesty like yours is far from common in this world." "I couldn't agree with you more.." I grinned, as I again accepted the glass of brandy. "SO tell young doctor," Easterly demanded. "Where is it that you take residence, here in Port Royal?" "Er, ahm, I beg your pardon" I said, after almost shooting brandy from my nose and ears. "At the moment, I havn't fully established a place of residence. Having only arrived a short time ago. I have however been offered a room at the Boar's Head, having just been offered an appointment as ship's surgen aboard the Archangel." "Sterling's ship?!" Again the doctor boomed. "By God son, I knew you were a man of vision, the moment I laid eyes on you! "you don't say?" I replied remembering the image of easterly sobbing uncontrollably on his doorstep, surrounded by by a bullet-riddled doorway. "But why stay in such a place, when you can stay here!" "No sir, I really must insist..."I protested. Again almost expelling the brandy from my nose and ears. "Non-sense!" Easterly demanded. "It would be such a relief to have another practitioner of medicine under the same roof! Please say you'll agree....!?" "I would be delighted" I smiled, realizing I had no other choice. "Very well then... Here's to you Doctor Reiley!" Toasted Easterly. "And to you sir..." I added. "For your endless generosity..."
"A room of anger, spite and malice... And I'm damn lucky to be out of there." I thought, as I made my way to return the pilfered medicines and instruments. "But just the same a decent man and a lovely lady." I returned the jacket to Mr. Symms as instructed. However, watching as he examined the buttons on the captain's jacket I couldn't help but feel sympathetic for his current plyte and the difficulty of melting down such important pieces. "You know you can't Mr. Symms, as do I." I grinned, as brushed by. "Perhaps if you were to manage to delay said payment, a means will present itself." "A rich man are you then?" grinned Symms, implying my current poverty. "Not necessarily, Mr. Symms. But as they say, fortune favors the foolish!" I sung, as I trotted to the home of Dr. Easterly. However, as I returned to the home of Dr. Easterly, I found a bullet riddled front door and a very upset fellow sitting on the door step. "Dr. Easterly, I persume?" I sheepishly asked, already knowing the answer. "Look what they did to my house!" Easterly whimpered between heavy sobs. "Why would they do such a thing?" It was obvious this wasn't going to be easy, but with the opportunity to lead an honest life, it would take just a moment of..... "Well sir, I'm told they caught the ruffians who caused this disaster. And if it's any consolation sir, I believe these articles belong to you." Looking up from his tear-soaked hankerchief, Easterly noticed the medical case and supplies of which I had stolen the night before. "My instruments!" He bellowed, "My God, youngman! How did you find them?" "Well sir" I replied, clearing my throat. "It really is something of a long story." "No matter, my boy!" He interrupted. "But where are my manners? Come in! Come in!" Inside the house, Easterly went about pouring two glasses of the fine Brandy which I had almost finished the night before. "So tell me Mr??" "Reiley." I answered, as I greedily accepted the drink. "Actually that would be... Doctor Reiley" I quickly added. "How did you ever know where to find me?" Easterly questioned. "Better think fast little rabbit!" I thought, as a watched Easterly draw a puzzled look across his face. "Remember your a gentleman now, God forbid!" "Well sir, on the evening last, I was set upon by a roving band of hooligans. However, luckily I was saved by a good samaritain, who thankfully drove off the ruffians. (Then noticing easterly was engrossed in the story) But not before availing them to a sound thrashing!" "Oh, jolly good, young man!" Spouted Easterly, pounding his hand on the table. "For as you sow." "So shall you reap!" I replied with a nod, allowing myself to be lead to the pulpit. "However, after the scoundrels were routed, I noticed a package and also a fine display case, with two wonderful dueling pistols inside.... Well, after closer inspection, I surmised from the inscription that the proper owner could only be you sir. And therefore I felt it only honorable that I should return this property to the rightful owner." "Now sir," I paused for a moment, in an effort to show sadness and regret. "There is also a more embarrising element to this story.... You see sir, prior to the assistance rendered by the good samaritain, various articles of my clothing was also made off with. And though I am quite embarrassed to admit this, among the pilfered items were several articles of clothing which also belonged to you. Which is the reason sir, I must confess, that I am wearing.... Ahm(I stalled. Clearing my throat)..... pieces from your wardrobe...." After taking a long hard look at me, I was sure the doctor would surely call for the local magistrate. "By God Son!", Easterly boomed. "Don't you dare insult me with such a confession!"
As I covered Mistress McKinney with my pilfered coat, I offered a simple muse in an attempted to quell the lady’s anger, so viciously directed at the unfortunate Mr. Symms. “Something tells me ‘Doctor’ Reiley, that you are far from unfamiliar with such incidents.” The Mistress huffed, as she accepted my coat. “But I thank you just the same.” She added, as she allowed a slight grin of satisfaction to escape. However leading her to the captain’s room, I immediately noticed she was favoring her right wrist. An injury caused from her tussle with Mr. Symms no doubt. Upon entering the captain’s chamber, I immediately served Mistress McKinney a small drink to which I quickly tailored for just such an occasion. “Drink slow m-lady,” I cautioned, as she surprisingly accepted my offer. “And if you will allow me Miss, I would have a look at yer wrist… To make sure you’re not injured, that is.” I quickly added, as she suddenly shot a look of suspicion in my direction. However, regardless of her initial thoughts, the young lady eventually agreed, as she placed her glass on the table next to her.
Perhaps it was the manner to which he looked directly into my eyes when he spoke, that almost stopped me in my tracks. But not out of fear necessarily, though it was obvious this man was not to be trifled with. But rather it was the simple fact, that when the captain spoke to me, it was with respect and appreciation. “By God.” I thought. I couldn’t remember when any one of position had ever spoken to me in such a manner. But when he also offered the position of ships doctor… I didn’t know what to say “Captain Sterling Sir.” I said, feeling a knot tighten in my stomach. “It’s obvious you’re the kind of leader that inspires those around him. Otherwise you wouldn’t have men like Mr. Hazards or the good Mr. Symms there willing to follow you to the ends of the world.” “But the truth is Sir, I know nothing of the sea, except for the sickness to which it causes my stomach and the dangers that are fabled to exist within it. However, your offer presents an invintation to which few men have ever been allowed… A chance to start over.” As I spoke with the captain, I was reluctant to admit that aside from tending to my own wounds, he was only one of a handful of people I had thus far successfully treated. And that most others had either died during treatment or had sustained their illness or injury. “I will be honest sir, because having presented an offer such as you have, I believe you deserve the truth... Though I may present myself a gentleman and doctor, I have also been a thief, a beggar, an outlaw and a highwayman. Furthermore I am presently wante—.” “Furthermore, Dr. Reiley,” The captain interrupted as if he hadn’t heard a word I had spoken. “I believe that I made you a business offer, sir. Therefore I feel it would only be proper for gentleman such as yourself should in-turn provide a response.” Again I was speechless. Here was a man willing to look beyond my crimes and still offer me a position, to which was usually reserved for men of higher standing than myself “Yes sir,” I said, when I was finally able to compose myself. “If it’s a cutter you need, then I’m yer man.” “Very well then.” Replied Sterling, in a manner which implied the subject was to be put behind and forgotten. But when a sudden commotion errupted, followed by a declaration of "Murder", I found myself darting through the door with hand on pistol. As I reached the stairs, "By God!" I thought... For I simply could not believe what I was seeing.....
"You really got yer self in it this time boy-o." I thought as I shook the captain's hand. "Better think fast little rabbit or you'll find yerself in the cook pot." "No thanks is necessary Captain Sterling." I replied as I shook the gentleman's hand. "It was the least I could do for the assistance your man Hazzards had offered to me." The pausing for a second, "Also I would have to correct Mr. Symms, for I am not Dr. Easterly's assistant... Though a doctor of medicine just the same, I am just glad that I was able to provide the needed care to see you well again. Which is all that is important." "Wouldn't you agree?"
With a change in luck, I find myself in uncharted territory. For some unknown reason, I've been allowed a second chance in life to once more use the skills of medicine I had learned as a young man. It is a far cry from an outlaw's life. However, it is a second chance just the same. Which is more than I would have ever recieved while standing on the gallows. As I watch the man Hazzards lead the watchman on a fool's errand, I make my way to the room of Captain Sterling. My goal is now to check upon his well being and to retrieve the pilfered medicines and surgical instrumentations from the generous Doctor Easterly. Knocking on the chamber door, I was welcomed by the man Symms. "Mr., I mean Dr. Reiley! Come in lad, come in... We were just talking about you." Unaware of whom he was referring to,"We?" I questioned.
Mr. Lassiter? What would you think about making instruments?? After all, some are no different than kitchen or carpentry tools... I would love to find a very large and crude cast iron pliers also. Any ideas? R
Well here's on of my all time favorites. Though it's not exactly a seafaring song it could definately be used. What I perfer is to utilize a good slamming of the tankards during the chorus. Reilly’s Daughter As I was sitting by the fire, Eatin’ spuds and drinkin’ porter Suddenly a thought came into my mind: I'd like to marry old Reilly's daughter, Chorus: Diddly I ow, Diddly I Ay, Diddly I ow, For the one-eyed Reilly, Diddly I ow, (Boom! Boom! Boom! ) Play it on your old bass drum. Reilly played on the big bass drum Reilly had a mind for murder and slaughter, Reilly had a bright red gilmerin’ eye, He kept that eye on his lovely daughter. Chorus: Diddly I ow, Diddly I Ay, Diddly I ow, For the one-eyed Reilly, Diddly I ow, (Boom! Boom! Boom! ) Play it on your old bass drum. Her hair was black and her eyes were blue The colonel and the major and the captain sought her Sergeant and the private and the drummer boy, too Never had a chance with Reilly's daughter. Chorus: Diddly I ow, Diddly I Ay, Diddly I ow, For the one-eyed Reilly, Diddly I ow, (Boom! Boom! Boom! ) Play it on your old bass drum. I got me a ring and a parson, too, I got me a 'scratch' in the married quarter Settled me down for a peaceful life, Happy as a king with Reilly's daughter. Chorus: Diddly I ow, Diddly I Ay, Diddly I ow, For the one eyed Reilly, Diddly I ow, (Boom! Boom! Boom! ) Play it on your old bass drum. Suddenly footsteps on the stairs, Who could it be? Reilly out for slaughter! With two pistols in his hand Lookin’ for the man who married his daughter. Chorus: Diddly I ow, Diddly I Ay, Diddly I ow, For the one-eyed Reilly, Diddly I ow, (Boom! Boom! Boom! ) Play it on your old bass drum. I grabbed old Reilly by the hair, Rammed his head in a pail of water, Fired his pistols in the air, Insightin’ murder cuz I married his daughter. Chorus: Diddly I ow, Diddly I Ay, Diddly I ow, For the one-eyed Reilly, Diddly I ow, (Boom! Boom! Boom! ) Play it on your old bass drum. Just play it on yer old bass drum! Hope ye like it! Rats
Great story! Great topic!! I spent an entire Saturday a few months back just looking up superstitions and folk lore for possible halloween ties for reenactment pourposes. That might have to be added! Well done! Rats
Aye mate, I tried doing a search for anything related to the event yer talking about. Only I havn't found a thing. If ye got any links to be offering for the skivey on this event, please post it. Rats
Excellent! Though I'm sure it's well worth the purchase, do you by chance own the book? Again, many thanks R