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Everything posted by Rateye
"I thank you good sir. Answered Reiley. "But to be honest, I have no plans to argue with or press an unfamiliar mount. Especially when it belongs to someone else." Then stepping closer, to the young master and gesturing toward the carriage "I thank you again." Added Reiley. "and I'm sure that any comforting words spoken in travel, would not be out of place... But I am very grateful." "Mr. Davis!" Reiley called, to the youngman. "You're familiar with the task at hand?" "That I am sir," Replied Davis. "But we best it be slow, with the rain an' all." "Then slow it will be..." agreed Reiley.
This does seem right up our alley! http://www.specialtymile.com/southbendrepl...licas/page2.htm However, I just called and they're asking $7,830.00 for a shooter barrel without the carriage. Let the Fred and Barney schemes begin!! Rats
Crewe Forum? Great idea! Oy Pete! Try Xmas lights. Especially the ones that flash on and off Rats!
Surprised was Reiley, to see the young mistress' playfully banter. "M-Lady, the only "French" which I am familiar with...." Smiled Reiley, as he suddenly caught himself. "... Unfortunately m-Lady, I am unfamiliar with the language... In truth, I fear I've taken a turn for the worst with my own spoken word. Mayhaps you would be so kind as to decipher the writing?"
Like me good Captain says, that's why we're here! I'm sure we've all been there, kicking ourselves. But if I can help someone avoid an expensive mistake, why not do it! Take care! Rats!
"Indeed.....? Paused Reiley, as he began to remember the tasks he was preparing, "Before the assassination attempt of my good captain, I was looking to the procurement of medicines and supplies in prepration for our venture.... Mayhaps m-Lady has the needed resources for aquiring such physic properties?"
'ere you go Chole! http://www.periodfabric.com/default.htm This is where 'ol Rats procured his textiles for his jack. They had it shipped in about three days and were great to work with. If interested you can call and ask about swatches to be sent. they also have more than what is on the web. So give em a call and tell em what you'd be needin'. Here's to ya and thanks for the compliments! I geuss our good Captain Sterling's influence tends to rub off. Even on the likes of me. Thanks again to you Sir! Take care Rats!
"How right you are m-Lady." nodded Reiley, as he took another drink. "But that's the problem with those who have never gone hungry, taken a chance or known fear... In their world, it's easy to hide behind a locked door or paper-thin wall, thus allowing them to cast judgement as they frantically pray that the ravenous world dosn't swoop down, carry them off and feed them to the ever-hungry darkness..." "If they only knew what they were missing..." grinned Reiley, as he lifted his glass to Aurore. "Wouldn't you agree, m-Lady?"
I thank ye my dear! I have to admit, though I favor myself as the very best of riff-raff, the gents I manage have been especially unpleasant and quite.... Dangerous I am simply looking forward the next raid or at the very least RF2! But I thank ye again! Rats!
Works been hell! I can't wait to see the pics!! Someone buy ol Rats a drink!!!! RATS!
Indeed my dear! What more could a scoundrel want!? However I'm still wondering when my makeover pics are going to appear??? I'm almost scared Rats
Friday: 3pm til 8pm = play time... 8pm til ? = = in the morning Saturday: Early wake up and play the game 9pm til 6pm, then sleep or eat, then til = Sunday: Another early wake up for 9pm play time = hangover, then head for home at 2pm??? Did I mention nothing good can come of this!!! Dead men..... I mean drunk men tell no tales!!!!
If anyone hopes to stay there, ye better look top making room arrangements. I'm told they're running low!! It's about $95 per night for double rooms. Rats!
I'd pay that just to 'ave me hand holded... helded.... Ah forget it, I better get back to work! RATS!
Miss Robin Was the pierced lass you accointed yerself with ontop of the stoneworks. She was the lass who gave the feather to young miss Elizabeth. Remember??? Rats!
Did someone say Prickiddy Stitch? Oy Captain! I also noticed the pockets on most of our coats have very simple pocket flaps, rather than the elaborate curves and such as seen in Revwar etc??? Though the brown coat pic had a very sharp variation??? Rats
Oy CaP'N PETE! Is it the shot by the stage were we all were able jump in? We actually had a few good ops! If I remember right, I took an excellent shot of you and the young lady "Robin" I believe her name was??? Rock ON! Remember?? It was with Lieutanant March's camera though so we'll have to get that from the Marchs. What a great time! RATS!
Me thinks a bit of pay back is about to be unleashed by our good captain. RATS!
How right you are dear lady! And like the good captain has said, even the river styx couldn't keep this no-gooder from a party such as that which is a brewing! And the first round is on ol' Rats! In that you can be sure!!
I am so insanely looking forward to this event!!! If you're not in jail, the hospital or the morgue, you have to be there!! Rats
"You were saying doctor?" insisted Sterling, ignoring the interruption. Pausing for a moment, Reiley realized the good captain was already aware of what he was about to say. Furthermore with the offer for a meal that could already be described as smelling wonderful, he felt it unnecessary to continue with his preaching. "I believe it time to eat!" smiled Reiley with a smug grin, as he ended his parental thrashing. "Now see here! Insisted Sterling However the doctor was already walking out of the room. "I'll be sure to have some delicious broth brought up, " Added Reiley, as he excused himself. "We shouldn't eat too hearty, now should we! Bon appetite mon Capi-tan!"
Aye! Here's to de Empress of de Prickiddy Stitch!
What a great time was had! Though not open any longer, I think a raid should be put in the works for either the 14th or the 21st of October! Think I'll start looking around to see what's available! Maybe some local bar or interesting establishment wouldn't mind a raid! ..............any ideas? Rats
Jacob Reiley AKA: Rats O’Reiley Occupation: Ship’s Surgeon on the Archangel and recovering outlaw Discription: Mid 30s, dark hair, green eyes and though he cleans up well enough, he's a typical scoundrel. However he’s a loyal scoundrel! Currently the authorities of London and Port Royal have warrants for an outlaw known as Rats O’Reiley. Jacob Reiley is also wanted in London for the death of a magistrate’s son. Background: His father was lost while serving in the colonies. His mother served on a large estate where he became friend with the landlord’s son. After the young man died, the landlord somewhat favored the young Reiley and eventually “arranged” an appointment to Guy’s school of medicine in London. Following the death of a young lady, Reiley challenged a fellow student to a duel. After killing said student, who happened to be a local magistrate’s son, Reiley took to the road as a wanted man. Eventually falling in with a well-known highwayman and duelist known as Grady Lords, Reiley began his apprenticeship in criminal arts as Rats O'Reiley. Following the heroic death of “ol’ Grady” and with the authorities hot on his trial, Reiley “talked” his way into the service of a gentleman and his wife (more due to servicing the wife) who were traveling to Port Royal. While enroute, the lady whom Reiley was “favored” by became ill and died before reaching Port Royal. Without need of a servant, Reiley was without occupation and returned to his career of lawlessness as Rats O'Reiley. Eventually captured by the bounty hunting Allister Brothers, Reiley escaped and managed to secure himself the position of ship’s surgeon onboard the Archangel. Though very capable in the medical arts, Reiley has the bedside manner of a tapster. He's straight forward and to the point, but he has also learned to pick his battles wisely. He is frustratingly drawn to Mistress McKinney, has a great respect for the good Captain Sterling, and owes a debt to Mr. Hazzards for saving his life. ADDITIONAL SUPPORTING CHARACTERS: Young Mr. Davis: A young seaman fron the Archangel assigned to assist and "keep an eye" on Doctor Reiley. Reiley has a fondness for the lad because he reminds Reiley of himself as a youngman. Though far from educated, young Mr. Davis has a surprisingly strong stomach, a good eye for detail and the makings of a good surgeon's mate. Doctor Owen Easterly: A local surgeon who has befriended Reiley. Easterly is the sort who will talk and talk until you wish to physically harm him. He loves his drink and a good story. Easterly is a widower. Abbigale "Abbi" Crane Abbi runs a mill and coachhouse on the outskirts of Port Royal. She is a good source of information and rumor and is well informed. She is trusted by Reiley and is somewhat a mother figure to him. Abbi lost her husband "Danny Boy" Crane to the gallows as a unsuccessful pirate. And though a widow, she is a spitfire with a razor sharp tongue!
As the door flew open, the young Mr. Davis quickly sloshed his way into the room. "We'll be bleedin' him then?" Davis almost cheered, as he hurried with a bucket of hot water almost as big as he. Then quickly ducked his head, as the captain shot him a slighted eye. "On the contrary Mr. Davis." Reiley answered, as he continued to examine the good captain and his wound. "However, while I change the captain's dressings, you will find one of Mistress Devareaux's attendants. Explain that the captain requests a word, do not dare go looking for the lady herself, remember you are a guest." "Right sir!" replied Davis, as he took to his task. For a moment, the wasn't a word spoken between either Reiley or the Captain as the Captain's wound was being cleaned. It was obvious that the situation was somewhat uncomfortable, yet honest words would eventually be needed. "Alright Captain," Started Reiley, as he continued dressing the Captain's wound. "I'm not one to just force opinion onto anyone. I've spent the last few years not giving a damn for anyone but my own self.... But for some reason I find myself tending to you. Which in itself is remarkable since in truth, I've taken more lives than I've saved. However, I am a man of my word and therefore I will attempt to serve in the capacity of which my station is required." "Does your station also include the local vickor?" Growled Sterling, becomming annoyed at the unexpected sermon. "Not at all." Answered Reiley as he allowed a stitch to be caught by the wash cloth, causing Sterling to wince. "But I will say this for you Captain Sterling..... There are a good many souls, including me own self, who rely on your well being.... Now I could easily return to a life of lawless pursuit. However, I doubt your entire crew, let alone others would be as fortunate...... So I'll say this planely...... You sir , need to pull your head from.." Suddenly there was a gentle knocking at the door.